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557 lines (418 loc) · 18.3 KB

Sanky - Flexible, reusable and concise configuration for Swarm

WARNING: Project is currently in VERY EXPERIMENTAL state.

  • You run one or more docker swarm stacks.
  • Trying to follow 12-factor application concepts, your stacks are configurable by means of environmental variables or swarm config and/or secret files.
  • Reading your docker-compose.yml, .env, config and secret files you realize that:
    • some service definitions are repeating the same pattern, but options to define it and then reuse are very limited
    • some parts of configuration in .env, swarm config and/or secret files are repeating the same information
    • there is no way to share configuration parameter across multiple stacks
  • the conclusion is simple: There must be a better way!!!

Table of Contents

Note: this demo assumes sanka and all relevant tools are already installed.

$ git clone <config-repository> myclusters
$ cd myclusters
$ ls
environments jsonnetfile.json jsonnetfile.lock.json lib vendor
$ cd environments/myapp/prod
$ ls
main.jsonnet spec.json
$ cat main.jsonnet
(import 'myapp-publicsite/lib.libsonnet') +
(import 'myapp-privatesite/lib.libsonnet') +
  _config+:: {
    'myapp-publicsite'+: {
      home_title: 'Welcome Home',
      promo_actions+: {
        apples+: {
          reduction: '45%',
  _images+:: {
    myapp-privatesite+: {
      web: 'myapp/privatesite/web:v1.0',

You may quickly deploy the site, but first, try to generate and explore the docker-compose.yml files you are so familiar with:

$ sk generate

Warning: You are not supposed to edit these generated files manually, only changes via main.jsonnet are applied.

To deploy, run (not implemented yet):

sk apply

Update reduction value to "30%" and image version of web image into the latest one you have just developed:

$ cat main.jsonnet
(import 'myapp-publicsite/lib.libsonnet') +
(import 'myapp-privatesite/lib.libsonnet') +
  _config+:: {
    'myapp-publicsite'+: {
      home_title: 'Welcome Home',
      promo_actions+: {
        apples+: {
          reduction: '30%',
  _images+:: {
    myapp-privatesite+: {
      web: 'myapp/privatesite/web:v1.1',

and apply it (not implemented yet):

sk apply

Focus on generating parametrized configuration for set of swarm stacks.

Do not try to replace docker tooling.

Anyway, simplify it where appropriate, e.g.:

  • automatic docker stack deploy and docker stack rm for each stack in MuStack.
  • consider simplified management of single stack, when present in it's directory, e.g. "deploy" or "remove" this stack.

Expect, that some parameters (e.g. urls to persisting services) may point out of the stacks we manage. The tool shall not manage those external services, but shall accept configuration parameters, pointing to them.

Out of scope:

  • creation of swarm nodes - they are assumed to exist
  • creation of docker images - this is task of developers, CI/CD etc.

The tool shall:

  • help managing configuration of one or more docker swarm stacks
  • support reuse of:
    • service configuration blocks in docker-compose.yml
    • single configuration parameter across of multiple services or stacks
  • allow seasy update procedure of docker swarm secrets and configs
  • identify all really configurable parameters and allow easy modification of any or all of them
  • keep it simple:
    • focus on managing configurations
    • do not try to replace docker swarm tooling
    • assume docker swarm cluster is already available, leave managing nodes to other tools
  • support modified deployment of the same stack into different environments
  • allow creation of stack configuration library (StaCoLib) and their easy installation, update and reuse

Following user stories shall be supported:

