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  • Matthias Keil. "Emergence of Multiplication in a Biophysical Model of a Wide-Field Visual Neuron for Computing Object Approaches: Dynamics, Peaks, & Fits" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Amir-massoud Farahmand. "Action-Gap Phenomenon in Reinforcement Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shilin Ding, Grace Wahba, Jerry Zhu. "Learning Higher-Order Graph Structure with Features by Structure Penalty" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Lei Yuan, Jun Liu, Jieping Ye. "Efficient Methods for Overlapping Group Lasso" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ardavan Saeedi, Alexandre Bouchard-côté. "Priors over Recurrent Continuous Time Processes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Lu Ren, Yingjian Wang, Lawrence Carin, David Dunson. "The Kernel Beta Process" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Maxim Raginsky, Alexander Rakhlin. "Lower Bounds for Passive and Active Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Samory Kpotufe. "k-NN Regression Adapts to Local Intrinsic Dimension" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Danilo Rezende, Daan Wierstra, Wulfram Gerstner. "Variational Learning for Recurrent Spiking Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Iasonas Kokkinos. "Rapid Deformable Object Detection using Dual-Tree Branch-and-Bound" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Emin Orhan, Robert Jacobs. "Probabilistic Modeling of Dependencies Among Visual Short-Term Memory Representations" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Fabian L. Wauthier, Michael Jordan. "Bayesian Bias Mitigation for Crowdsourcing" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Morteza Alamgir, Ulrike Luxburg. "Phase transition in the family of p-resistances" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Bo Chen, David Carlson, Lawrence Carin. "On the Analysis of Multi-Channel Neural Spike Data" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ping Li, Anshumali Shrivastava, Joshua Moore, Arnd König. "Hashing Algorithms for Large-Scale Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mijung Park, Greg Horwitz, Jonathan Pillow. "Active learning of neural response functions with Gaussian processes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David Wingate, Noah Goodman, Andreas Stuhlmueller, Jeffrey Siskind. "Nonstandard Interpretations of Probabilistic Programs for Efficient Inference" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Luca Oneto, Davide Anguita, Alessandro Ghio, Sandro Ridella. "The Impact of Unlabeled Patterns in Rademacher Complexity Theory for Kernel Classifiers" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Patrick Perry, Michael W. Mahoney. "Regularized Laplacian Estimation and Fast Eigenvector Approximation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Dae Kim, Erik Sudderth. "The Doubly Correlated Nonparametric Topic Model" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nobuyuki Morioka, Shin'ichi Satoh. "Generalized Lasso based Approximation of Sparse Coding for Visual Recognition" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Andrew Waters, Aswin Sankaranarayanan, Richard Baraniuk. "SpaRCS: Recovering low-rank and sparse matrices from compressive measurements" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chun-Nam Yu, Russell Greiner, Hsiu-Chin Lin, Vickie Baracos. "Learning Patient-Specific Cancer Survival Distributions as a Sequence of Dependent Regressors" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Michael Kapralov, Rina Panigrahy. "Prediction strategies without loss" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Hua Wang, Heng Huang, Farhad Kamangar, Feiping Nie, Chris Ding. "Maximum Margin Multi-Instance Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Zuoguan Wang, Gerwin Schalk, Qiang Ji. "Anatomically Constrained Decoding of Finger Flexion from Electrocorticographic Signals" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yan Karklin, Eero Simoncelli. "Efficient coding of natural images with a population of noisy Linear-Nonlinear neurons" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Qibin Zhao, Cesar F. Caiafa, Danilo Mandic, Liqing Zhang, Tonio Ball, Andreas Schulze-bonhage, Andrzej Cichocki. "Multilinear Subspace Regression: An Orthogonal Tensor Decomposition Approach" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Youwei Zhang, Laurent Ghaoui. "Large-Scale Sparse Principal Component Analysis with Application to Text Data" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Inderjit Dhillon, Pradeep Ravikumar, Ambuj Tewari. "Nearest Neighbor based Greedy Coordinate Descent" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yoonho Hwang, Hee-kap Ahn. "Convergent Bounds on the Euclidean Distance" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Carl Vondrick, Deva Ramanan. "Video Annotation and Tracking with