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9.0 Trial and Error

Learning from trials and failures, is a possibility within this universe, but at whose expense?

Institutes like University of Waterloo (UWaterloo) along with other Designated Learning Institutes (DLIs) from Universities Canada, have continued to evangelize a hazardous model of "Trial and Error" in knowledge discovery and consumerism. Each time a member of such publicly funded institutions "succeeds" at making a commercially viable discovery or an innovation, the entire institute rejoices and vicariously shares in the institution's "claim to fame." But when ruinous failures on part of leaders and mangers of such institutions, devastate snared students and researchers, the "road kill" generated by the wrongful actions of those administrators is callously ignored or brushed aside. The remaining members of the institute at fault, then, conveniently shy away from sharing the blame and shame of their 'apostolic' leaders and managerial groups. Worse, they transfer and shift the blame onto the people who have been depleted, degraded, and debilitated upon being targeted and victimized, only to further harm those who are already suffering as a result of systemic failures and institutionally normalized, surreptitious violence.

The very same organizational culture and problematic behaviors can be seen in institutions such as Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, Canada (IRCC); Waterloo Regional Police Services (WRPS), Ontario; Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) of Kitchener, Waterloo, and Wellington; Grand River Hospitals and Clinics (GRHC), Waterloo; and even among various members of the Law Society of Ontario (LSO) along with the province's justices and court officers. Professionals from such organizations have continued to exhibit the same type of conceited and complacent attitude, as demonstrated by their leaders, in not properly fulfilling their oath-bound duties, obligations, and responsibilities. It is unsurprising, that the norm and regulations set among those problematic institutions, happen to be created and maintained, by a number of coordinated people who occupy board membership seats across those corporate entities and municipal as well as provincial government committees.

So, ultimately, at whose expense have they been "learning" while committing haphazard experiments using innocent people's lives and equities? In what ways have those institutions and their members changed, in order to redress their faults, mistakes, and violations? What exactly have they learned other than to make excuses for deflating, deflecting, or denying their wrongful conduct and observable guilt, in the face of hard evidence that unambiguously implicates them in their culpable actions? What else, if anything, have they learned other than to passive aggressively cause delays in repaying restitution while orchestrating cover ups?

Clearly, when it comes to violations and habitually repeated mistakes that propagate systemic faults, the blame for generating wide-spread harms to targeted communities and to bystanders, via discriminatory policies and practices, remains entirely in the liable and culpable hands of the systems' architects and managers. But, the costs of recovering from those harms and repairing faulty practices, has continued to be thrust upon victimized civilians and other innocent bystanders. Why are those systems' architects and managers being allowed to do so, against local as well as international students and workers, by the remaining, conscientious members of Canadian societies?

The fines, penalties, censures, and admonishments for wrongful deeds committed by an organizational unit, is to be administered upon that unit for its blatant violations and evident culpability. In this regard, there has never been a simplistic way to neatly provide a cover of limited liability to organizational units, by insurers and underwriters, especially when those wrongful units have continued to intentionally cause unlimited range of injuries and damages through their predatory violations committed against vulnerable groups or individuals. Those types of culpable organizational units, have necessarily been dismantled in the past, with their assets auctioned off to recuperate remedies and their members being put to prison or death, based on the types of violations committed by them. Specifically, applicable punishments against permanent and irrecoverable damages due to heinous acts of violence include the maximum extent of said punishments, as a necessary measure of deterrence against those types of organized crimes. That has always been the lawful and just principle adopted by Commonwealth societies, and going forward, it is to be enforced more transparently and stringently, with expediency and proper care shown towards the public.

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