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Schleiereule - A Typst Template



  1. About
  2. Styles
  3. Functions
  4. Example

1. About

This repository contains a template aimed to be as adaptable as possible. It offers easy-to-use functions to quickly set up a titlepage with up to two logos, toggleable outlines for chapters, figures, listings and tables as well as other neat features.

2. Styles

content-configuration contains the look-and-feel for the main body of the paper. It can be applied by adding the following line. All typst code after the #show statement will take the rules set by the configuration into account.

#show: doc => content_configuration(doc)

appendix-configuration changes the configuration applied by content-configuration slightly. At the moment this only means changing the page numbering style from numbers to letters.

3. Functions


This function will create a titlepage.


Name Optional Datatype Description
titlepage Yes content The title of the paper.
subtitle Yes content The subtitle of the paper.
author Yes content The author/s of the paper as a single string.
logos Yes Array (Paths) An array containing one or two relative/absolute paths to images. The images will automatically be resized.
date Yes content The date that the paper is released on.
content Yes content Freely editable section of the titlepage. Can be used when additional information or images should be displayed.
    title   : "Example Title",
    subtitle: "Example Subtitle",
    author  : "Some Guy",
    logos   : ("path/to/logo_a.png", "path/to/logo_b.png"),
    date    :"[day].[month].[year]"),
    content : [
        This is an extra bit of example text.


This function will render an outline of the content and optionally of all listings, figures and tables.


Name Optional Datatype Description
listings Yes Boolean Will not render an outline for listings when set to false.
figures Yes Boolean Will not render an outline for figures when set to false.
tables Yes Boolean Will not render an outline for tables when set to false.
    listings: false


This function is a wrapper for the typst package codelst. It allows the addition of labeled sections of code to the paper. Listings will automatically be displayed in the listings index unless the document is configured otherwise.


Name Optional Datatype Description
caption No content The caption of the listings. This text is also displayed in the listing outline.
code No raw This section is rendered with syntax highlighting. The exact highlighting style depends on the specified langage.
highlight Yes Array (Integer) Specify an arbitrary ammount of lines which will be highlighted in the listing.
    "This is an example caption",
    sudo echo "Example commands" > some_file
    rm some_file
    highlight: (1, 2,)


This function is a wrapper function for the typst package drafting. It will add a neutral looking note to the paper.


Name Optional Datatype Description
content No content The contents of the note.
width Yes auto, relative The width of the box in which the note is contained.
stroke Yes none, auto, length, color, gradient, stroke, pattern, dictionary The stroke of the rectangle drawn around the note.
fill Yes none, color, gradient, pattern The backgroundcolor of the rectangle drawn around the note.

Multiple wrapper functions with different color configurations also are available in the template. These are:

  • #good-note(...): Colored green
  • #warning-note(...): Colored orange
  • #error-note(...): Colored red
    This is an example note.


This is a wrapper for a normal table. It addes some stylistics to it.

Note: This function may later be made a part of the theme itself, but it its own function for now to leave the user a choice.


Name Optional Datatype Description
table No table The table whichs style will be changed.
        columns: 2,
        [*A*], [*B*],
        [a], [b],


Adds a pre-configured table to explain a vulnerbility. Color and severit automatically update based on the give cvss 3.0 score.


Name Optional Datatype Description
cvss Yes Integer The CVSS 3.0 score of the vulnerability.
title Yes String, content The title of the vulnerability.
description Yes String, content A description of the vulnerability.
impact Yes String, content The impact of the vulnerability.
recommendation Yes String, content A recommendation on how to deal with the vulnerability.
    cvss: 7.8,
    title: [Some Vulnerability],
    description: [...],
    impact: [...],
    recommendation: [...]


Allows the user to add a field for signatures onto the document.

Note: Feature currently untested


Name Optional Datatype Description
name Yes String, content The name of the signee, printed below the signature field in.
place Yes String, content The place where the document was signed.
date Yes String, content The date of the signature. Defaults to the current date.
spacing Yes Unit The distance between the previous content and the signature field. Defaults to 40pt.
length Yes Unit The length of the signature field. Defaults to 200pt.
    name: "Rainer Zufall",
    place: "Exampletopia",
    date: "08.11.2024"

4. Example

An example for what the template looks like can be found here.


Just another typst template







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