Active Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alessandro Bergamo, Lorenzo Torresani, Andrew Fitzgibbon. "PiCoDes: Learning a Compact Code for Novel-Category Recognition" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Zhouchen Lin, Risheng Liu, Zhixun Su. "Linearized Alternating Direction Method with Adaptive Penalty for Low-Rank Representation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jiquan Ngiam, Zhenghao Chen, Sonia Bhaskar, Pang Koh, Andrew Ng. "Sparse Filtering" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Matthias Hein, Simon Setzer. "Beyond Spectral Clustering - Tight Relaxations of Balanced Graph Cuts" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Joel Z. Leibo, Jim Mutch, Tomaso Poggio. "Why The Brain Separates Face Recognition From Object Recognition" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alex K. Susemihl, Ron Meir, Manfred Opper. "Analytical Results for the Error in Filtering of Gaussian Processes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Liu Yang. "Active Learning with a Drifting Distribution" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alan Jern, Christopher Lucas, Charles Kemp. "Evaluating the inverse decision-making approach to preference learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Philip S. Thomas. "Policy Gradient Coagent Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Joni Pajarinen, Jaakko Peltonen. "Periodic Finite State Controllers for Efficient POMDP and DEC-POMDP Planning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Animashree Anandkumar, Kamalika Chaudhuri, Daniel J. Hsu, Sham M. Kakade, Le Song, Tong Zhang. "Spectral Methods for Learning Multivariate Latent Tree Structure" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Michael Wick, Andrew McCallum. "Query-Aware MCMC" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Benjamin Recht, Christopher Re, Stephen Wright, Feng Niu. "Hogwild!: A Lock-Free Approach to Parallelizing Stochastic Gradient Descent" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Quoc Le, Alexandre Karpenko, Jiquan Ngiam, Andrew Ng. "ICA with Reconstruction Cost for Efficient Overcomplete Feature Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alexandra Carpentier, Odalric-ambrym Maillard, Rémi Munos. "Sparse Recovery with Brownian Sensing" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ziming Zhang, Lubor Ladicky, Philip Torr, Amir Saffari. "Learning Anchor Planes for Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Vikas C. Raykar, Shipeng Yu. "Ranking annotators for crowdsourced labeling tasks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jun Wang, Huyen T., Adam Woznica, Alexandros Kalousis. "Metric Learning with Multiple Kernels" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Julie Dethier, Paul Nuyujukian, Chris Eliasmith, Terrence Stewart, Shauki Elasaad, Krishna V. Shenoy, Kwabena A. Boahen. "A Brain-Machine Interface Operating with a Real-Time Spiking Neural Network Control Algorithm" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Phillip Isola, Devi Parikh, Antonio Torralba, Aude Oliva. "Understanding the Intrinsic Memorability of Images" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Cristina Savin, Peter Dayan, Máté Lengyel. "Two is better than one: distinct roles for familiarity and recollection in retrieving palimpsest memories" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Omar Khan, Pascal Poupart, John-mark Agosta. "Automated Refinement of Bayes Networks' Parameters based on Test Ordering Constraints" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shulin Yang, Ali Rahimi. "Structure Learning for Optimization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mohammad Saberian, Nuno Vasconcelos. "Multiclass Boosting: Theory and Algorithms" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Elodie Vernet, Mark D. Reid, Robert C. Williamson. "Composite Multiclass Losses" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Dan Feldman, Matthew Faulkner, Andreas Krause. "Scalable Training of Mixture Models via Coresets" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Carsten Rother, Martin Kiefel, Lumin Zhang, Bernhard Schölkopf, Peter Gehler. "Recovering Intrinsic Images with a Global Sparsity Prior on Reflectance" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Cho-jui Hsieh, Inderjit Dhillon, Pradeep Ravikumar, Mátyás Sustik. "Sparse Inverse Covariance Matrix Estimation Using Quadratic Approximation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Joshua T. Abbott, Katherine A. Heller, Zoubin Ghahramani, Thomas Griffiths. "Testing a Bayesian Measure of Representativeness Using a Large Image Database" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Biljana Petreska, Byron M. Yu, John P. Cunningham, Gopal Santhanam, Stephen Ryu, Krishna V. Shenoy, Maneesh Sahani. "Dynamical segmentation of single trials from population neural data" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Dan