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Hi! I want you to present my first big project called Prosta Matura. This app was created for polish students studying for their advanced math matura exam. Throughout my career as a this year's high school graduate I couldn't find any type of website having all of the tasks of this exam in one place, so I did it. Everyone can use this app for free just sign in with google account. Prosta Matura is made with NextJS, React, NextAuth, Tailwind, Prisma and PlanetScale as database. I'm very proud of it, because I've had a lot of fun doing this project and it has brought me new valuable experience. Don't wait, check my app and it's code, because any feedback is very welcome. I would be grateful for any code review.

Little overview for everyone that doesn't know polish:

  • Every task can be marked as done by clicking button "Obliczone" or unmark them clicking "Nieobliczone".
  • Also every task has their answer "Odpowiedź".
  • At page /tasks - Zadania, you can see every task you want and filter them by type of task you want. Parenthesis in filters has the quantity of task of each task type.
  • At page /exam - Arkusze, you have every exam that was in the past, by clicking one of their button the app will redirect you to page with every task that was in a selected exam.
  • The page /random - Losuj zadanie, gives you random task, by clicking the button, you will get another random task.
  • Dashboard will show you charts of how many tasks you have done so far out of all tasks from specific task type. (Only for signed in users).
  • There is also another page, but this one you have to type in by yourself - /tasks/add-task - I created this form and used this to easily add another tasks, because there is no any database that I've could fetch data. I used here React Hook Form to see how form validation works. Someday I will implement credetials for signing up an signing in with this package.

As I said, every feedback is welcome. Contact me: Discord: danexq.

Prosta Matura is built with:

NextJS React Tailwind NextAuth Prisma PlanetScale