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77 lines (60 loc) · 2.18 KB

File metadata and controls

77 lines (60 loc) · 2.18 KB

Thank you! ❤️

This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Getting started

  • If you don't have rust installed: Install rustup

  • For normal development on master run on stable

    • rustup toolchain install stable
    • rustup default stable
  • For development with benchmarks run nightly

    • rustup toolchain install nightly
    • rustup default nightly

Git/GitHub steps

  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Add test for the new feature (conversions to all different casts MUST also pass)
  4. Write some code to pass the tests
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  7. Create a new Pull Request

Running the tests

  • cargo test

Running the benchmarks

  • cargo bench --features=unstable

Is this an issues?

  • Please ensure you fill out an issue
  • Be available for questions.

Are you submitting documentation?

  • Awesome!
  • Has everything been run through spell check?

Are you submitting code?

  • Have you added doc tests and do they pass?
  • Do all other tests pass?
  • Have you added trait tests? (If applicable)
  • Have you filled out the pull request template?

Adding a trait

Traits are now both easy to add and easy to test. Just follow the next steps:

Adding the trait

  • src/
  • Add the function signature to the Inflector trait
use string::singularize::to_singular;
pub trait Inflector { // Or InflectorNumbers
    fn your_trait(&self) -> [return_type];
  • Add the function name an return type to either implement_string_for or implement_number_for
  your_trait => [return_type]
  • Add a benchmark following the current convention

Add the trait tests

  • tests/
  • Add your trait following the current convention and the test will be automatically generated

Thank you for your help! ❤️