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Speed up Enzyme autodiff for INS
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SCiarella committed Aug 7, 2024
1 parent 57b7751 commit 4846c63
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Showing 4 changed files with 656 additions and 281 deletions.
198 changes: 103 additions & 95 deletions simulations/NavierStokes_2D/scripts/NS_closure.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,27 +3,27 @@ using IncompressibleNavierStokes
INS = IncompressibleNavierStokes

## make momentum! differentiable

# Setup and initial condition
T = Float32
ArrayType = Array
Re = T(1_000)
n = 128
n = 64
#n = 16
n = 32
N = n+2
# this is the size of the domain, do not mix it with the time
lims = T(0), T(1)
x , y = LinRange(lims..., n + 1), LinRange(lims..., n + 1)
const setup = INS.Setup(x, y; Re, ArrayType);
lims = T(0), T(1);
x , y = LinRange(lims..., n + 1), LinRange(lims..., n + 1);
setup = INS.Setup(x, y; Re, ArrayType);
ustart = INS.random_field(setup, T(0));
psolver = INS.psolver_direct(setup)
dt = T(1e-3)
trange = [T(0), T(1)]
savevery = 20
saveat = savevery * dt

psolver = INS.psolver_direct(setup);
dt = T(1e-3);
tfinal = T(0.2)
ndt = ceil(Int,tfinal/dt)
trange = [T(0), tfinal];
savevery = 20;
saveat = savevery * dt;
npoints = ceil(Int, ndt/savevery)

# Solving using INS semi-implicit method
Expand All @@ -32,74 +32,88 @@ saveat = savevery * dt
tlims = trange,
Δt = dt,
#psolver = psolver,
processors = (
ehist = INS.realtimeplotter(;
plot = INS.energy_history_plot,
nupdate = 10,
displayfig = false
field = INS.fieldsaver(; setup, nupdate = savevery),
log = INS.timelogger(; nupdate = 100)
psolver = psolver,

all_INS_states = []
push!(all_INS_states, ustart)
for i in 1:npoints
oldstate = all_INS_states[end]
thisstate, outputs = INS.solve_unsteady(;
ustart = oldstate,
tlims = [T(0), dt*savevery],
Δt = dt,
psolver = psolver,
push!(all_INS_states, thisstate.u)
@assert all_INS_states[end-1] != state.u
@assert all_INS_states[end] == state.u

############# Using SciML
using DifferentialEquations

# Projected force for SciML, to use in CNODE
F = similar(stack(ustart))
F = similar(stack(ustart));
# and prepare a cache for the force
cache_F = (F[:,:,1], F[:,:,2])
cache_div = INS.divergence(ustart,setup)
cache_p = INS.pressure(ustart, nothing, 0.0f0, setup; psolver)
Ω = setup.grid.Ω
cache_F = (F[:,:,1], F[:,:,2]);
cache_div = INS.divergence(ustart,setup);
cache_p = INS.pressure(ustart, nothing, 0.0f0, setup; psolver);
Ω = setup.grid.Ω;

# Get the cache for the poisson solver
cache_ftemp, cache_ptemp, fact, cache_viewrange, cache_Ip = my_cache_psolver(setup.grid.x[1], setup)
# and use it to precompile an Enzyme-compatible psolver
my_psolve! = generate_psolver(cache_viewrange, cache_Ip, fact)

# In a similar way, get the function for the divergence
mydivergence! = get_divergence!(cache_p, setup);
# and the function to apply the pressure
myapplypressure! = get_applypressure!(ustart, setup);
# and the momentum
my_momentum! = get_momentum!(cache_F, ustart, nothing, setup);
# and the boundary conditions
my_bc_p! = get_bc_p!(cache_p, setup);
my_bc_u! = get_bc_u!(cache_F, setup);

