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Redmine Cookbook

Build Status

This Cookbook installs and configures redmine with nginx and unicorn.
An LWRP is also provided to allow easy install of redmine plugins


Other cookbooks required and stated in the metadata are:

  • apt
  • mysql
  • database
  • subversion
  • ruby_build
  • git
  • nginx
  • build-essential
  • ohai


Add this cookbook to your node's run list.

To install a redmine plugin, the redmine_plugin resource is provided. At present only plugins with a git source are supported.

Call this in your recipe as follows:

redmine_plugins 'a_plugin_name' do  
  source 'http://gitrepo'  
  source_type 'git'  
  restart_bundler boolean  
  restart_redmine boolean  


  • node['redmine']['user']

  • node['redmine']['group']

    • Redmine service user and group for Unicorn Rails app, default 'redine'
  • node['redmine']['home']

    • Redmine top-level home for service account, default '/srv/redmine'
  • node['redmine']['type']

    • This cookbook currently only supports mysql database
    • The database type to use.
    • Options: 'mysql', 'postgresql'
    • Default 'mysql
  • node['redmine']['dbname']

    • The name for the database, default 'redmine'
  • node['redmine']['dbuser']

    • The user for the database, default 'redmine'
  • node['redmine']['dbpass']

    • The password for the database, default 'redmine'
    • Possible to set from chef_vault
  • node['redmine']['web_fqdn']

    • The main server name - defaults to redmine.node['domain']
  • node['redmine']['nginx_server_names']

    • Server aliases, defaults to [ 'redmine.* ]
  • node['redmine']['version']

    • SVN Version, default to 2.5-stable
  • node['redmine']['url']

    • SVN repo address, default to + node['redmine']['version']
  • node['redmine']['revision']

    • Redmine SVN Repo revision
  • node['redmine']['environment']

    • The rails environment, default to 'production'
  • node['redmine']['packages']

    • prerequisite packages to install for redmine
    • defaults to %w{libmagic-dev libmagickwand-dev libmysqlclient-dev}


  • default

  • ruby

  • database

  • deploy

  • nginx


Author: trilitheus (