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FFC Pay Batch Processor


FFC microservice acting as a Siti Agri adaptor to process batch files and send individual transactions as messages to an Azure Service Bus topic.

For how the repo fits into the architecture and what components or dependencies it interacts with please refer to the following diagram: ffc-pay.drawio


Software required



Azure Service Bus

This service depends on a valid Azure Service Bus connection string for asynchronous communication. The following environment variables need to be set in any non-production (!config.isProd) environment before the Docker container is started or tests are run.

When deployed into an appropriately configured AKS cluster (where AAD Pod Identity is configured) the microservice will use AAD Pod Identity through the manifests for azure-identity and azure-identity-binding.

Name Description
MESSAGE_QUEUE_HOST Azure Service Bus hostname, e.g.
MESSAGE_QUEUE_PASSWORD Azure Service Bus SAS policy key
MESSAGE_QUEUE_USER Azure Service Bus SAS policy name, e.g. RootManageSharedAccessKey
MESSAGE_QUEUE_SUFFIX Developer initials

Azure Blob Storage

This repository polls for files from Azure Blob Storage within a batch container.

The following directories are automatically created within this container:

  • inbound - polling location
  • archive - successfully processed files
  • quarantine - unsuccessfully processed files

Payment batch file specification

Siti Agri

A batch file comprises three different line types which exist on a one : many : many relationship. i.e. each batch file will have:

  • one batch line
  • many header lines
  • each header line can have many invoice lines

The format of each line type varies depending on the payment scheme.

