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SatNOGS Decoders

Kaitai Structs, preprocessors and helper scripts for decoding SatNOGS received data.

Adding a new decoder

  1. Write the kaitai structure and add it to the ksy folder.
    • Naming example:
      • Satellite Name (arbitrary): CubeBel-1
      • KS filename: cubebel1.ksy
      • KS file header: see [1]
      • KS compiler output:
      • Python capitalized function name: Cubebel1
      • The python module name should match the python function naming rules in PEP8.
    • Add documentation fields in kaitai structure
      • Add "doc-ref", is the source of information about the decoder
      • Add -orig-id, is the name of field which is the same with the source of information, "doc-ref"
      • At the beginning of kaitai struct after the meta data it is necessary to add, the way that the influxdb value it matches to the kaitai field. For example:
      doc: |
        :field influxdb_field: katai_field
      doc: |
        :field dest_callsign: ax25_frame.ax25_header.dest_callsign_raw.callsign_ror.callsign
  2. Add the python class name of your decoder to the list in satnogsdecoders/decoder/

__all__ = [

from .cubebel1 import Cubebel1

[1] cubebel1.ksy:

  id: cubebel1

Installation in development mode

Within the root directory of this repository run docker-ksc script to compile KSY to Python code (requires Docker):

$ ./contrib/

The above command will output the compiled files under satnogsdecoders/decoder directory.

Then, install the package from source code directory as usual:

pip install -e .

Helper Scripts

Some helper commands will only be available after installing the package.

Fetch telemetry

To fetch telemetry you will need an API key. you will have to register yourself on in order to get it.

Once you have your key, you have to setup the DB_API_KEY variable in the file :

DB_API_KEY = '1234567890asdfghjkl'
$ ./contrib/manage/ --help
usage: [-h] [--source SOURCE] [--base_dir BASE_DIR]
                          [--max MAX]

Fetch and store all telemetry data from a satnogs-db instance for a given

positional arguments:
  norad_id             NORAD ID of the satellite

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --source SOURCE      satnogs-db Instance: satnogs, satnogs-dev or sputnix
  --base_dir BASE_DIR  Base directory of the telemetry storage
  --max MAX            Maximum number of fetched frames.

Push telemetry

$ ./contrib/manage/ --help
usage: [-h] [--target TARGET] [--max MAX]
                         telemetry_filename norad_id_import norad_id_export

Push all telemetry data to the target db instance from a local json dump file
for a given satellite.

positional arguments:
  telemetry_filename  Filname of the telemetry data json dump
  norad_id_import     NORAD ID of the satellite in the data
  norad_id_export     NORAD ID of the satellite in the target db instance

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --target TARGET     target satnogs-db Instance: satnogs, satnogs-dev or
  --max MAX           Maximum number of fetched frames.

Export raw frames

$ ./contrib/manage/ --help
usage: [-h] norad_id source_file satellite_name

Export raw frames from local telemtry storage json files.

positional arguments:
  norad_id        NORAD ID of the satellite
  source_file     Source telemetry storage file (json)
  satellite_name  Satellite name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

Decode frame

decode_frame will be available as a command line tool after installing the package.

$ decode_frame --help
usage: decode_frame [-h] decoder_name raw_frame_file

Decode a raw frame with the selected decoder(generated by Kaitai) and print
its json representation.

positional arguments:
  decoder_name    name of the decoder (e.g. siriussat)
  raw_frame_file  Path to the file containing the raw frame

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

Fetch frames from network

$ ./contrib/manage/ --help
usage: [-h] norad_id start end target_dir

Fetch all frames received in thespecified timeframe from a given satellite in
satnogs-network (prod) and store themto individual raw files.

positional arguments:
  norad_id    NORAD ID of the satellite
  start       Start date, YYYY-mm-dd
  end         End date, YYYY-mm-dd
  target_dir  target directory for the downloaded raw frames

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example Usage

Transfer frames from db-dev to db-dev (duplicating frames...):

$ ./contrib/manage/ 40967 --source satnogs-dev --max 10 --base_dir ./telemetry/
Fetched 25 frames.
Stored in ./telemetry/satnogs-dev/40967/20180927195606_all_telemetry.json

$ ./contrib/manage/ ./telemetry/satnogs-dev/40967/20180927195606_all_telemetry.json 40967 40967 --target satnogs-dev --max 3
0 SR1GEO_DEV01-JO73mi 2018-09-20T21:40:24Z
1 SR1GEO_DEV01-JO73mi 2018-09-20T21:40:19Z
2 SR1GEO_DEV01-JO73mi 2018-09-20T21:40:14Z
Exported 3 frames.

Decode a frame by Siriussat:

$ decode_frame siriussat contrib/siriussat/packets/data_219992_2018-08-22T13-46-52
    "dest_callsign": "R2ANF ",
    "src_callsign": "RS13S ",

Download frames from satnogs-network (prod instance) for Fox-1A (norad id: 40967) received in the specified timeframe:

$ mkdir fox1a
$ ./contrib/manage/ 40967 2018-10-26T00:00:00 2018-10-26T01:00:00 ./fox1a/
Fetched 45 frames.

Existing decoders

  • AAUSAT4 by OZ3RF & DL4PD
  • ACRUX-1 by DL4PD
  • AMICALSAT by deckbsd
  • ASU PHOENIX by DL4PD & deckbsd
  • AX.25 frame decoder by DL4PD
  • CAS-4A & CAS-4B by cshields
  • CubeBel-1 by DL4PD
  • Elfin-A & -B by DL4PD
  • Entrysat by DL4PD
  • Lightsail-2 by DL4PD
  • Ops-sat by deckbsd
  • Painani by DL4PD
  • Polyitan-1 by deckbsd
  • QBEE by Ansgar Schmidt
  • Siriussat-1 & -2 by kerel
  • skCUBE by borispilka & kerel
  • Strand-1 by kerel
  • TBEX-A/-B by DL4PD
  • Unisat-6 by cshields


Helper scripts: AGPL-3.0-or-later