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-16,8 +32,6 @@ [@kirangadhave](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Avisdesignlab%2Fpersist+involves%3Akirangadhave+updated%3A2023-08-14..2023-08-22&type=Issues) - - ## 1.2.0 ([Full Changelog](https://github.com/visdesignlab/persist/compare/v1.1.0...a2b3880368268123e568950bb5b315696b90b73b)) diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 62b216a..3a87dda 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,241 +1,241 @@ { - "name": "persist_ext", - "version": "1.3.0", - "description": "PersIst is a JupyterLab extension to enable persistent interactive visualizations in JupyterLab notebooks.", - "keywords": [ - "jupyter", - "jupyterlab", - "jupyterlab-extension" - ], - "homepage": "https://github.com/visdesignlab/persist", - "bugs": { - "url": "https://github.com/visdesignlab/persist/issues" - }, - "license": "BSD-3-Clause", - "author": { - "name": "Kiran Gadhave", - "email": "kirangadhave2@gmail.com" - }, - "files": [ - 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