# Define the cache for the force
using ComponentArrays
using KernelAbstractions
# I have also to take the grid size to stack into P
(; grid) = setup
(; Δ, Δu) = grid
P = ComponentArray(f=zeros(T, (n+2,n+2,2)),div=zeros(T,(n+2,n+2)), p=zeros(T,(n+2,n+2)), ft=zeros(T,size(cache_ftemp)), pt=zeros(T,size(cache_ptemp)), dz=zeros(T,(n+2,n+2)), Δ=stack(Δ))
(; grid) = setup;
(; Δ, Δu, A, Ω) = grid;
# Watch out for the type of this
P = ComponentArray(f=zeros(T, (n+2,n+2,2)),div=zeros(T,(n+2,n+2)), p=zeros(T,(n+2,n+2)), ft=zeros(T,size(cache_ftemp)), pt=zeros(T,size(cache_ptemp)), temp=zeros(T,(n+2,n+2)))
P = ComponentArray(f=zeros(T, (n+2,n+2,2)),div=zeros(T,(n+2,n+2)), p=zeros(T,(n+2,n+2)), ft=zeros(T,size(cache_ftemp)), pt=zeros(T,size(cache_ptemp)))
@assert eltype(P)==T

const myzero = T(0)
# **********************8
# * Force in place
function F_ip(du, u, p, t)
F_ip(du, u, p, t) = begin
u_view = eachslice(u; dims = 3)
F = eachslice(p.f; dims = 3)
IncompressibleNavierStokes.apply_bc_u!(u_view, t, setup)
IncompressibleNavierStokes.momentum!(F, u_view, nothing, t, setup)
IncompressibleNavierStokes.apply_bc_u!(F, t, setup)
mydivergence!(p.div, F,, P.Δ)
my_momentum!(F, u_view, t )
mydivergence!(p.div, F, p.p)
@. p.div *= Ω
my_psolve!(p.p, p.div, p.ft,
IncompressibleNavierStokes.apply_bc_p!(p.p, myzero, setup)
myapplypressure!(F, p.p)
IncompressibleNavierStokes.apply_bc_u!(F, t, setup)
du[:,:,1] .= F[1]
du[:,:,2] .= F[2]
temp = similar(stack(ustart));
F_ip(temp, stack(ustart), P, 0.0f0)

# Solve the ODE using ODEProblem
Expand All @@ -113,46 +127,46 @@ sol_ode, time_ode, allocation_ode, gc_ode, memory_counters_ode = @timed solve(

# ------ Use Lux to create a dummy_NN
import Random, Lux;
rng = Random.default_rng();
dummy_NN = Lux.Chain(
Lux.Dense((n+2)*(n+2)=>(n+2)*(n+2),init_weight = Lux.WeightInitializers.zeros32),
dummy_NN = Lux.Chain(
Lux.ReshapeLayer(((n+2), (n+2), 1)), # Add a channel dimension for the convolution
Lux.Conv((3, 3), 1 => 1, pad=(1, 1), init_weight = Lux.WeightInitializers.ones32), # 3x3 convolution with padding to maintain the input shape
Lux.ReshapeLayer(((n+2), (n+2))) # Remove the channel dimension
# Scale can not be differentiated by Enzyme!
#dummy_NN = Lux.Chain(
# Lux.Scale((1,1)),
# Lux.ReshapeLayer((N,N,1)),
# Lux.Conv((3, 3), 1 => 1, pad=(1, 1)),
# x -> view(x, :), # Flatten the output
θ_node, st_node = Lux.setup(rng, dummy_NN)
dummy_NN = Lux.Chain(
x -> view(x, :, :, :, :),
Lux.Conv((3, 3), 2 => 2, pad=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1)),
x -> view(x, :),
θ0, st0 = Lux.setup(rng, dummy_NN)
st_node = st0

using ComponentArrays
θ_node = ComponentArray(θ_node)
# You can set it to 0 like this
#θ_node.weight = [0.0f0;;]
#θ_node.bias= [0.0f0;;]
Lux.apply(dummy_NN, stack(ustart), θ_node, st_node)[1]
θ_node = ComponentArray(θ0)
Lux.apply(dummy_NN, stack(ustart), θ_node, st0)[1];

