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Gustavo edited this page Mar 6, 2024 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Spooky-blog wiki!


Here you will learn how to navigate in the home page!

The home page is very simple to navigate, just have my name, the header and the footer.

» Header Specifications «


  1. The little ghost have the function to back the user to home page always when it's clicked;
  2. The links have the function to navigate betweeen the pages of the website when they are clicked;
  3. The music button just play a comfortable forest music when it's clicked.

» Name Specifications «


  1. My name's animation is using a svg with keyframes to manipulate the svg.

» Footer Specifications «


  1. The first icon navigate to my github profile when it's clicked;
  2. The second icon navigate to my instagram profile when it's clicked;
  3. The third icon navigate to my linkedin profile when it's clicked;

It's all guys, see you soon, read the next's wikis and enjoy my website! 👋😄