Sustainable Farming Incentive
Batch line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char B
Export date 10 2 Y Date yyyy-mm-dd
Number of invoices 5 3 Y Integer How many invoices are included within the batch
Batch value 15,2 4 Y Decimal Total net value of all invoices in batch
Batch ID 4 5 Y String Unique identifier of the batch
Creator ID 16 6 Y String SFI
Invoice type 2 7 Y String AP
Header line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char H
Invoice number 11 2 Y String Also called transaction ID. SFI + 8 digits. Start at next available number (sequence is shared across all SitiAgri schemes). For example SFI00123456
Request Invoice Number 2 3 Y String Starts at 01, finishes at 99. First invoice request number will represent first payment request. Subsequent numbers will represent a correction or delta transaction.
Claim ID 8 4 Y String 8 digits. Unique number related to the payment. Start at next available number (sequence is shared across all SitiAgri schemes). For example 00123456
Payment Type 1 5 Y String Unique number to identify payment. 1 = Request Invoice Number, 2 = Recovery/Reimbursement/Correction (currently derived in Matrix reporting from Request Invoice Number)
FRN 10 6 Y String The unique customer identifier – Firm Reference Number
Calculation Currency 3 7 Y String This will always be GBP
Total value 15,2 8 Y Decimal Net value of invoice (sum of all invoice lines associated with the header)
Delivery body 4 9 Y String Allowed values: For example NE00 (Natural England via Rural Payments Agency).
Payment preference currency 3 10 Y String Currency to be paid in is always GBP
Creator ID 4 11 Y String SFI
Payment Schedule 3 12 Y String Q4
Invoice line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char L
Invoice number 11 2 Y String As header
Value 15,2 3 Y Decimal Value of detail line
Marketing year 4 4 Y Integer YYYY - Calendar year to which the agreement payment relates
Scheme code 5 5 Y String Scheme structure is 5 digits eg. 12345 or 1234A
Fund 5 6 Y String DRD10
Claim ID 15 7 Y String Same as header Claim ID 00123456
Delivery body 4 8 Y String Allowed values: For example NE00. As per Header Delivery body.
Convergence 1 9 Y String N = Convergence, or N = non-convergence.
Line ID 3 10 Y String Unique identifier to each line of the invoice that starts at 1
Line type description 60 11 Y String Description of invoice line
Due date 10 12 Y Date yyyy-mm-dd. Set to 15th dd for Year 1 SFI Pilot. Due date to be the start date of the payment schedule. The payment cannot be made any earlier than this date
Batch to Customer Date 10 13 Y Date yyyy-mm-dd. Set to 15th dd for Year 1 SFI Pilot. The payment cannot be made any earlier than this date (but can be later).Where due date does not apply and is left blank the system date will be used to pass to DAX to effect payment to customer.
Account Code 6 14 Y String LLLNNN i.e. SOS273
Sustainable Farming Incentive Pilot
Batch line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char B
Export date 10 2 Y Date yyyy-mm-dd
Number of invoices 5 3 Y Integer How many invoices are included within the batch
Batch value 15,2 4 Y Decimal Total net value of all invoices in batch
Batch ID 4 5 Y String Unique identifier of the batch
Creator ID 16 6 Y String SFIP
Invoice type 2 7 Y String AP
Header line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char H
Invoice number 11 2 Y String Also called transaction ID. SFIP + 7 digits. Start at next available number (sequence is shared across all SitiAgri schemes). For example SFIP0123456
Request Invoice Number 2 3 Y String Starts at 01, finishes at 99. First invoice request number will represent first payment request. Subsequent numbers will represent a correction or delta transaction.
Claim ID 8 4 Y String S + 7 digits. Unique number related to the payment. Start at next available number (sequence is shared across all SitiAgri schemes). For example S0123456
Payment Type 1 5 Y String Unique number to identify payment. 1 = Request Invoice Number, 2 = Recovery/Reimbursement/Correction (currently derived in Matrix reporting from Request Invoice Number)
FRN 10 6 Y String The unique customer identifier – Firm Reference Number
Calculation Currency 3 7 Y String This will always be GBP
Total value 15,2 8 Y Decimal Net value of invoice (sum of all invoice lines associated with the header)
Delivery body 4 9 Y String Allowed values: For example RP00 (Rural Payment Agency).
Payment preference currency 3 10 Y String Currency to be paid in is always GBP
Creator ID 4 11 Y String SFIP
Payment Schedule 3 12 Y String Q4
Invoice line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char L
Invoice number 11 2 Y String As header
Value 15,2 3 Y Decimal Value of detail line
Marketing year 4 4 Y Integer YYYY - Calendar year to which the agreement payment relates
Scheme code 5 5 Y String Scheme structure is 5 digits eg. 12345 or 1234A.
Fund 5 6 Y String DRD10
Agreement Number 15 7 Y String SIP + 12 digits. Unique number related to the Agreement. Start at next available number (sequence is shared across all SitiAgri schemes). For example SIP000012345678
Delivery body 4 8 Y String Allowed values: For example RP00 (Rural Payments Agency). As per Header Delivery body.
Convergence 1 9 Y String N = Convergence, or N = non-convergence.
Line ID 3 10 Y String Unique identifier to each line of the invoice that starts at 1
Line type description 60 11 Y String Description of invoice line
Due date 10 12 Y Date yyyy-mm-dd. Set to 15th dd for Year 1 SFI Pilot. Due date to be the start date of the payment schedule. The payment cannot be made any earlier than this date
Batch to Customer Date 10 13 Y Date yyyy-mm-dd. Set to 15th dd for Year 1 SFI Pilot. The payment cannot be made any earlier than this date (but can be later).Where due date does not apply and is left blank the system date will be used to pass to DAX to effect payment to customer.
Account Code 6 14 Y String LLLNNN i.e. SOS273
Lump Sums Exit Scheme
Batch line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char B
Export date 10 2 Y Date yyyy-mm-dd
Number of invoices 5 3 Y Integer How many invoices are included within the batch
Batch value 15,2 4 Y Decimal Total net value of all invoices in batch
Batch ID 4 5 Y String Unique identifier of the batch
Creator ID 16 6 Y String LSES
Invoice type 2 7 Y String AP
Header line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char H
Invoice number 11 2 Y String Also called transaction ID. LSES + 7 digits. Start at next available number (sequence is shared across all SitiAgri schemes). For example LSES0123456
Request Invoice Number 2 3 Y String Starts at 01, finishes at 99. First invoice request number will represent first payment request. Subsequent numbers will represent a correction or delta transaction.
Claim ID 8 4 Y String L + 7 digits. Unique number related to the payment. Start at next available number (sequence is shared across all SitiAgri schemes). For example L0123456
FRN 10 6 Y String The unique customer identifier – Firm Reference Number
Payment Type 1 5 Y String Unique number to identify payment. 1 = Request Invoice Number, 2 = Recovery/Reimbursement/Correction (currently derived in Matrix reporting from Request Invoice Number)
Total value 15,2 6 Y Decimal Net value of invoice (sum of all invoice lines associated with the header)
Delivery body 4 7 Y String Allowed values: For example RP00 (Rural Payments Agency).
Payment preference currency 3 8 Y String Currency to be paid in is always GBP
Invoice line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char L
Invoice number 11 2 Y String As header
Value 15,2 3 Y Decimal Value of detail line
Marketing year 4 4 Y Integer YYYY - Calendar year to which the agreement payment relates
