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Sensor Calibration Tools

Calibration tools for sensors used in autonomous driving and robotics (camera, lidar, and radar).

Table of contents



  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • ROS2 Humble

Installation alongside autoware

After installing autoware (please see source-installation page), execute the following commands:

cd autoware
vcs import src < calibration_tools.repos
rosdep install -y --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Standalone installation (for non-autoware users)

The sensor calibration tools are usually used as part of the autoware ecosystem. However, they can also be used for projects outside autoware, or even outside autonomous driving. Note: due to its use in autoware, even if it is possible to use the sensor calibration tools independently, due to some light dependencies, parts of autoware still need to be downloaded, even if they are not all compiled.

The following commands present an example of how to install the sensor calibration tools and their dependencies assuming you have a ROS2 workspace called workspace (if the workspace is new, the user must also create the src directory inside the workspace):

# Install vcs (if needed, follow the instructions from
sudo apt-get install python3-vcstool

# Download the calibration tools and its dependencies
cd workspace
vcs import src < calibration_tools_standalone.repos

# Install all the dependencies from rosdep
rosdep install -y --from-paths `colcon list --packages-up-to sensor_calibration_tools -p` --ignore-src

# Build the sensor calibration tools. sensor_calibration_tools is a meta package that guarantees that only the related packages are compiled
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --packages-up-to sensor_calibration_tools

Standalone installation using Docker (for non-autoware users)

With a similar motivation to that of the previous Section, in some cases, a native build is not possible nor convenient. To accommodate those situations, we also offer the sensor calibration tools as a docker image:

# Build
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --ssh default -t -f docker/Dockerfile ..

# Run - Modify if needed
docker run --gpus all --net=host -e ROS_DOMAIN_ID=$ROS_DOMAIN_ID -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri -it /bin/bash

# If user encounters issues like "Authorization required", use one of the alternatives below.
# Solution 1 (Not recommended):
xhost +local:docker

# Solution 2:
touch /tmp/.docker.xauth
chmod a+r /tmp/.docker.xauth

xauth nlist $DISPLAY | sed -e 's/^..../ffff/' | xauth -f /tmp/.docker.xauth nmerge -

docker run --gpus all --net=host \
  -e XAUTHORITY=/tmp/.docker.xauth \
  -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
  -v /tmp/.docker.xauth:/tmp/.docker.xauth \
  --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri \
  -it /bin/bash

Available tools

Extrinsic calibration tools

Name Sensors calibrated Feature type Calibration type Documentation Tutorial
ground plane calibrator base-lidar ground roll, pitch, z N/A N/A
interactive camera-lidar calibrator camera-lidar manual correspondences full pose N/A N/A
lidar-lidar 2d calibrator lidar-lidar natural features x, y, yaw N/A N/A
mapping calibrator (lidar-lidar) lidar-lidar natural features full pose Link Link
mapping calibrator (base-lidar) base-lidar natural features and ground roll, pitch, and z N/A N/A
marker radar-lidar calibrator radar-lidar marker x, y, yaw Link Link
tag-based PnP calibrator camera-lidar marker full pose Link Link
tag-based SfM calibrator camera-lidar-base marker full pose Link Link

Intrinsic calibration tools

Name Sensors calibrated Feature type Calibration type Documentation Tutorial
camera intrinsics calibrator camera intrinsics calibration boards OpenCV camera model N/A N/A


The sensor calibration tools repository provides multiple alternatives for both intrinsic and extrinsic calibration. That being said, the rest of this document focuses only on extrinsic calibration since camera intrinsic calibration is a direct and easy-to-understand process.

The architecture of the extrinsic calibration process consists of two entities: the calibrator node itself and the sensor calibration manager (additional nodes may be used, but they do not participate directly in the calibration process). In what follows, we proceed to detail the roles of each one of these elements.

Calibrator node

The calibrator node is a regular node that implements the ExtrinsicCalibrator service:

tier4_calibration_msgs/CalibrationResult[] results

where CalibrationResult contains a transformation between frames, a status flag, and optional scores and text messages for evaluation and debug purposes.

geometry_msgs/TransformStamped transform_stamped
bool success
float32 score
std_msgs/String message

The design is intended to decouple the calibrator node and its internal logic as much as possible from the details of a particular calibration use-case and the tf structure used. The code of the calibrator itself is agnostic to everything other than its particular task, with the service request not even containing the frames to calibrate. This way, all use-case-specific concerns are specified during node and launcher configuration implemented in the sensor_calibration_manager package, achieving a high level of separation of concerns and code reusability.

Sensor calibration manager

Although the calibrator process can be performed directly via launching the calibrator node (which involves non-trivial parameterization) and using the service interface using the CLI (ros2 service call ...), it is highly recommended to automate the process using the sensor_calibration_manager package. The sensor_calibration_manager implements a UI that allows the user to select a particular combination of project and calibrator, makes sure that the required tf and services are available, and processes/saves the calibration results.