  • As a SysAdmin, I want to deploy single stack
  • As a SysAdmin, I want to deploy multiple stacks
  • As a SysAdmin, I want to update swarm configuration or secret file
  • As a SysAdmin, I want to update docker image(s) used in deployed stack
  • As a developer, I want to rewrite existing stack configuration (based on docker-compose.yml) into StaCoLib (stack configuration library)
  • stack: docker swarm stack
  • StaCoLib: stack configuration library
  • environment:
  • (docker swarm) secret:
  • (docker swarm) config:
  • (docker) context:
  • MuStack: Multi Stack
  • MuStack source: main.jsonnet
  • MuStack object: JSON object, resulting from evaluating main.jsonnet
  • MuStack tree: directory tree with docker-compose.yml files (incl. all files refrenced from it, e.g. configs and secrets) created according to MuStack object. If not specified, it is considered in fixed state (see below)
  • pure (MuStack) tree: MuStackStree, where all references to internal secrets and configs in docker-compose.yml are in it's original form. This is likely to conflict with secrets and configs existing in respective docker swarm cluster.
  • fixed (MuStack) tree: MuStackStree, where all references to internal secrets and configs in docker-compose.yml got name modified using md5 hash of respective config file content. This shall prevent conflicts with secrets and configs existing in respective docker swarm cluster.

Sanky builds on:

  • Jsonnet - A data templating language for app and tool developers. A simple extension of JSON.
  • Tanka - Flexible, reusable and concise configuration for Kubernetes
  • jsonnet bundler - A jsonnet package manager
  • Docker Swarm - native clustering functionality for Docker containers
  • docker-compose - tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

Try to follow scope of tanka - focus on generating parametrized deployment files and help a bit with deploying it.

Sanky manage deployment into existing docker swarm cluster.

Sanky deploys one to N stacks. Think of set of docker-compose.yml files, each within directory representing stack name they are supposed to be deployed to.

In fact, user never creates these files directly, sanky generates them automatically from main.json, which is much better structured as it defines all parameters across all the stacks being deployed.

Tanka allows definition of multiple deployment environments, each separated into special directory with main.jsonnet file.

Sanky reuses exactly the same tree structure (we shall modify content and use of spec.json which refers to exact identification of target execution environment - sometime called execution context.)

Use Jsonnet ability to convert complex set of parameters into whatever JSON document.

As a result, MuStack object (JSON) defines complete content of MuStack tree (directory structure and content of all files) ready to be deployed to docker swarm.

Tanka is written in golang.

It would be great to have sanky in golang too, but it shall be simpler (for me) to start with Python.

This will (sometime temporarily) require following tools to be installed:

  • tanka: (tk) until it is completely rewritten into python (this shall be feasible later on)
  • jsonnet: probably handy as CLI for configuration development, but python shall manage jsonnet stuff on it's own when needed
  • jsonnet-bundler: (jb) used to install jsonnet libraries. Not planning to replace that.
  • docker: this will be always required
  • docker-compose: this will be always required as long as we need to use docker-compose config

Do not bother with building docker images, this task is to be fulfilled by someone else, our task is to assemble things togather and deploy to target execution environment.

Tanka supports following process from default application configuration to customized applicaiton deployment:

  • in main.jsonnet within given environment directory refer to one or more libraries, each defining one application (stack) with default configuration
  • in main.jsonnet allow modification of any library defined configuration parameter
  • use transformation process (e.g. tk eval .) to convert main.jsonnet into platform deployment artefacts, usable in target execution environment
    • tanka is targeting Kubernetes, so using set of yaml configuration files to send to Kuberenetes
    • sanky is targeting docker swarm, so using set of docker-compose.yml (and some supporting) files to be applied to docker swarm by means of docker stack deploy
  • finally apply platform deployment artefacts int target execution environment

Take MuStack object as provided by jsonnet (or better by tk eval .), but do not attempt to let jsonnet to create resulting files (as it has limited capabilities), but better use our python code to create target MuStack directory tree and files there.

Docker swarm allows use of secrets/configs. However, once deployed secret/config cannot be modified, one can only add new one with different name, which is not used yet.

Usually, this allows to manually maintain secret/config name, e.g. using sequence numbers, datetime etc.

In our case, the tool automatically assignes secret/config name by adding hash suffix (md5) based on content of actual file. This ensures, that the same file gets always exactly the same name without need to track previous names.

