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Project based python tutorial of development and QA of python based application.


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Project based python tutorial of development and QA of python based application.

1. Dev Projects

1.1 A console game called treasure box

This is a console game of finding the treasure box.

The gamer needs to clear a few tasks such as

  • congigure the treasure box,
  • get a boat,
  • feed the see monster
  • play rock, paper, scissor with the see monster and win
  • and enter the password for the treasure box.

1.2 Use Selenium to automate a download task

2. QA Projects

2.1 Testing Pyramid [1]

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2.2 QA Tools Setup and Start

2.2.1 Cypress

To install cypress, run:

cd /{$yourPath}/PYTHON_DEV_QA/QA
npm install cypress --save-dev 

To run cypress: use

npx cypress open 

to run with builtin browser in cypress

or use

npx cypress run 

2.2.2 Selenium

To install selenium, run:

pip install selenium

To run the code:


2.2.2 Cypress Good Practices

2.3 Selenium vs. Cypress

Execution Speed Slow Fast as Cypress scripts are executed within the browser.
Time Travel Not supported Supported
Real time reloads Not supported Tests are reloaded when any change is made in the test implementation.
Automatic Waiting Not supported No requirement to add waits or sleep in the tests. Cypress automatically waits for commands and assertions before moving to the next instruction.
Default Screenshots and Videos Not available by default, developer has to write code to achieve the same. Available by default
Network Traffic Control Not supported No network lag as tests are executed within the browser. You can control, stub, and test edge cases without any involvement of the server.
Access to elements outside the DOM Access only to the elements in the DOM A unique DOM manipulation technique helps Cypress in getting access DOM elements, timers, service workers, and more.
Documentation, Community Mature Community with multiple points of support. Average Documentation Growing Community, Excellent Documentation
Remote Execution Supported. Cloud-based Selenium Grid from LambdaTest can be used to expedite cross browser testing and automation testing Not supported
Spies, stubs, and clocks Not available Cypress lets you control the behavior of functions, timers, and server responses with ease.
Mobile Testing Mobile Testing with Appium Not supported
Test Flakiness Tests can be flaky With Cypress, tests are expected to be non-flaky.
Programming Languages Python, C#, Java, Python, Ruby, JavaScript JavaScript
Browser Support Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Safari Brave, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Electron
Test Frameworks PyUnit, JUnit, TestNG, JBehave, Behave, Gauge, Specflow, NUnit, Robot, and more. Mocha JS
Test Setup Selenium Grid Server and browser drivers have to be installed in the test machine. Setup is different for a cloud-based Selenium Grid where only browser drivers have to be installed on the test machine.  Node JS, Mocha JS, and Cypress have to be installed on the test machine.
Arena of testing Unit testing, security testing, and integration testing Unit testing, security testing, and integration testing
Integrations Wide range of integration options – CI/CD tools, reporting tools, and more. Limited integration support with CI/CD tools when compared to Selenium.
Driver Dependencies Appropriate browser driver has to be installed so that the test script can talk to the corresponding web browser. No driver dependency.
Parallel testing Supported Supported
Multi Tabs Supported Not supported
Multiple browser instances Supported Not supported [2]

Cypress is preferred over Selenium when one need:

  • Single Framework for Component, API, End to End, Visual, Accessibility, Performance testing
  • Video recording capability of test execution
  • Out of the box retry capability of actions performed over elements, which reduces flaky test for Cypress
  • Single Programming language across development (Front end) and Automation
  • Capability to Mock/Stub Request and Responses during early stage of development
  • Save time building framework from Scratch with Selenium, as Cypress provides stable and ready to use Framework with everything wrapped and ready to use functions
  • Test Runner which provides time travel capability to go through individual step with before and after screenshots attached to debug failures
  • Meaningful exceptions when any test fails

Selenium is preferred over Cypress when one need:

  • When one need flexibility in terms of choosing test script language. Cypress supports on JavaScripts, while Selenium supports several languages like Java, Python, JavaScript, C#, etc.
  • When you need to run a test case on different browsers simultaneously then Selenium Grid works the best, since Cypress cannot be used to drive two browsers at the same time.
  • Cross browser testing at scale becomes easy with Selenium. Cypress does not support browsers like Safari, which restricts the cross browser testing support, when compared to Selenium.
  • Selenium supports NUnit and JUnit that are not supported by [3]

3. Others

3.1 The commit type can include the following

Type Explanation
feat a new feature is introduced with the changes
fix a bug fix has occurred
chore changes that do not relate to a fix or feature and don't modify src or test files (for example updating dependencies)
refactor refactored code that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
docs updates to documentation such as a the README or other markdown files
style changes that do not affect the meaning of the code, likely related to code formatting such as white-space, missing semi-colons, and so on.
test including new or correcting previous tests
perf performance improvements
ci continuous integration related
build changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
revert reverts a previous commit

3.2 Tree

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Project based python tutorial of development and QA of python based application.








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