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algo - README

  • Build With CMake (Build Types - Documentation - Tests - Coverage - Static Code Analysis - Dynamic Code Analysis)
  • Run
  • Configuration File
  • Ignored Lines
  • Section Header
  • Settings (Integral - Float - Distribution - Word)
  • Required Sections (Species - Time)
  • Optional Sections (Output - Nodes - Edges - Births - Deaths - Transitions - Interactions)


A CMakeLists.txt is provided for easy building.

Build Types

Supported build types are Debug (default) and Release.


Option: -DBUILD_DOC (default: ON)

Target: doc

Requires: doxygen

Output is written to CMAKE_BINARY_DIR/doc.


Option: -DBUILD_TESTING (default: ON)

Target: test (or running ctest)

Requires: catch (included in test/third_party)



Target: coverage_report

Requires: build type is Debug, tools: lcov, genhtml

Output is written to CMAKE_BINARY_DIR/test/html/.

Static Code Analysis


Target: staticanalysis

Requires: clang-tidy

Dynamic Code Analysis

Option: -

Target: run ctest -T MemCheck

Requires: valgrind

Output is written to CMAKE_BINARY_DIR/Testing/Temporary/MemoryChecker.*.log


Run with algo path-to-config-file.

Configuration File

The configuration file is a simple text file with settings grouped by sections.

A line is either a section header, a setting, or will be ignored.

Ignored Lines

Empty lines or lines containing only whitespaced are ignored.

Lines starting with # denote a comment and will also be ignored.

Note: Ignored lines can be put anywhere.

Section Header

A section header is a line containing [abc]. This will start the section with the name abc. All following lines (that are not ignored or start a new section) will be interpret as Settings for this section.

See below for valid sections.

Note: Headers are case-sensitive.

Note: Each section header must not appear more than once.

Note: A section header must not contain whitespaces.


Depending on the format required by the section a setting is a line of text with whitespace separated segments. A segment can either be Integral, Float, Distribution, or Word.


An Integral is a non-negative whole number.


A Float is a non-negative floating point number.

Note: Every Integer is a valid Float.


A Propability is a floating point number in the range [0.0, 1.0].

Note: A Propability is a subset of Float.


A Distribution can be expressed in two ways: F or X(F_1,F_2,...,F_n).

  • F: use a fixed Float value that will be returned everytime a number is drawn.
  • X is the ID of the distribution, with the F_is being the Float parameters. Supported distributions:
  • U(a,b) will create an uniform distribution drawing from the range [a, b].
  • N(m,s) will create a normal distribution with mean m and standard deviation s. Note: If m+/-0.675s is not in range [0, 1] an exception is thrown. (50% of the drawn values are not in range [0, 1].)
  • E(l) will create an exponential distribution with rate lambda l. Note: N and E will draw random numbers until the result is in the range [0, 1].

Note: The form X(F_1,F_2,...,F_n) must not contain whitespaces!


A Word is a sequence of non-whitespace characters.

Required Sections


Set up the algorithm.


use Word
time Float
output Integer
epsilon Float

required parameters:

  • time must be a Float value, which determines the how long the algorithm runs optional parameters:
  • use sets the algorithm: SSA (default) or SSATAN-X (not yet implemented)
  • output output the state of the network every 10^n steps. If not set only the initial and final state are written.
  • epsilon used for SSATAN-X'. If missing a default value is used. Has no effect for SSA`.


# use SSATAN-X algorithm
# for 100 time units
time 100
# output every step
output 0
# with custom epsilon
epsilon 0.25


Set up the initial network and set the used states.

Syntax: [Network] Word_1 Integer_1 Word_2 Integer_2 ... Word_n Integer_n edges Integer_e seed Integer_s

Each Word_i is the name of a state, with Integer_i the number of nodes present in the initial network.

