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Philippe Le Hegaret edited this page Dec 2, 2015 · 8 revisions


Under very special circumstances, W3C may grant exceptions to the validation requirements of specific documents published. A valid case could be that a spec is defining a new set of components, attributes, or even an entirely new language; it is to be expected that HTML and CSS validators would throw errors if those new elements are found on the spec itself. To allow those documents to pass the Specberus validation (and to be published by Echidna), exceptions may be defined.

Exceptions are, as the name indicates, exceptional. Support for them in Echidna/Specberus is limited, and could be rescinded at any point. Don't plan on your specifications to be wrong according to Specberus and be granted an exception to solve that.

Contact to discuss exceptions or request one for your spec, or talk to us in the channel #pub on W3C's public IRC server.


Exceptions are granted via a lib/exceptions.json file installed on the server.

These are two examples of valid configuration:

{"hr-time-2": [
    {"type": "at-rule",
     "rule": "validation.css"},
    {"rule": "validation.html"}
{"encrypted-media": [
    {"type": "wrong-date",
     "rule": "echidna.todays-date"}