Projects and calibrators

At TIER IV, we currently run several projects that use various types of sensors. However, we do not create calibrators nodes for each particular project, and instead reuse the same code, only modifying the parameters and helper nodes. To achieve this, in the sensor_calibration_manager package, we introduce the concepts of projects and calibrators. In this context, a project consists of a list of calibrators (note that in this context calibrators are different from calibrator nodes), with the same calibrator (semantically) being able to belong to multiple projects.

An example of the files involved in this scheme is:

cd sensor_calibration_manager/sensor_calibration_manager/calibrators && find .

In this example, the calibrators folder is placed inside the sensor_calibration_manager package, each project is organized in its own folder (e.g., projectA, projectB, and projectC), and inside each project folder, one or more calibrators are represented via python files (e.g.,,, and

  • Note how some calibrators are present in more than one project. This essentially means that said calibrator can be used in multiple projects, albeit with its own set of configuration files (more on this later). For example, we would like to calibrate buses and robo-taxis with the tag-based PnP calibrator method.
  • files are used to register the projects and calibrators within the sensor_calibration_manager package. How to write these files is explained in the Integration Section.

Calibrator interface

A calibrator interface is the representation of the calibration process inside the sensor_calibration_manager package. It specifies its project, the calibrator name, the tfs that are required during the calibration process, and the expected frames that the calibrator node should return.

Following the previous example, the file could be implemented as follows:

    project_name="projectA", calibrator_name="calibratorA"
class CalibratorA(CalibratorBase):
    required_frames = ["calibration_parent_frame", "calibration_child_frame", "auxiliar_frame"]

    def __init__(self, ros_interface: RosInterface, **kwargs):

                FramePair(parent="calibration_parent_frame", child="calibration_child_frame"),

In addition to specifying required_frames and services_name, the calibrator interfaces are also used to post-process the calibration results if needed to conform to robotics frame conventions and other project-specific requirements.

For example, camera-lidar calibration returns the tf from the optical_link to the lidar frame itself. However, in most scenarios, instead of the optical_link, the camera_link is preferred in configuration files (the camera_link has different axes), and for some lidars, integrators would prefer to use their base_link or footprint (not to be confused with the vehicle's base_link) since it allows them to work better with CAD files.

At TIER IV, most sensors are mounted in a structure called sensor_kit and most tfs that correspond to sensor calibration either start or end at this frame (e.g., base_link to sensor_kit or sensor_kit to lidar_base_link).

In particular, for the case of camera-lidar, the tf that represents the camera-lidar calibration in most of our projects is sensor_kit_base_link to cameraX/camera_link. To transform the tf that the calibrator returns (cameraX/camera_optical_link to lidar) to the one we need to save, the post-process step can be implemented as follows:

# Taken from sensor_calibration_manager/sensor_calibration_manager/calibrators/xx1/
def post_process(self, calibration_transforms: Dict[str, Dict[str, np.array]]):
    optical_link_to_lidar_transform = calibration_transforms[
    sensor_kit_to_lidar_transform = self.get_transform_matrix(
        "sensor_kit_base_link", "velodyne_top"
    camera_to_optical_link_transform = self.get_transform_matrix(
        f"{self.camera_name}/camera_link", f"{self.camera_name}/camera_optical_link"
    sensor_kit_camera_link_transform = np.linalg.inv(
        @ optical_link_to_lidar_transform
        @ np.linalg.inv(sensor_kit_to_lidar_transform)

    result = {
        "sensor_kit_base_link": {
            f"{self.camera_name}/camera_link": sensor_kit_camera_link_transform
    return result

*Note: in this example, sensor_kit_to_lidar_transform is assumed as known and is fixed, since it corresponds to a previous lidar-lidar calibration result or it is a hardcoded value.

Launch files

The calibrator interface does not implement any of the ROS logic in terms of the involved nodes. This part of the process is implemented by regular launch files that are called by the sensor_calibration_manager package.

Following the previous example, the launcher structure would be as follows:


*Note: a calibrator interface with the values project_name="projectA" and calibrator_name="calibratorA" will launch launch/projectA/calibratorA.launch.xml

The launch file can have arguments with and without default arguments that will be automatically transformed into a configurable UI so the user can set them during start-up. One point of note is that the service specified in the calibrator interface must be offered by a node in the launch file.

*Note: the values of the arguments defined in the launcher file are accessible to the calibration interface via kwargs.

Launching the sensor calibration manager

To use the calibration manager, execute the following command (after sourcing the ROS workspace):

ros2 run sensor_calibration_manager sensor_calibration_manager

The following window will be displayed:


Then, the user must select a combination of project and calibrator and press Continue, which will display the following menu:


Here, the user must configure the launcher arguments as required. Since we are using the combination of default_project and tag_based_pnp_calibrator, the launcher file being parameterized under the hood is sensor_calibration_manager/launch/default_project/tag_based_pnp_calibrator.launch.xml. Once the user finishes setting the parameter, he must click the Launch button.

After this, the sensor calibrator manager will execute the previous launch file with the corresponding parameters and internally use sensor_calibration_manager/sensor_calibration_manager/calibrators/default_project/ as its calibrator interface. The following window will be displayed:


If the calibrator node launches successfully, its service becomes available, and the required tf are all present, the calibrate button should become enabled. Clicking this calls the calibration service, and starts the process.

For visualization purposes, the sensor calibration manager displays the required tf specified in the calibrator interface as shown in the following image:


Once the calibration finishes, the result from the ExtrinsicCalibrator is displayed in the Calibration tree widget as shown in the following image:


If the calibrator interface had post-processing steps, the Final TF tree widget would show the processed results. In this case, since there is not a post-process step, both widgets are the same.

Finally, to save the results, press the save calibration button.



Using your vehicle/robot

Although we provide several projects and examples, in most cases the user would need to modify several parts of this repository to create their calibration projects. To ease this process, we also created a default_project that exposes most of each calibrator's parameters so that users can use this repository without creating any new files. In turn, however, they must properly configure most of the calibrator's options in the Launcher configuration widget, which is mostly done automatically in our internal projects.

Create a new project

If the default project is not enough or does not meet the needs of the user (for example, if they are going to start projects that require running the tools frequently), it is relatively easy to create new projects and calibrator interfaces. In what follows, we will create a new project titled my_new_project with a calibrator called my_new_calibrator.

First, to make my_new_project known within the sensor_calibration_manager package, add the following line to sensor_calibration_manager/sensor_calibration_manager/calibrators/

from .my_new_project import *  # noqa: F401, F403

This will make the UI attempt to load all the calibration interfaces of my_new_project. Then, create a file called sensor_calibration_manager/sensor_calibration_manager/calibrators/my_new_project/

from .my_new_calibrator import MyNewCalibrator

__all__ = [

This will make MyNewCalibrator to be imported when importing my_new_project. After this, create a file called sensor_calibration_manager/sensor_calibration_manager/calibrators/my_new_project/ with the following contents:

from sensor_calibration_manager.calibrator_base import CalibratorBase
from sensor_calibration_manager.calibrator_registry import CalibratorRegistry
from sensor_calibration_manager.ros_interface import RosInterface
from sensor_calibration_manager.types import FramePair

    project_name="my_new_project", calibrator_name="my_new_calibrator"
class MyNewCalibrator(CalibratorBase):
    required_frames = []

    def __init__(self, ros_interface: RosInterface, **kwargs):

        self.source_frame: str = kwargs["source_frame"]
        self.target_frame: str = kwargs["target_frame"]

        self.required_frames.extend([self.base_frame, self.source_frame, self.target_frame])

                FramePair(parent=self.target_frame, child=self.source_frame),

This calibrator will expect a calibrator between source_frame and target_frame, which are parameters provided by the user through the launcher file.

Finally, the user must create the correspondent launch file sensor_calibration_manager/launch/my_new_project/my_new_calibrator.launch.xml. The launcher itself must contain the following arguments to match the calibrator interface:

<arg name="source_frame"/>
<arg name="target_frame"/>

Default values are optional, and somewhere within the launch file, the user needs to add a node that provides the calibrate_service_name to match the calibrator interface. Complete examples of the contents of the launcher and calibration interfaces can be found in our current projects and calibrators.

Integrate a new calibrator

In the previous Section, we created a new calibrator interface and added it to the sensor calibration manager. However, that assumes that the user will use one of the calibrator packages offered by the sensor calibration tools.

In the case the user wants to integrate his own algorithms, he must comply with the following the instructions, which assume the reader knows and is used to creating ROS2 packages.

  • Create a ROS2 package called my_new_calibrator_package. The node itself needs to be part of a multi-thread executor with at least two threads. This is due to the calibration service call only returning once the calibration process finishes.
  • Add a dependency to the tier4_calibration_msgs package in package.xml to use the calibration services.
  • In the node's header file add a calibration service.
  • In most cases, creating a group exclusive to the services is also required.

In the header file:

rclcpp::Service<tier4_calibration_msgs::srv::ExtrinsicCalibrator>::SharedPtr service_server_;
rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr srv_callback_group_

In the source file:

// The service server runs in a dedicated thread since it is a blocking call
srv_callback_group_ = create_callback_group(rclcpp::CallbackGroupType::MutuallyExclusive);

service_server_ = this->create_service<tier4_calibration_msgs::srv::ExtrinsicCalibrator>(
    &MyNewCalibratorPackage::requestReceivedCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1,
  rmw_qos_profile_services_default, srv_callback_group_);

In addition to this, the user must implement requestReceivedCallback to comply with the interface.