Garber, Elad Hazan. "Approximating Semidefinite Programs in Sublinear Time" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tianshi Gao, Daphne Koller. "Active Classification based on Value of Classifier" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Sham M. Kakade, Varun Kanade, Ohad Shamir, Adam Kalai. "Efficient Learning of Generalized Linear and Single Index Models with Isotonic Regression" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Abhishek Kumar, Piyush Rai, Hal Daume. "Co-regularized Multi-view Spectral Clustering" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Martin Larsson, Johan Ugander. "A concave regularization technique for sparse mixture models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yibiao Zhao, Song-chun Zhu. "Image Parsing with Stochastic Scene Grammar" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Richard Socher, Eric Huang, Jeffrey Pennin, Christopher D. Manning, Andrew Ng. "Dynamic Pooling and Unfolding Recursive Autoencoders for Paraphrase Detection" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Edouard Grave, Guillaume R. Obozinski, Francis Bach. "Trace Lasso: a trace norm regularization for correlated designs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yisong Yue, Carlos Guestrin. "Linear Submodular Bandits and their Application to Diversified Retrieval" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Wouter M. Koolen, Wojciech Kotlowski, Manfred K. K. Warmuth. "Learning Eigenvectors for Free" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alyson K. Fletcher, Sundeep Rangan, Lav R. Varshney, Aniruddha Bhargava. "Neural Reconstruction with Approximate Message Passing (NeuRAMP)" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David Adametz, Volker Roth. "Bayesian Partitioning of Large-Scale Distance Data" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ioannis Gkioulekas, Todd Zickler. "Dimensionality Reduction Using the Sparse Linear Model" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nicolas Boumal, Pierre-antoine Absil. "RTRMC: A Riemannian trust-region method for low-rank matrix completion" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David Sontag, Dan Roy. "Complexity of Inference in Latent Dirichlet Allocation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Weiran Wang, Miguel Carreira-Perpiñán, Zhengdong Lu. "A Denoising View of Matrix Completion" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Joseph Keshet, David McAllester. "Generalization Bounds and Consistency for Latent Structural Probit and Ramp Loss" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Javad Azimi, Alan Fern, Xiaoli Fern. "Budgeted Optimization with Concurrent Stochastic-Duration Experiments" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xiaoyin Ge, Issam Safa, Mikhail Belkin, Yusu Wang. "Data Skeletonization via Reeb Graphs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jaedeug Choi, Kee-eung Kim. "MAP Inference for Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Zhen Xiang, Hao Xu, Peter J. Ramadge. "Learning Sparse Representations of High Dimensional Data on Large Scale Dictionaries" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nicolò Cesa-bianchi, Ohad Shamir. "Efficient Online Learning via Randomized Rounding" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Soumya Ghosh, Andrei Ungureanu, Erik Sudderth, David Blei. "Spatial distance dependent Chinese restaurant processes for image segmentation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jasmina Bogojeska. "History distribution matching method for predicting effectiveness of HIV combination therapies" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Eric Moulines, Francis Bach. "Non-Asymptotic Analysis of Stochastic Approximation Algorithms for Machine Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Oliver Kroemer, Jan Peters. "A Non-Parametric Approach to Dynamic Programming" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ke Chen, Ahmad Salman. "Extracting Speaker-Specific Information with a Regularized Siamese Deep Network" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Pannagadatta Shivaswamy, Tony Jebara. "Variance Penalizing AdaBoost" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Neville Mehta, Prasad Tadepalli, Alan Fern. "Autonomous Learning of Action Models for Planning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Adler Perotte, Frank Wood, Noemie Elhadad, Nicholas Bartlett. "Hierarchically Supervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yair Wiener, Ran El-Yaniv. "Agnostic Selective Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David K. Duvenaud, Hannes Nickisch, Carl Rasmussen. "Additive Gaussian Processes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jacob D. Abernethy, Rafael Frongillo. "A Collaborative Mechanism for Crowdsourcing Prediction Problems" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shengbo Guo, Onno Zoeter, Cédric Archambeau. "Sparse