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Vladyslav Bardin edited this page Mar 11, 2024 · 6 revisions

Documentation: Telegram Sink Configuration Settings

In the context of the Telegram Sink for logging, several configuration classes and enums are available. These classes provide a way to configure the sink according to specific needs.

Table of Contents

  1. TelegramSinkConfiguration
  2. LoggingMode
  3. BatchEmittingRulesConfiguration
  4. FormatterConfiguration
  5. LogsFiltersConfiguration
  6. LogQueryBuilder
  7. TelegramSinkDefaults
  8. Usage Examples


This is the primary configuration class which contains settings required for the operation of the Telegram Sink.

Property Type Description
Token string Token for Telegram API access.
ChatId string Identifies the chat to which log messages will be posted.
BatchPostingLimit int The maximum number of events to post in a single batch.
Mode LoggingMode Sets the logging mode.
FormatterConfiguration FormatterConfiguration Configuration for formatting logs.
BatchEmittingRulesConfiguration BatchEmittingRulesConfiguration Configuration for rules on emitting batches.
LogFiltersConfiguration LogsFiltersConfiguration Configuration for filtering logs.

Configuration validating rules:

  1. Token and ChatId are mandatory, not empty, null or whitespace.
  2. BatchPostingLimit is equal to or greater than 0.
    Note: if it's 0, every log will be sent to the telegram if it passes filtering and log-level checks. Remember that it's better to avoid batchPostingLimit = 0 for performance reasons`.
  3. FormatterConfiguration is not null.


An enum that allows for the choice between two log representations.

A. Logs: Log messages will be published to the specified Telegram channel.
B. AggregatedNotifications: Messages will contain info about all notifications received during a batch period or batch limit.


Configuration class for managing batch-emitting rules.

Property Type Description
RuleCheckPeriod TimeSpan Check period for batch emit rules.
BatchProcessingRules IImmutableList The batch processing rules to be applied.


Settings for formatting log messages.

Property Type Description
UseEmoji bool Indicates whether to use emojis in the output.
ReadableApplicationName string User-friendly name of the application.
IncludeException bool Indicates whether to include exception details in the output.
IncludeProperties bool Indicates whether to include property details in the output.
TimeZone TimeZoneInfo? Indicates which time zone to use in the output timestamp. If null, server time will be used.


Configuration class for applying log filters.

Property Type Description
ApplyLogFilters bool Indicates whether to apply log filters.
LogQueryBuilder LogQueryBuilder List of filters to be applied.


Fluent API-based filter builder. This allows for the configuration of log filtering based on the convenient API.


Contains the default configuration values for the Telegram Sink.

Usage Examples

You can configure Telegram sink using 2 methods. For quickstart, you can use the TelegramCore method. For advanced configuration, you can use the Telegram method.

For a quick start, you can use the TelegramCore method

    Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
            token: token,
            chatId: tgChatId,
            logLevel: LogEventLevel.Verbose)

Here is an example of how to configure the Telegram Sink using advanced configuration:

    Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
        .WriteTo.Telegram(config =>
            config.Token = token;
            config.ChatId = tgChatId;

            config.Mode = LoggingMode.Logs;

            config.BatchPostingLimit = TelegramSinkDefaults.BatchPostingLimit;
            config.BatchEmittingRulesConfiguration = new BatchEmittingRulesConfiguration
                RuleCheckPeriod = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), // Check batch emitting rules each 30 seconds
                BatchProcessingRules = new List<IRule>()
                    new BatchSizeRule(config.LogsAccessor, 5), // emit batch when logs queue length
                                                              // equals or greater than 5
                    new OncePerTimeRule(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)) // emit batch each 5 minutes
            config.FormatterConfiguration = new FormatterConfiguration
                UseEmoji = true,
                ReadableApplicationName = "MyTestApp",
                IncludeException = true,
                IncludeProperties = true,
                TimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Utc
            config.LogFiltersConfiguration = new LogsFiltersConfiguration
                ApplyLogFilters = false,
        }, null!, LogEventLevel.Debug)

This code configures the TelegramSinkConfiguration instance through a delegate and an extension method. This provides a more fluent API and makes the configuration step more transparent and straightforward. You would add further sinks and then create the logger from your loggerConfiguration.

Also, add your own batch emitting rules and filters per your requirements. Replace your_telegram_bot_token and your_chat_id with your Telegram bot token and chat ID.

Important: Always validate the configuration towards the end before using it to instantiate an object. This is to ensure that the provided settings are valid and appropriate for the operation of the Telegram sink.