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5. Environment property files

Chris Wiechmann edited this page Apr 29, 2020 · 11 revisions

Until version 1.5.0 it was required to provide all parameters as Command-Line parameters like this:

api-import.bat -a samples/petstore.json -c samples/minimal-config.json -h localhost -u apiadmin -p changeme -clientAppsMode ignore -ignoreQuotas true

Starting from version 1.5.0 it is possible to declare general information, like username, password, host, ignoreQuotaSettings, etc. in a properties file located in the new conf folder. These property-files can take in all parameters that are used & known before as command-line options. Of course, Command-Line-Options are still supported.

Also the Environment-Properties do support the staging concept as explained below. Take the following example:

api-import.bat -c samples/minimal-config-api-definition.json -s prod

With this instruction, the API-Configuration & API-Definition is loaded from the config-file and the tool will lookup required parameters based on the stage (or environment) prod in the following sequence:

  1. conf/ --> Most generic parameters for all stages
  2. conf/ --> Specific parameters for the production environment (may override generic ones)
  3. Command-Line parameters --> Given command line parameters override environment files


By default the conf folder is expected to be within installation folder from where Swagger-Promote is started. Same as it is shipped with the Swagger-Promote release page.
Starting with version 1.6.6-1 you can optionally set the environment variable: SWAGGER_PROMOTE_HOME, which is used with precedence when set and must point to a folder containing the conf folder. This is especially useful when using Swagger-Promote as part of the integration pipeline for instance using a Maven-Plugin as you don't have an installation structure.

Future plan, is maybe to use these property files even for enforcement of certain things, like the right security or tags on a given stage. Or use it to auto-inject some default stuff which are valid for all APIs on a stage.

An example environment file:

An example environment file with all possible options is delivered in the release page: conf/ or you can see it here:
The following is a snapshot of what is possible:

# Use this file to control common settings for all stages.

# This user is the primary user 
# might be an Admin or OrgAdmin
# username=orgAdminUserABC
# password=orgAdminPassword

# Admin-Credentials to use, when tool is started without 
# an admin account. If an admin-account is provided this is ignored.

# Hostname the API-Manager is listening

# Port the API-Manager is listening. Defaults to 8075

# Control how breaking changes should be applied. Defaults to false

# Controls how configured Client-Applications are treated. Defaults to add!
# clientAppsMode=add
# clientAppsMode=replace

# Controls how configured Client-Organizations are treated. Defaults to add!
# clientOrgsMode=add
# clientOrgsMode=ignore

# Controls how configured Quotas are treated. Defaults to add!
# quotaMode=add
# quotaMode=ignore

# If set, the tool wont load the Defaults to false.
# ignoreAdminAccount=true

# Controls if you would like to allow to replace or set the host parameter 
# in the Swagger-File based on the configured backendBasepath. 
# This is turned on by default!
# replaceHostInSwagger=false

# Normally, in case of an error created BE- or FE-API is rolled back, so that the 
# API-Manager stays in a clean state. 
# With this parameter you can turn off rollback if needed.
# rollback=false