Bayesian Multi-Task Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Prateek Jain, Ambuj Tewari, Inderjit Dhillon. "Orthogonal Matching Pursuit with Replacement" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Animashree Anandkumar, Vincent Tan, Alan Willsky. "High-Dimensional Graphical Model Selection: Tractable Graph Families and Necessary Conditions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mona Eberts, Ingo Steinwart. "Optimal learning rates for least squares SVMs using Gaussian kernels" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Michael Shindler, Alex Wong, Adam Meyerson. "Fast and Accurate k-means For Large Datasets" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jiarong Jiang, Piyush Rai, Hal Daume. "Message-Passing for Approximate MAP Inference with Latent Variables" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Miles Lopes, Laurent Jacob, Martin J. Wainwright. "A More Powerful Two-Sample Test in High Dimensions using Random Projection" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kenji Fukumizu, Le Song, Arthur Gretton. "Kernel Bayes' Rule" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shai Shalev-shwartz, Yonatan Wexler, Amnon Shashua. "ShareBoost: Efficient multiclass learning with feature sharing" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yangqing Jia, Trevor Darrell. "Heavy-tailed Distances for Gradient Based Image Descriptors" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Pablo Olmos, Luis Salamanca, Juan Fuentes, Fernando Pérez-Cruz. "An Application of Tree-Structured Expectation Propagation for Channel Decoding" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yevgeny Seldin, Peter Auer, John Shawe-taylor, Ronald Ortner, François Laviolette. "PAC-Bayesian Analysis of Contextual Bandits" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jia Deng, Sanjeev Satheesh, Alexander Berg, Fei Li. "Fast and Balanced: Efficient Label Tree Learning for Large Scale Object Recognition" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Lester Mackey, Michael Jordan, Ameet Talwalkar. "Divide-and-Conquer Matrix Factorization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David Knowles, Tom Minka. "Non-conjugate Variational Message Passing for Multinomial and Binary Regression" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Vicente Ordonez, Girish Kulkarni, Tamara Berg. "Im2Text: Describing Images Using 1 Million Captioned Photographs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yee Teh, Charles Blundell, Lloyd Elliott. "Modelling Genetic Variations using Fragmentation-Coagulation Processes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yusuke Watanabe. "Uniqueness of Belief Propagation on Signed Graphs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David Newman, Edwin V. Bonilla, Wray Buntine. "Improving Topic Coherence with Regularized Topic Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Elad Hazan, Tomer Koren, Nati Srebro. "Beating SGD: Learning SVMs in Sublinear Time" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ian Stevenson, Konrad Koerding. "Inferring spike-timing-dependent plasticity from spike train data" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Il Memming Park, Jonathan Pillow. "Bayesian Spike-Triggered Covariance Analysis" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tim Erven, Wouter M. Koolen, Steven Rooij, Peter Grünwald. "Adaptive Hedge" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ricardo Cabral, Fernando Torre, Joao P. Costeira, Alexandre Bernardino. "Matrix Completion for Multi-label Image Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Duy Vu, David Hunter, Padhraic Smyth, Arthur Asuncion. "Continuous-Time Regression Models for Longitudinal Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alekh Agarwal, Dean P. Foster, Daniel J. Hsu, Sham M. Kakade, Alexander Rakhlin. "Stochastic convex optimization with bandit feedback" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alexander Rakhlin, Karthik Sridharan, Ambuj Tewari. "Online Learning: Stochastic, Constrained, and Smoothed Adversaries" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Purushottam Kar, Prateek Jain. "Similarity-based Learning via Data Driven Embeddings" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Christoph H. Lampert. "Maximum Margin Multi-Label Structured Prediction" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kevin G. Jamieson, Robert Nowak. "Active Ranking using Pairwise Comparisons" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Adam Coates, Andrew Ng. "Selecting Receptive Fields in Deep Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tzu-kuo Huang, Jeff Schneider. "Learning Auto-regressive Models from Sequence and Non-sequence Data" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Paramveer Dhillon, Dean P. Foster, Lyle Ungar. "Multi-View Learning of Word Embeddings via CCA" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jun Liu, Liang