P = ComponentArray(f=zeros(T, (n+2,n+2,2)),div=zeros(T,(n+2,n+2)), p=zeros(T,(n+2,n+2)), ft=zeros(T,size(cache_ftemp)), pt=zeros(T,size(cache_ptemp)), θ=copy(θ_node))
@assert eltype(P)==T
Lux.apply(dummy_NN, stack(ustart), P.θ, st0)[1];

P = ComponentArray(f=zeros(T, (n+2,n+2,2)),div=zeros(T,(n+2,n+2)), p=zeros(T,(n+2,n+2)), ft=zeros(T,size(cache_ftemp)), pt=zeros(T,size(cache_ptemp)), dz=zeros(T,(n+2,n+2)), Δ=stack(Δ), θ=copy(θ_node))

# Force+NN in-place version
dudt_nn(du, u, P, t) = begin
dudt_nn(du, u, P, t) = begin
F_ip(du, u, P, t)
du += Lux.apply(dummy_NN, u, P.θ , st_node)[1]
view(du, :) .= view(du, :) .+ Lux.apply(dummy_NN, u, P.θ , st_node)[1]

temp = similar(stack(ustart));
dudt_nn(temp, stack(ustart), P, 0.0f0)
prob_node = ODEProblem{true}(dudt_nn, stack(ustart), trange, p=P)
prob_node = ODEProblem{true}(dudt_nn, stack(ustart), trange, p=P);

u0stacked = stack(ustart)
u0stacked = stack(ustart);
sol_node, time_node, allocation_node, gc_node, memory_counters_node = @timed solve(prob_node, RK4(), u0 = u0stacked, p = P, saveat = saveat, dt=dt);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,50 +215,45 @@ using SciMLSensitivity

# First test Enzyme for something that does not make sense bu it has the structure of a priori loss
U = stack(state.u);
function fen(u0, p, temp, U)
# Compute the force in-place
#dudt_nn(temp, u0, p, 0.0f0)
F_ip(temp, u0, p, 0.0f0)
function fen(u0, p, temp)
dudt_nn(temp, u0, p, 0.0f0)
return sum(U - temp)
u0stacked = stack(ustart);
du = Enzyme.make_zero(u0stacked);
dP = Enzyme.make_zero(P);
temp = similar(stack(ustart));
dtemp = Enzyme.make_zero(temp);
dU = Enzyme.make_zero(U);
# Compute the autodiff using Enzyme
@timed Enzyme.autodiff(Enzyme.Reverse, fen, Active, DuplicatedNoNeed(u0stacked, du), DuplicatedNoNeed(P, dP), DuplicatedNoNeed(temp, dtemp), DuplicatedNoNeed(U, dU))
@timed Enzyme.autodiff(Enzyme.Reverse, fen, Active, DuplicatedNoNeed(u0stacked, du), DuplicatedNoNeed(P, dP), DuplicatedNoNeed(temp, dtemp))
# the gradient that we need is only the following
# this shows us that Enzyme can differentiate our force. But what about SciML solvers?
println("Tested a priori")

# Define a posteriori loss function that calls the ODE solver
# First, make a shorter run
# and remember to set a small dt
dt = T(1e-4)
trange = [T(0), T(3*dt)];
saveat = dt;
prob = ODEProblem{true}(F_ip, u0stacked, trange, p=P);
ode_data = Array(solve(prob, RK4(), u0 = u0stacked, p = P, saveat = saveat, dt=dt));
dt = T(1e-3);
trange = [T(0), T(2e-3)]
saveat = [dt, 2dt];
u0stacked = stack(ustart);
P = ComponentArray(f=zeros(T, (n+2,n+2,2)),div=zeros(T,(n+2,n+2)), p=zeros(T,(n+2,n+2)), ft=zeros(T,size(cache_ftemp)), pt=zeros(T,size(cache_ptemp)), θ=copy(θ_node))
prob = ODEProblem{true}(dudt_nn, u0stacked, trange, p=P)
ode_data = Array(solve(prob, RK4(), u0 = u0stacked, p = P, saveat = saveat))
ode_data += T(0.1)*rand(Float32, size(ode_data))

