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Connecting to the Pi

Georgia Martinez edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 1 revision

Connecting to the Pi

IMPORTANT: You should either be on the Mac OS or the Windows OS but NOT Linux for these steps.

Mac tutorial

Configuring Network Settings

Plug the pi into your computer. Then, open the System Preferences by clicking the  in the top left corner and selecting "System Preferences".

In the System Preferences menu, select the "Network" icon (looks like a blue globe).

In the Network menu, select the port that has the pi connected. If you are using the club's USB to ethernet adapter, it should be "USB 10/100 LAN". Make sure that there is a green dot that says "Connected".

Set the "Configure IPv4" dropdown to "Manually". This will allow you to edit the IP Address and Subnet Mask fields.

Set the IP Address to

Set the Subnet Mask to

Sharing Internet Connection

Now we will make sure the pi has internet connection. Go back to the System Preferences menu and select the "Sharing" icon (looks like a blue folder).

Select "Internet Sharing" from the list on the left. You should now see a list of ports on the right. Select the relevant ports. If you are using the club's USB to ethernet adapter, select "USB 10/100 LAN". If you are using an additional adapter, since MacBook's have like no ports, select any additional adapters (probably "USB ... LAN").

Once you have selected the ports, click the checkbox next to "Internet Sharing" to turn on Internet Sharing.

If you get a message that says "Your Internet connection cannot be shared because it is protected by 802.1X. Choose a different network to share or disable Internet Sharing.", turn off Internet Sharing, select a different WiFi network (CaseGuest seems to work, CaseWireless does not work), and then turn it on again. Repeat this step until you don't get an error.

SSHing into the Pi

Run the following command in your terminal (you should be on Mac OS and NOT a virtual machine):

ssh rov@

When it prompts you for a password, the password is rov12345.

If this is successful, you should see rov@12345 ~ % in your terminal.

To check for internet connection, run the following command (it should run instantly if things are working):


If it working, you should see the following output:

PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=112 time=17.903 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=112 time=47.239 ms

If this isn't working, tough luck broski.

Windows tutorial

To be added.