Note: all states that are used in the simulation must be defined here. If no initial node is desired 0 must be set.

edges determines the number of randomly created edges. If missing no edge is created, if larger than the maximum number of edges all nodes are connected.

seed is an optional parameter that is used as seed for the random number generator to create the initial set of edges. If Integer_s is not set a random number as seed is taken.


# create 5 nodes with state A
S 5
# and 1 B
B 1
# no C, but needed for transitions
C 0
# and randomly connect 2 nodes
edges 1

Optional Sections

Births / Deaths

Rules for creating and removing nodes.


[Births] or [Deaths]
Word_1 Distribution_1
Word_2 Distribution_2
Word_n Distribution_n


  • create a node with state Word_i with a rate drawn from Distribtuion_i
  • the rates are drawn on start-up and do not change during simulation [Deaths]:
  • delete a node with state Word_i with a rate drawn from Distribtuion_i
  • the rate is drawn for each node individually on creation

Note: The used states must be present in section [Network].


# create S with a fixed propability
S 0.1
# and I with a propability drawn uniformly
I U(0.2,0.4)

# remove only nodes with state I with a fixed propability
I 0.9

AddEdges / RemoveEdges

Rules for creating and removing edges.


[AddEdges] or [RemoveEdge]
Word_1 Distribution_1
Word_2 Distribution_2
Word_n Distribution_n

Create / delete a connection between two nodes. The rates are drawn on node creation. The rate for the action is calculated by rate_a * rate_b.

Note: The used states must be present in section [Network].


# S creates edges on a high rate
S 0.8
# I with a low rate
I 0.1

# S keeps its contacts, so not listed here
# but I drops connections on a high rate
I 0.9


Rule for randomly changing the state of a node.


# Word Word Distribution
F T r

A Transition will turn a node of state F to a node of state T with rate r. Basically this is the same as removing a node and creating a new one, but keeping all connections.

r is drawn for each node on creation.

Note: The used states must be present in section [Network].


# A turn to B at rate 0.5
A B 0.5

# B turns to A with rate drawn uniformly from range [0, 1]
B A U(0,1)


Rules for changing the state of a node based on its connections.


# Word Word Word Distribution
F C T r

Same as Transitions, but the node with state F must have a connection to a node of state C.

r is drawn for each connection on creation.

Note: The used states must be present in section [Network].


# If A connected to B make it C at rate 0.1
A B C 0.5
# If B connected to A make it C at rate drawn unfirmly from range [0.1,0.2]
B A C U(0.1,0.2)


Rules for adaption of the neighbourhood of a node when its state changes.

There are three kinds of adaptions:

  • remove edges
  • change states of all neighbours
  • change states of all neighbours which currently have one of the specified states

Of all rules only one will happen (e.g. either remove edges OR change neighbours). If neighbours change and adaption rules can apply the execution will also performed.

It is possible to have several rules for one state.

Note: There is no infitive-loop-detection implemented. It is up to the user to ensure that this cannot happen!

Remove Edges


# Word Propability
A v

If any state changes to A v*100% of its edges are removed. If v == 0 the rule is ignored.


# If turned to A remove half of its contacts
A 0.5
# If turned to B keep all contacts (this will be ignored)
B 0.0
# If turned to C remove all edges
C 1
Change Neighbours


# Word Propability Word (opt. list of more Words)
A v B
A v B C D E...

If any state changes to A v*100% of its neighbours will change the state to B. If more states are provided, they will be used as a filter. So the adaption will only apply to nodes with the state C, D, and E.

If a rule has no effect it is ignored (see examples below).


# If turned to A turn all neighbours to B
A 1.0 B
# If turned to A turn 50% of the neighbours to B, if the current state is C or D
A 0.5 B C D
# Ignored: changing a node to its current state
A 0.5 B B
# The "filter" C has no effect and will be ignored.
A 0.1 C B C D
# the above rule will be interpreted as 
A 0.1 C B D


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  • C++ 95.5%
  • CMake 4.5%