Note, that these names are limited to 64 characters and the md5 hash has 32 characters. In case the configuration provided name is too long, this configuration provided name is truncated so that the hash is always present in it's entire length.

User is not supposed to manually edit generated platform deployment artefact.

Tanka allows exporting these artefacts, but this is just for convenience for reviewing it, real deployment happens without saving these artefacts to disk.

Sanky (currently) writes these artefacts to disk before deployment but we shall prevent modifying them manually.

Each stack shall get jsonnet library, which represents parametrized model of how given stack can be deployed into target execution environment.

Single environment shall allow (within main.jsonnet) combination of multiple PACA (libraries).

docker-compose.yml files, generated by using particular libraries, may not use any sort of environment variable files or even external environment variables. This would break rule of "hermetic builds". Instead, move all environmental parameters into ./config.libsonnet file and in lib.libsonnet render those values into explicit environment variable values within docker-compose.yml file.

Note: this is design pattern to follow, not a requirement

Library shall consist of following parts:

  • lib.libsonnet: entry point dealing with templating. It imports ./config.libsonnet
  • ./config.libsonnet: extracted application configuration parameters. User can find here all parameters, which can be overridden in real deployment.
  • ./func.libsonnet: (if needed) functions to call when templating.

./config.libsonnet shall have separate (private) key _images for specificaiton of docker images to use, and another key _config for remaining parameters.

Note: this is not always used in tanka, but must be used with sanky.

With tanka, each _config and _images key may have separate subkey called namespace. This might refer to Kubernetes concept of namespaces (but this I am not sure about).

With sanky, this namespace is obligatory and refers to deployment stack name (as each applicaiton is expected to run in it's own stack).

This allows keeping configuration of different applications independent.


MuStack source is main.jsonnet file, located in environment as created by tanka tool.

When calling tk eval . in given directory, it must evaluate int MuStack object as defined below.

MuStack object is JSON document defining directory tree for swarm stacks.

It has three levels:

  • property: stack name
  • property: target file name
  • value: target file content

If it would be converted to YAML format (for readibility in this document), it could look like:

  "docker-compose.yml": |
    version: '3.7'
        image: stackdemo:v1234
          - "8000:8000"
  "docker-compose.yml": |
    version: '3'
        image: redis:alpine
  "secrets/pswd.ini": |
    anne = ****
    bert = ****

MuStack object is object (dictionary), having on one key per defined stack. At least one stack must be present. The example shows stacks stack_alpha and stack_beta.

Each stack object has one key per target file. The example shows target file docker-compose.yml for stack stack_alpha and target files docker-compose.yml and secrets/pswd.ini for stack_beta.

Name of a target file may include zero to n subdirectories using forward slash delimiter. The target file name must start with directory or file name, it must not start with / or "." character.

Value of target file property is text, which is supposed to be written to disk using UTF-8 encoding.

There must exist at least target file name docker-compose.yml per stack.

It is expected, that all files referenced by docker-compose.yml are having it's own target file name key present, but tooling does not attempt to check this completeness.

MuStack tree is tree of directories with stack configuration files. The tree is created based on content of MuStack object.

By convention, MuStack tree is written into _deploy subdirectory of current environment.

Sample MuStack object above would result in following MuStack tree:

$ ls
_deploy main.jsonnet spec.json
$ cd _deploy
$ tree .
├── stack_alpha
│   └── docker-compose.yml
└── stack_beta
    ├── docker-compose.yml
    └── secrets
        └── pswd.ini
  • possibly using spec.json
  • clarify, how to relate to contexts defined in local docker installation.

The text contains couple of special terms, not used so far. It would be probably worth reviewing these to simplify terms used and ease understanding.

Some of our docker-compose.yml files are using secition environment. We are defining there explicit values, but we shall make sure, no external environ variable modifies it's value there.

According to doc Environment variables in Compose it seems, that if we assing env variable in docker-compose.yml explicitly, it is not overriden by external variables.