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This is a NodeJs REST API exclusively made for PAISABANK - CLIENT APP.

It allows creating an user, login in, get cards and transactions. It uses a simple auth flow with mocked token.

It uses Turso as a serverless SQLite database.

IMPORTANT: I'm using ESM modules (import/export) instead of CMJ (require, module.export) but this cause a problem with Typescript(module=NodeNext in the tsconfig file) so I had to add js extension instead of ts extension when importing the modules. Check this discussion. Another solution would be to install a module bundler and transpiler like Webpack or try a different configuration.

DISCLAIMER: This is not a project ready for production. It's only for educational purposes.

File structure

├── src/
│   ├── controllers
│   ├── db
│   ├── middlewares
│   ├── routes
│   ├── index.ts
│   └── server.ts
└── config files

Main techs

  • Server
    • NodeJs v20.15.0
    • ExpressJs v4.19.2
    • Typescript v5.5.3
  • Package manager
    • npm v10.7.0
  • Database
    • Turso
    • Drizzle ORM v0.31.2

How to use it

If you want to use it for another client app, you can fork the repo and follow this steps, adding the changes you need:

  1. Create your Turso account.
  2. Create your Turso DB and get token and database url. Copy them to a new .env file.
  3. Add the necessary DB schemas.
  4. Run npm run generate to create database .sql files.
  5. Run npm run migrate to migrate database .sql files to Turso.
  6. If everything went ok, you are able to start server with npm run dev.