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Stephen Boyle edited this page Jul 20, 2021 · 1 revision

Every 5 minutes the BlueSky launchd script checks in with the server over HTTPS and asks the server to verify the SSH connection. (It does so by validating the hardware serial number – which is the only thing the server is allowed to do by itself.).

If it’s up, that’s all there is. If it’s down, BlueSky will attempt to repair, first by simply restarting the connection, then by reissuing the keys. If the server is down, or there are no active Internet connections, it simply kills any stale shells and tries again five minutes later.

All of this is completely behind the scenes. Your user is not presented with any dialogs nor other interfaces. You can see what’s going on by looking at the activity log and the autossh logs on the system in the /var/bluesky folder.

To uninstall BlueSky check the “Remove BlueSky” check box in the machine’s record and upon next check in, BlueSky will uninstall itself.