# the loss has to be in place
function loss(l,P, u0, pred, tspan, t, dt, target)
myprob = ODEProblem{true}(dudt_nn, u0, tspan, p=P)
pred .= Array(solve(myprob, RK4(), u0 = u0, p = P, saveat=t, dt=dt, verbose=false))
l .= Float32(sum(abs2, target - pred))
function loss(l::Vector{Float32},P, u0::Array{Float32}, tspan::Vector{Float32}, t::Vector{Float32})
myprob = ODEProblem{true}(dudt_nn, u0, tspan, P)
pred = Array(solve(myprob, RK4(), u0 = u0, p = P, saveat=t))
l .= Float32(sum(abs2, ode_data- pred))
data = copy(ode_data);
target = copy(ode_data);
loss(l,P, u0stacked, data, trange, saveat, dt, target);
loss(l,P, u0stacked, trange, saveat);

Expand All @@ -254,39 +263,38 @@ l = [T(0.0)];
dl = Enzyme.make_zero(l) .+T(1);
dP = Enzyme.make_zero(P);
du = Enzyme.make_zero(u0stacked);
dd = Enzyme.make_zero(data);
dtarg = Enzyme.make_zero(target);
@timed Enzyme.autodiff(Enzyme.Reverse, loss, DuplicatedNoNeed(l, dl), DuplicatedNoNeed(P, dP), DuplicatedNoNeed(u0stacked, du), DuplicatedNoNeed(data, dd), Const(trange), Const(saveat), Const(dt), DuplicatedNoNeed(target, dtarg))
@timed Enzyme.autodiff(Enzyme.Reverse, loss, DuplicatedNoNeed(l, dl), DuplicatedNoNeed(P, dP), DuplicatedNoNeed(u0stacked, du), Const(trange), Const(saveat))

println("Now defining the gradient function")
extra_par = [u0stacked, data, dd, target, dtarg, trange, saveat, dt, du, dP, P];
extra_par = [u0stacked, trange, saveat, du, dP, P];
Textra = typeof(extra_par);
Tth = typeof(P.θ);
function loss_gradient(G, extra_par)
u0, data, dd, target, dtarg, trange, saveat, dt, du0, dP, P = extra_par
u0, trange, saveat, du0, dP, P = extra_par
# [!] Notice that we are updating P.θ in-place in the loss function
# Reset gradient to zero
# And remember to pass the seed to the loss funciton with the dual part set to 1
Enzyme.autodiff(Enzyme.Reverse, loss, DuplicatedNoNeed([T(0)], [T(1)]), DuplicatedNoNeed(P,dP), DuplicatedNoNeed(u0, du0), DuplicatedNoNeed(data, dd) , Const(trange), Const(saveat), Const(dt), DuplicatedNoNeed(target, dtarg))
Enzyme.autodiff(Enzyme.Reverse, loss, DuplicatedNoNeed([T(0)], [T(1)]), DuplicatedNoNeed(P,dP), DuplicatedNoNeed(u0, du0), Const(trange), Const(saveat))
# The gradient matters only for theta
G .= dP.θ

# Trigger the gradient
G = copy(dP.θ);
oo = loss_gradient(G, extra_par)

# This is to call loss using only P
#function over_loss(θ::Tth, p::TP)
function over_loss(θ, p)
# Here we are updating P.θ in place
p.θ .= θ
loss(l,p, u0stacked, data, trange, saveat, dt, target);
loss(l,p, u0stacked, trange, saveat);
return l
callback = function (θ,l; doplot = false)
Expand Down

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