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Feature list

Corbin Bullard edited this page May 15, 2023 · 2 revisions

MVP Feature List

1. User login and signup

  • Users can sign up, log in, and log out
  • Users can log in to the site using a demo user button
  • Users can view all instruments or instruments of a certain merchant even if they are logged out

2. Items

  • A logged in user can add a listing of an instrument they would like to sell
  • A logged in user can edit their listing that they have created
  • A logged in user can delete their own listing
  • Any user can view any instrument postings

3. Item Reviews

  • A logged in user can add a single review
  • A logged in user can edit their own review
  • A logged in user can remove their own review

Feature List

4. Cart

  • A logged in user can add items to their cart
  • A logged in user can remove items from their cart

5. Merchant Reviews

  • Whenever a user has purchased an item from a merchant, they are able to leave a review for the buyer
  • A buyer can edit or remove their review once created

BONUS Features

  • A User can upload Images for a listing using AWS

  • A User can change the theme of the site