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Kusto queries

Kusto query for alerts if using Log Analytics

AppTraces | where TimeGenerated > ago(5m) | where Properties.CategoryName startswith "RM.Gateway.Outbound" | where Properties.EventName == "rm_api006_successfully_called_rm_api" | top 1 by OperationId

Kusto query for alerts if using Application Insights

traces | where timestamp > ago(24h) | where customDimensions.CategoryName startswith "RM.Gateway.Outbound" | where customDimensions.EventName == "rm_api006_successfully_called_rm_api" | top 1 by operation_Id

Kusto query for overall status

let EventNames = datatable(EventName: string) [ "last_event_name_api_001", "last_event_name_api_002", "last_event_name_api_003", "rm_api006_successfully_called_rm_api" ]; let CustomEventNames = datatable(EventName: string, API: string) [ "rm_api006_successfully_called_rm_api", "API006", "last_event_name_api_001", "API001", "last_event_name_api_002", "API002", "last_event_name_api_003", "API003" ]; let EventCounts = AppTraces | where TimeGenerated > ago(5m) | where Properties.CategoryName startswith "IBIS.Gateway.Outbound" or Properties.CategoryName startswith "RM.Gateway.Outbound" | extend EventName = tostring(Properties.EventName) | join kind=inner (EventNames) on EventName | summarize EventCount = count() by EventName; EventNames | join kind=fullouter (CustomEventNames) on EventName | join kind=fullouter (EventCounts) on EventName | extend SuccessOrFailure = case( coalesce(EventCount, 0) > 0, "success", "failed" ) | project API, SuccessOrFailure | order by API asc

Kusto query for links to log files of failed processes

let ExcludedOperationIds = AppTraces | where Properties.To == "End" | summarize by OperationId; AppTraces | where TimeGenerated > ago(1h) and TimeGenerated < ago(1m) | where Properties.CategoryName startswith "IBIS.Gateway.Outbound" or Properties.CategoryName startswith "RM.Gateway.Outbound" | summarize RowCount = count(), ProcessStart = min(TimeGenerated) by OperationId | where not(OperationId in (ExcludedOperationIds)) //| where RowCount != 4 | extend LinkQuery = url_encode_component(zlib_compress_to_base64_string(strcat("union isfuzzy=true AppRequests, AppExceptions, AppTraces, dependencies | where OperationId == '", tostring(OperationId), "'| order by TimeGenerated desc"))) | project ProcessStart, OperationId, QueryLink = strcat("", LinkQuery, "/timespan/PT1H") | order by ProcessStart desc

How to liink to a query in Log Analytics or Application Insights