Sun, Jieping Ye. "Projection onto A Nonnegative Max-Heap" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Antonio Torralba, Joshua Tenenbaum, Russ R. Salakhutdinov. "Learning to Learn with Compound HD Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ross Girshick, Pedro Felzenszwalb, David McAllester. "Object Detection with Grammar Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Charles Kemp. "Inductive reasoning about chimeric creatures" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jakob H. Macke, Lars Buesing, John P. Cunningham, Byron M. Yu, Krishna V. Shenoy, Maneesh Sahani. "Empirical models of spiking in neural populations" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Krzysztof Dembczynski, Willem Waegeman, Weiwei Cheng, Eyke Hüllermeier. "An Exact Algorithm for F-Measure Maximization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Bogdan Alexe, Viviana Petrescu, Vittorio Ferrari. "Exploiting spatial overlap to efficiently compute appearance distances between image windows" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Sebastian Kurtek, Anuj Srivastava, Wei Wu. "Signal Estimation Under Random Time-Warpings and Nonlinear Signal Alignment" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Aleksandrs Slivkins. "Multi-armed bandits on implicit metric spaces" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Bo Chen, Vidhya Navalpakkam, Pietro Perona. "Predicting response time and error rates in visual search" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Johanni Brea, Walter Senn, Jean-pascal Pfister. "Sequence learning with hidden units in spiking neural networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Daniel Lizotte. "Convergent Fitted Value Iteration with Linear Function Approximation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kenji Fukumizu, Gert Lanckriet, Bharath K. Sriperumbudur. "Learning in Hilbert vs. Banach Spaces: A Measure Embedding Viewpoint" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Olana Missura, Thomas Gärtner. "Predicting Dynamic Difficulty" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Rémi Munos. "Optimistic Optimization of a Deterministic Function without the Knowledge of its Smoothness" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Daniel Hernández-lobato, Jose Hernández-lobato, Pierre Dupont. "Robust Multi-Class Gaussian Process Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alex Graves. "Practical Variational Inference for Neural Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yong Zhang, Zhaosong Lu. "Penalty Decomposition Methods for Rank Minimization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Stefano Ermon, Carla P. Gomes, Ashish Sabharwal, Bart Selman. "Accelerated Adaptive Markov Chain for Partition Function Computation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Richard Gibson, Duane Szafron. "On Strategy Stitching in Large Extensive Form Multiplayer Games" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nir Ailon. "Active Learning Ranking from Pairwise Preferences with Almost Optimal Query Complexity" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Onur Dikmen, Cédric Févotte. "Nonnegative dictionary learning in the exponential noise model for adaptive music signal representation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Skander Mensi, Richard Naud, Wulfram Gerstner. "From Stochastic Nonlinear Integrate-and-Fire to Generalized Linear Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kenan Yılmaz, Ali Cemgil, Umut Simsekli. "Generalised Coupled Tensor Factorisation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yoshinobu Kawahara, Takashi Washio. "Prismatic Algorithm for Discrete D.C. Programming Problem" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Guy Broeck. "On the Completeness of First-Order Knowledge Compilation for Lifted Probabilistic Inference" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tingting Zhao, Hirotaka Hachiya, Gang Niu, Masashi Sugiyama. "Analysis and Improvement of Policy Gradient Estimation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Guillaume Desjardins, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron C. Courville. "On Tracking The Partition Function" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Fahad Khan, Joost Weijer, Andrew Bagdanov, Maria Vanrell. "Portmanteau Vocabularies for Multi-Cue Image Representation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • James Bergstra, Rémi Bardenet, Yoshua Bengio, Balázs Kégl. "Algorithms for Hyper-Parameter Optimization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alexandra Carpentier, Rémi Munos. "Finite Time Analysis of Stratified Sampling for Monte Carlo" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Andrew Guillory, Jeff A. Bilmes. "Online Submodular Set Cover, Ranking, and Repeated Active Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Matus Telgarsky. "The Fast Convergence of