Scheme code 5 5 Y String Scheme structure is 5 digits eg. 12345 or 1234A
Fund 5 6 Y String DRD10
Delivery body 4 7 Y String Allowed values: For example RP00. As per Header Delivery body.
Line ID 3 8 Y String Unique identifier to each line of the invoice that starts at 1
Line type description 60 9 Y String Description of invoice line
Due date 10 10 Y Date yyyy-mm-dd. Set to 15th dd for Year 1 SFI Pilot. Due date to be the start date of the payment schedule. The payment cannot be made any earlier than this date
Basic Payment Scheme
Batch line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char B
Export date 10 2 Y Date yyyy-mm-dd
Number of invoices 5 3 Y Integer How many invoices are included within the batch
Batch value 15,2 4 Y Decimal Total net value of all invoices in batch
Batch ID 4 5 Y String Unique identifier of the batch
Creator ID 16 6 Y String SITI AGRI SYS
Invoice type 2 7 Y String AP
Header line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char H
Invoice number 11 2 Y String Also called transaction ID. SITI + 7 digits. Start at next available number (sequence is shared across all SitiAgri schemes). For example SITI0123456
Request Invoice Number 2 3 Y String Starts at 01, finishes at 99. First invoice request number will represent first payment request. Subsequent numbers will represent a correction or delta transaction.
Claim ID 8 4 Y String C + 7 digits. Unique number related to the payment. Start at next available number (sequence is shared across all SitiAgri schemes). For example C0123456
FRN 10 5 Y String The unique customer identifier – Firm Reference Number
Payment Type 1 6 Y String Unique number to identify payment. 1 = Request Invoice Number, 2 = Recovery/Reimbursement/Correction (currently derived in Matrix reporting from Request Invoice Number)
Total value 15,2 7 Y Decimal Net value of invoice (sum of all invoice lines associated with the header)
Delivery body 4 8 Y String Allowed values: For example RP00 (Rural Payments Agency).
Payment preference currency 3 9 Y String Currency to be paid in is always GBP
Invoice line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char L
Invoice number 11 2 Y String As header
Value 15,2 3 Y Decimal Value of detail line
Marketing year 4 4 Y Integer YYYY - Calendar year to which the agreement payment relates
Scheme code 5 5 Y String Scheme structure is 5 digits eg. 12345 or 1234A
Fund 5 6 Y String DRD10
Delivery body 4 7 Y String Allowed values: For example RP00. As per Header Delivery body.
Line ID 3 8 Y String Unique identifier to each line of the invoice that starts at 1
Line type description 60 9 Y String Description of invoice line
Due date 10 10 Y Date yyyy-mm-dd. Set to 15th dd for Year 1 SFI Pilot. Due date to be the start date of the payment schedule. The payment cannot be made any earlier than this date
Countryside Stewardship
Batch line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char B
Export date 10 2 Y Date yyyy-mm-dd
Number of invoices 5 3 Y Integer How many invoices are included within the batch
Batch value 15,2 4 Y Decimal Total net value of all invoices in batch
Batch ID 4 5 Y String Unique identifier of the batch
Creator ID 16 6 Y String SITI AGRI CS SYS
Invoice type 2 7 Y String AP
Header line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char H
Invoice number 11 2 Y String Also called transaction ID. CS + 8 digits. Start at next available number (sequence is shared across all SitiAgri schemes). For example CS000123456
Request Invoice Number 2 3 Y String Starts at 01, finishes at 99. First invoice request number will represent first payment request. Subsequent numbers will represent a correction or delta transaction.
Claim ID 8 4 Y String 8 digits. Unique number related to the payment. Start at next available number (sequence is shared across all SitiAgri schemes). For example A0123456
Payment Type 1 5 Y String Unique number to identify payment. 1 = Request Invoice Number, 2 = Recovery/Reimbursement/Correction (currently derived in Matrix reporting from Request Invoice Number)
FRN 10 6 Y String The unique customer identifier – Firm Reference Number
Calculation Currency 3 7 Y String This will always be GBP
Total value 15,2 8 Y Decimal Net value of invoice (sum of all invoice lines associated with the header)
Delivery body 4 9 Y String Allowed values: For example NE00 (Natural England via Rural Payments Agency).
Payment preference currency 3 10 Y String Currency to be paid in is always GBP
Invoice line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char L
Invoice number 11 2 Y String As header
Value 15,2 3 Y Decimal Value of detail line
Marketing year 4 4 Y Integer YYYY - Calendar year to which the agreement payment relates
Scheme code 5 5 Y String Scheme structure is 5 digits eg. 12345 or 1234A
Fund 5 6 Y String DRD10
Agreement Number 15 7 Y String Unique agreement number
Delivery body 4 8 Y String Allowed values: For example NE00. As per Header Delivery body.
Convergence 1 9 Y String N = Convergence, or N = non-convergence.
Line ID 3 10 Y String Unique identifier to each line of the invoice that starts at 1
Line type description 60 11 Y String Description of invoice line
Due date 10 12 Y Date yyyy-mm-dd. Set to 15th dd for Year 1 SFI Pilot. Due date to be the start date of the payment schedule. The payment cannot be made any earlier than this date
Account Code 6 13 Y String LLLNNN i.e. SOS273
Financial Discipline Mechanism Reimbursement
Batch line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char B
Export date 10 2 Y Date yyyy-mm-dd
Number of invoices 5 3 Y Integer How many invoices are included within the batch
Batch value 15,2 4 Y Decimal Total net value of all invoices in batch
Batch ID 4 5 Y String Unique identifier of the batch
Creator ID 16 6 Y String FDMR
Invoice type 2 7 Y String AP
Header line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char H
Invoice number 11 2 Y String Also called transaction ID. FDMR + 7 digits. Start at next available number (sequence is shared across all SitiAgri schemes). For example FDMR0123456
Request Invoice Number 2 3 Y String Starts at 01, finishes at 99. First invoice request number will represent first payment request. Subsequent numbers will represent a correction or delta transaction.
Claim ID 8 4 Y String C + 7 digits. Unique number related to the payment. Start at next available number (sequence is shared across all SitiAgri schemes). For example C0123456
FRN 10 5 Y String The unique customer identifier – Firm Reference Number
Payment Type 1 6 Y String Unique number to identify payment. 1 = Request Invoice Number, 2 = Recovery/Reimbursement/Correction (currently derived in Matrix reporting from Request Invoice Number)
Total value 15,2 7 Y Decimal Net value of invoice (sum of all invoice lines associated with the header)
Delivery body 4 8 Y String Allowed values: For example RP00 (Rural Payments Agency).
Payment preference currency 3 9 Y String Currency to be paid in is always GBP
Invoice line
Name Max Length position Is Mandatory Data Type Description
Line type 1 1 Y Char L
Invoice number 11 2 Y String As header
Value 15,2 3 Y Decimal Value of detail line
Marketing year 4 4 Y Integer YYYY - Calendar year to which the agreement payment relates
Scheme code 5 5 Y String Scheme structure is 5 digits eg. 12345 or 1234A
Fund 5 6 Y String DRD10
Delivery body 4 7 Y String Allowed values: For example RP00. As per Header Delivery body.
Line ID 3 8 Y String Unique identifier to each line of the invoice that starts at 1
Line type description 60 9 Y String Description of invoice line
Due date 10 12 Y Date yyyy-mm-dd. Set to 15th dd for Year 1 SFI Pilot. Due date to be the start date of the payment schedule. The payment cannot be made any earlier than this date


