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A (web-based) UI to manage, edit and run Tests with Sakuli E2E


See the official Sakuli UI Documentation


To develop or extend Sakuli-UI we recommend to start separate server (Spring Boot) and client (Angular2) development worksflows to archieve to best development experience

Server development

All server code is located in the sakuli-ui-web maven module. You can run the server with spring-boots maven plugin like this:

mvn spring-boot:run -pl sakuli-ui-web`

The port is configurable with the server.port parameter e.g.

mvn spring-boot:run -pl sakuli-ui-web -Dserver.port=9090

Client Development

For faster feedback cycles during client development, you need to run the angular-cli development server from the client project root

cd sakuli-ui-client/src/main/resources
npm run start

This starts the development server on port 4200, all changes leads to an instant reload of the page (after recompiling the angular app).

The development server requires a running backend server. All request to the server are proxied by frontend development server.

Please ensure that the ports defined in proxy.conf.json and the running server instance are matching.

Build & Start executable JAR

To build a ready-to-use executable JAR, just type

mvn clean install

then Maven will build a executable jar sakuli-ui-web-XXX.jar under sakuli-ui-web/target/. Now you can execute the JAR file:

java -jar sakuli-ui-web/target/sakuli-ui-web-XXX.jar

Disable Authentication

java -Dapp.authentication.enabled=false -jar sakuli-ui-web/target/sakuli-ui-web-XXX.jar

Default Credentials

User: admin Password: sakuli

To set your own credentials just set the properties security.default-username and security.default-password:

java -Dsecurity.default-username=myadmin -Dsecurity.default-password=mypassword -jar sakuli-ui-web/target/sakuli-ui-web-XXX.jar

ATTENTION: the -Dxxx property overwriting have to set before -jar, see Spring Boot - External Config

Supported by Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy