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release notes

Daniel Ordonez edited this page May 28, 2018 · 5 revisions

Release notes

v1.0.2 - Alpha Release (5/22/2018)

  • Integration of Realsense RS200 pointcloud data for octomap generation and reactive planning.
  • Calibration of simulated scene objects.
  • Integration os simulated world file for gazebo simulation.

v1.0.0 - Stable Release (5/22/2018)

  • Stable version of gazebo simulation package
  • Pick and place testing sequence setup
  • Configuration of kinematic solver and kinematic solver parameters for each group to imporve planning resolution rates and general operability.
  • Optimization method Distance used for move groups with trac-ik as kinematic solver

v0.3.0 - Betha release (5/18/2018)

  • Configuration files set up for real robot operation.
  • Pick and place (without vision) testing tutorial.
  • Initial integration of Gazebo simulation.

v0.2.1 - Alpha release (4/20/2018)

v0.2.0 - Alpha release (4/15/2018)

  • New tutorial: Connect to Robot Controller; that gives instructions on how to operate the actual robot with ROS through the motoman_driver.
  • Configuration files for real hardware operation.
  • Launch files for real hardware operation.

v0.1.5 - Alpha release (4/4/2018)

  • Update to MoveGroup Interface tutorial; New motion types included.
  • Dependency updates to allow for easy rosdep commands, and easy installation

v0.1.4 - Alpha release (4/2/2018)

  • Dependency updates to allow for easy rosdep commands, and easy installation

v0.1.3 - Alpha release (3/270/2018)

  • New inverse kinematics solver (Trac_IK) implemented for arm_left and arm_right move groups; this solver impoves heavily the planning behaviour near singulatiry points and joint limits, plus a general increase in robustness and speed - new dependency added: trac_ik_kinematics_plugin (to package invite_motoman_moveit_config)
  • New tutorial added: Simulation Scene Objects; Default scene objects were pre configured for easy loading and using, see tutorial for instructions of use.
  • New tutorial added: Modify Robot Grippers; With this tutorial the grippers configuration was changed (i.g. the TCP was moved)