The application is designed to run in containerised environments, using Docker Compose in development and Kubernetes in production.

  • A Helm chart is provided for deployments to Kubernetes.


Build container image

By default, the start script will build (or rebuild) images so there will rarely be a need to build images manually. However, this can be achieved through the Docker Compose build command:

docker compose build

How to start the Batch Processor

The service can be run using the convenience script:


How to get an output

There are several different possible outcomes depending on the input:

  1. Processing a valid payment file
    Input: A valid payment file.
    Output: The transactions are logged, the payment file is moved from inbound to archive, and each valid payment request is sent to the Topic PAYMENT_TOPIC_REQUEST.

  2. Processing a payment file with the wrong amount of requests
    Input: A payment file where the amount of payment requests does not match the batch header.
    Output: An error message is logged and the payment file is moved from inbound to quarantine.

  3. Processing a payment file with an invalid batch header
    Input: A payment file with an invalid batch header (e.g. wrong date format)
    Output: An error message is logged and the payment file is moved from inbound to quarantine.

  4. Processing a payment file with an invalid invoice line total
    Input: A payment file where the batch header value matches the payment line values but one or more payment line does not match the corresponding invoice line total.
    Output: The valid payment requests are logged and error messages are logged for each invalid request, the payment file is moved from inbound to archive, each valid payment request is sent to Topic PAYMENT_TOPIC_ADDRESS, and an invalid event is sent to EVENT_TOPIC_ADDRESS for each invalid payment request.

  5. Processing a payment file with an unexpected sequence number
    Input: A payment file where the batch header sequence number is different from the expected value.
    Output: If the sequence number is lower than the expected value the payment file is ignored. If the sequence number is higher than the expected value the payment file is quarantined. A message is logged stating that the payment file has been ignored or quarentined accordingly.

How to stop the Batch Processor

This serivice can be stopped in different ways:

Bring the service down

docker compose down

Bring the service down and clear its data

docker compose down -v

How to test the Batch Processor

Running tests

Tests can be run in several modes:

Run tests and exit


Run tests with file watch

scripts/test -w

Run tests with debug

scripts/test -d

CI pipeline

This service uses the FFC CI pipeline



The following attribution statement MUST be cited in your products and applications when using this information.

Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government license v3

About the licence

The Open Government Licence (OGL) was developed by the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) to enable information providers in the public sector to license the use and re-use of their information under a common open licence.

It is designed to encourage use and re-use of information freely and flexibly, with only a few conditions.