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Discord Bot in Java based on JDA

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
  2. Use WolfBot
  3. Features
    1. Commands


WolfBot is a JDA Discord Bot. It's one of my first bigger projects I've ever coded and "finished" (I will still work on it). Don't be too serious, I know not everything makes much sense, and the code is not the best and can be optimized in many points, but the solutions I found and used were the best working for me. I learned and had a lot of fun and added some features only for learning purpose.

Use WolfBot

[Click here] when you like to add WolfBot to your Discord server.

It is not intended to self-hosted the bot nor to edit the source code



Command prefix: -

Categories Administration Management Moderation chat
Commands setchannel manageroles ban help
setpermission role unban game
kick music
clear vote


  • setchannel

    Sets the channel for the execution of a specific command

    Default Permissions: Manage Channels

    Alias: setchannel, channel


    setchannel <command>              // Sets the current channel for the command
    setchannel <command> <#channel>   // Sets the specified channel for the command
    // You can use the channel ID or #channel-name
  • setpermission

    Sets the permission which are needed to execute a specific command

    Default Permissions: Manage Permissions

    Alias: setpermission, permission


    setpermission <command> <permission> // Sets the needed permission for the command
    // Available permissions
    //  write_messages
    //  read_messages


  • manageroles

    Creates and deletes roles or only adds roles to the database or removes

    Default Permissions: Manage Roles

    Alias: manageroles, mroles


    // Roles can be created/added for two types: general or game
    // Roles can be created/added with optional one or two aliases 
    manageroles create <type> role:<rolename> alias1:<alias> alias2:<alias>  // Creates a new role on the guild for the specified type with optional one or two alieases
    manageroles delete <type> role<rolename>                                 // Deletes a role from the specified type
    manageroles add <type> role:<rolename> alias1:<alias> alias2:<alias>     // Adds a new/existing role to the database for the specified type with optional one or two alieases
    manageroles remove <type> role:<rolename>                                // Removes a role from the specified type from the database
    manageroles list <type> // Lists all roles from the specified type
  • role

    Adds a role from type general to guild member or removes it

    Default Permissions: Manage Roles

    Alias: role


    // User Tag format: ExampleName#1234
    role add member:<usertag> role:<rolename>     // Adds the specified role from type general to a guild member
    role remove member:<usertag> role:<rolename>  // Reomves the spicified role from type general from a guild member
    role info // Lists all general roles


  • ban

    Bans a member on the guild

    Default Permissions: Ban Members

    Alias: ban


    // Get the user ID when entering \@Username in a Discord channel
    ban <userid> <reason> // Bans the specified user for the reason
  • unban

    Revokes a ban of a user on the guild

    Default Permissions: Ban Members

    Alias: unban


    // Get the user ID when entering \@Username in a Discord channel
    unban <userid> // Revokes a ban of the specified user
  • kick

    Kicks a member on the guild

    Default Permissions: Kick Members

    Alias: kick


    // Get the user ID when entering \@Username in a Discord channel
    kick <userid> <reason> // Kicks the specified user for the reason
  • clear

    Delete messages in a text channel

    Default Permissions: Manage Messages

    Alias: clear


    clear <amount of messages> // Deletes the specified amount of messages (between 2 and 100) 


  • help

    Sends a command overview as private message or get mor information for a specific command

    Default Permissions: Send Messages

    Alias: help


    help            // Send a command overview as private message
    help s          // Send a command overview of staff commands as private message
    help <command>  // Get more information about the spicified command
  • game

    Adds a game role to the guild member

    Default Permissions: Send Messages

    Alias: game


    game <rolename> // Adds a role from type game to message sender
    game info       // List all game roles
  • music

    Plays songs from YouTube

    Default Permissions: Voice Connect

    Alias: music, m


    // Message sender has to be in a voice channel
    music play <link>  // Plays a songs from YouTube (Enter video link or name)
    music stop         // Stops the player and clears the playlist
    music skip         // Skips the current track
    music shuffle      // Toggle shuffle mode
    music info/track   // Shows the currently playing song
    music queue        // Shows the songs in the queue
    music pause        // Pauses the player
    music unpause      // Unpauses the player
  • vote

    Creates a poll on the guild

    Default Permissions: Send Messages

    Alias: vote


    vote create <title|answer option 1|answer option 2|...>   // Creates a new poll with specified title and answer options
    vote close                                                // Closes the current poll
    vote v <number>                                           // Votes for answer option
    vote stats                                                // Shows the stats of the currently running poll
  • avatar

    Gets the avatar URL from a user

    Default Permissions: Send Messages

    Alias: avatar


    // Usertag format: ExampleName#1234
    avatar <usertag>   // Gets the avatar URL from a user


JDA Discord bot







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