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Crafter Deployer AWS Processors

AWS Kinesis

Developed based on the sample project


Build de project by running mvn clean package and then copy the target/deployer-aws-processors-{VERSION}.jar file to $INSTALL_DIR/bin/crafter-deployer/lib.

The Kinesis workers and Dynamo Indexing Processor may be used independently. Spring context and Deployer target configuration are only required for the utilized components.

Kinesis Workers

The Kinesis worker configuration provides ongoing data indexing for a Kinesis stream. The KinesisWorkerManager comes online and stays online from the time of the context load. This opens active connections for each configured worker using the provided IRecordProcessorFactory.

The KinesisIndexingProcessorFactory will be used as the processorFactory by the worker manager, unless otherwise configured. This factory uses the defined target configuration to create workers which index data records.

Dynamo Indexing Processor

The Dynamo Indexing Processor is explicitly invoked through the Deploy Target RESTful endpoint.

The reprocess_all_files parameter must be true for this processor to be triggered.

Optionally, the dynamo_tables parameter may be passed. If provided, re-indexing will target only the requested tables, allowing for a targeted subset of re-indexing. This parameter supports either a list of tables, such as ["table1", "table2", "table3"], or a single value, like "table".

Example Configuration

Target Context

The following beans need to be added to the target context configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <!-- kinesis worker management -->
    <bean id="kinesisIndexingProcessorFactory" class=""/>
    <bean id="kinesisWorkerManager" class=""/>

    <!-- dynamo indexing processor -->
    <bean id="dynamoIndexingProcessor" class="" parent="deploymentProcessor"/>



processorFactory - Can be explicitly assigned if an alternative IRecordProcessorFactory implementations is to be used.

Example customization:

    <bean id="myProcessorFactory" class="com.example.MyAlternativeProcessorFactory"/>
    <bean id="kinesisWorkerManager" class="">
    	<property name="processorFactory" ref="myProcessorFactory"/>

Target Configuration

At least one worker must be defined under aws.kinesis.workers. The Kinesis Client Library configuration must follow these restrictions:

  • workerId must be unique for a given appName
  • all workers under the same appName use the same stream
  • because appName will be used internally as a DynamoDB table it must be unique for the given region
  • the credentials used must have the required permissions for both Kinesis & DynamoDB (if using Dynamo as the kinesis source)

The aws.kinesis section can be configured with the following options:

  • intialPosition is only needed if the processor should handle all pending records when it starts, the default behaviour is to only receive new ones after it is started. (See for additional details.)
  • isDynamo if set to true, indicates Kinesis workers are connected to and processing DynamoDB streams
  • maxProcessingRetries indicates maximum number of retries for processing a record set (negative value indicates to retry indefinitely until successful). The default value is 3 retries.
  • maxCheckpointRetries indicates maximum number of retries for checkpointing (negative value indicates to retry indefinitely until successful). The default value is 10
  • metrics.enabled if set to true the credentials used need to include write permissions for AWS CloudWatch.
  • metrics.level is utilized if metrics.enabled is true and must be a value from NONE, SUMMARY or DETAILED.

aws.credentials & dynamoIndexingProcessor.credentials are both optional, if they are not provided the default credential provider chain will be used. More info

Both the Kinesis workers and the DynamoDB processor support a boolean configuration skipFailingRecords to indicate if they should skip individual records that fail to index instead of retrying the operation. The flag will default to true if its not present.

In order to support delete events from DynamoDB the stream must be configured to include the old image of the records.

    accessKey: ...
    secretKey: ...
  region: us-west-1
      - appName: crafter-deployer-table1
        workerId: crafter-deployer-table1-worker-1
        stream: arn:aws:dynamodb:...
      - appName: crafter-deployer-table2
        workerId: crafter-deployer-table2-worker-1
        stream: arn:aws:dynamodb:...
    initialPosition: TRIM_HORIZON
    isDynamo: true
    maxProcessingRetries: -1
    maxCheckpointRetries: 5
    skipFailingRecords: false
      enabled: true
      level: SUMMARY

    # ... usual target configuration ...
      # .. usual processors ...
      - processorName: dynamoIndexingProcessor
          - table1
          - table2
          accessKey: ${aws.credentials.accessKey}
          secretKey: ${aws.credentials.secretKey}
        region: ${aws.region}
        skipFailingRecords: ${aws.kinesis.skipFailingRecords}


Crafter Deployer processor for indexing content in DynamoDB.



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