Boosting" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Fabio Vitale, Nicolò Cesa-bianchi, Claudio Gentile, Giovanni Zappella. "See the Tree Through the Lines: The Shazoo Algorithm" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nan Ding, Yuan Qi, S.v.n. Vishwanathan. "t-divergence Based Approximate Inference" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Charles Dubout, Francois Fleuret. "Boosting with Maximum Adaptive Sampling" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mohammad Sorower, Janardhan Doppa, Walker Orr, Prasad Tadepalli, Thomas Dietterich, Xiaoli Fern. "Inverting Grice's Maxims to Learn Rules from Natural Language Extractions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kumar Sricharan, Alfred Hero. "Efficient anomaly detection using bipartite k-NN graphs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Olivier Delalleau, Yoshua Bengio. "Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Guido F. Montufar, Johannes Rauh, Nihat Ay. "Expressive Power and Approximation Errors of Restricted Boltzmann Machines" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Dominique Perrault-joncas, Marina Meila. "Directed Graph Embedding: an Algorithm based on Continuous Limits of Laplacian-type Operators" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kamiar Rad, Liam Paninski. "Information Rates and Optimal Decoding in Large Neural Populations" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mark Schmidt, Nicolas Roux, Francis Bach. "Convergence Rates of Inexact Proximal-Gradient Methods for Convex Optimization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Minmin Chen, Kilian Q. Weinberger, John Blitzer. "Co-Training for Domain Adaptation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Viren Jain, Srinivas C. Turaga, K Briggman, Moritz Helmstaedter, Winfried Denk, H. Seung. "Learning to Agglomerate Superpixel Hierarchies" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xinghua Lou, Fred A. Hamprecht. "Structured Learning for Cell Tracking" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Xianxing Zhang, Lawrence Carin, David Dunson. "Hierarchical Topic Modeling for Analysis of Time-Evolving Personal Choices" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Odalric-ambrym Maillard, Daniil Ryabko, Rémi Munos. "Selecting the State-Representation in Reinforcement Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mehdi Keramati, Boris Gutkin. "A Reinforcement Learning Theory for Homeostatic Regulation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Hema Koppula, Abhishek Anand, Thorsten Joachims, Ashutosh Saxena. "Semantic Labeling of 3D Point Clouds for Indoor Scenes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Sungwoong Kim, Sebastian Nowozin, Pushmeet Kohli, Chang Yoo. "Higher-Order Correlation Clustering for Image Segmentation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Phil Long, Rocco Servedio. "Learning large-margin halfspaces with more malicious noise" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Marius Kloft, Gilles Blanchard. "The Local Rademacher Complexity of Lp-Norm Multiple Kernel Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ali Tofigh, Erik Sj̦lund, Mattias H̦glund, Jens Lagergren. "A Global Structural EM Algorithm for a Model of Cancer Progression" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jun Zhu, Ning Chen, Eric Xing. "Infinite Latent SVM for Classification and Multi-task Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Stéphan Clémençcon. "On U-processes and clustering performance" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nasser Nasrabadi, Trac Tran, Nam Nguyen. "Robust Lasso with missing and grossly corrupted observations" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Siwei Lyu. "Unifying Non-Maximum Likelihood Learning Objectives with Minimum KL Contraction" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jacquelyn Shelton, Abdul Sheikh, Pietro Berkes, Joerg Bornschein, Jörg Lücke. "Select and Sample - A Model of Efficient Neural Inference and Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jiayu Zhou, Jianhui Chen, Jieping Ye. "Clustered Multi-Task Learning Via Alternating Structure Optimization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ali Jalali, Christopher Johnson, Pradeep Ravikumar. "On Learning Discrete Graphical Models using Greedy Methods" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Vincent Delaitre, Josef Sivic, Ivan Laptev. "Learning person-object interactions for action recognition in still images" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Oliver Stegle, Christoph Lippert, Joris M. Mooij, Neil Lawrence, Karsten Borgwardt. "Efficient inference in matrix-variate Gaussian models with \iid observation noise" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David Choi, Patrick Wolfe, Edo M. Airoldi. "Confidence Sets for Network Structure" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

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