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An instruction for deploying self-hosted Hoppscotch service with Treafik!


This documentation is heavily based on the Official documentation. Please, check out the Official Hoppschotch Documentation.

Table of Contents

  1. Setup
  2. Docker Compose File
  3. TLS Configuration
  4. Proxy
  5. Hoppscotch Environment File
  6. Migration
  7. Sensitive Values


  1. First, you need the official Hoppscotch repository.
git clone
  1. After cloning the official Hoppscotch repository you should clone the contents of this repository aswell.
git clone
  1. Clone the Hoppscotch-Proxy repository
git clone
  • Your directory structure should look like this:
    opt/                                      <- repository root
    ├─ hoppscotch/                            <- Official hoppscotch repository  
    ├─ Hoppscotch-Setup/                      <- This repository
    ├─ proxyscotch/                           <- Official Hoppscotch-Proxy repository
  1. Replace the contents of the Hoppscotch repository with the contents of this repository
  2. Setup the Secrets stored in the hoppscotch.kdbx file as Environment Variables on the host system
export GITHUB_CLIENT_ID_VALUE='*********'
  • hoppscotch.kdbx is sent via E-Mail. If you want to setup the values yourself, you can check the required Environment Variable Key names in ENV_KEYS and DOCKER_KEYS
  1. Run from within the hoppscotch directory, to fill in the Environbment Variables from the previous step in the docker-compose and .env files. For more information see Sensitive Values
  2. Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up to start the treafik, hoppscotch, proxy and postgres containers.
  3. Run docker run -it --network hoppscotch --env-file .env hoppscotch-hoppscotch-aio pnpx prisma migrate deploy to setup the database.
  4. Wait for the hoppscotch-aio container to become healthy
  5. You can visit the hoppscotch app on and admin dashboard on http://admin.HOPPSCOTCH_DOMAIN/
  6. If you get a Could not send request issues, please configure the Interceptor


Hoppschotch can be set up to use TLS, see TLS configuration.

Docker-compose file

Hoppscotch all-in-one docker-compose.yml with Traefik reverse-proxy and hoppscotch-proxy integration.

We use Traefik docker-compose labels to route requests to the proxy, frontend, admin and backend pages.


The admin page cannot be served as a folder of the main domain, it has to have its own domain name, E.G.

TLS configuration

By default certificates have to be uploaded to the /hoppscotch/certs directory, the docker-compose then creates a volume /hoppscotch/certs:/etc/certs

The TLS certificate needs to be in the .pem format. The service desk (IT Team) create the Certificates for the Server.


The Certificates should only be stored on the server.

Treafiks TLS defaults are defined in the ./tlsconf/certs-traefik.yml.

The Traefik Container expects a certificate location of /etc/certs/, it can be configured from /tlsconf/certs-traefik.yml

Example configuration

    - certFile: /etc/certs/cert1
      keyFile: /etc/certs/key1
    - certFile: /etc/certs/cert2
      keyFile: /etc/certs/key2


Use of Hoppscotch requires a proxy due to CORS, possible options are the Hoppscotch Browser Extension, or Proxyscotch.

The docker-compose file spins up a Proxyscotch container on proxy.HOPPSCOTCH_DOMAIN.

To use the proxy go to Settings>Interceptor, enable the Use the proxy middleware to send requests and change the Proxy URL to: https://proxy.HOPPSCOTCH_DOMAIN

Hoppscotch environment file

All the environment variables required for Hoppscotch to work are provided in the .env file.


This is only an example of the .env file with placeholders, as to not commit any secrets in plain text to the git repository. Secrets are stored in the KeePass hoppscotch.kdbx file. To easily replace the placeholders with the correct values you can use the bash script
Currently only Google Auth and GitHub Auth are configured, if further Auth methods need to be setup, please refer to the official Hoppschotch documentation.


Ensure that the environment values are not enclosed within quotes. Should look like this:REDIRECT_URL=<base url> and not like this REDIRECT_URL='<base url>'

Example environment file configuration

#-----------------------Backend Config------------------------------#
# Prisma Config

# Auth Tokens Config
REFRESH_TOKEN_VALIDITY=604800000 # Default validity is 7 days (604800000 ms) in ms
ACCESS_TOKEN_VALIDITY=86400000 # Default validity is 1 day (86400000 ms) in ms
SESSION_SECRET='add some secret here'

# Hoppscotch App Domain Config
REDIRECT_URL=<base url>
WHITELISTED_ORIGINS=<app url, backend url, admin Url>

# Github Auth Config
GITHUB_CALLBACK_URL=<backend url>/v1/auth/github/callback

# Google Auth Config
GOOGLE_CALLBACK_URL=https:<backend url>/v1/auth/google/callback

# Rate Limit Config
RATE_LIMIT_TTL=60 # In seconds
RATE_LIMIT_MAX=100 # Max requests per IP

#-----------------------Frontend Config------------------------------#

# Base URLs
VITE_BASE_URL=<base url>


VITE_ADMIN_URL=<admin url>

# Backend URLs
VITE_BACKEND_GQL_URL=<backend url>/graphql
VITE_BACKEND_WS_URL=<backend url>/graphql
VITE_BACKEND_API_URL=<backend url>/v1

# Terms Of Service And Privacy Policy Links (Optional)

Description of values

  1. Prisma Config
    • DATABASE_URL: This is where you add your Postgres database URL.
  2. Auth Tokens Config
    • JWT_SECRET, SESSION_SECRET: Secret Keys for security purposes.
    • TOKEN_SALT_COMPLEXITY: Defines the complexity of the SALT that is used for hashing - a higher number implies a more complex salt.
    • MAGIC_LINK_TOKEN_VALIDITY: Duration of the validity of the magic link being sent to sign in to Hoppscotch (in days).
    • REFRESH_TOKEN_VALIDITY: Validity of the refresh token for auth (in ms).
    • ACCESS_TOKEN_VALIDITY: Validity of the access token for auth (in ms).
  3. Hoppscotch App Domain Config
    • REDIRECT_URL: This is a fallback URL to debug when the actual redirects fail.
    • WHITELISTED_ORIGINS: URLs of Hoppscotch backend, admin dashboard, and the frontend app.
  4. Auth config
    • VITE_ALLOWED_AUTH_PROVIDERS: Allows you to specify which auth providers you want to enable. Options are Google, Github, Microsoft, and email.
    • Github Auth Config
      • to create a Github OAuth Apps.
      • GITHUB_CLIENT_ID: The ID which is generated by GitHub.
      • GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET: The secret which is generated by GitHub.
      • GITHUB_CALLBACK_URL: The Url should be the same in Github and and in the .env.
    • Google Auth Config
      • to make the Google auth work connected to the Servicedesk. They will provide you with GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET.
      • GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: Information is provided from Servicedesk.
      • GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET: Information is provided from Servicedesk.
      • GOOGLE_CALLBACK_URL: Inform the Servicedesk with the correct CALLBACK_URL.
    • Other Auth
  5. Rate Limit Config
    • RATE_LIMIT_TTL: The time it takes to refresh the maximum number of requests being received.
    • RATE_LIMIT_MAX: The maximum number of requests that Hoppscotch can handle under RATE_LIMIT_TTL.
  6. Base URLs
    • VITE_BASE_URL: This is the URL where your deployment will be accessible from.
    • VITE_SHORTCODE: A URL to generate shortcodes for sharing, can be the same as VITE_BASE_URL.
    • VITE_ADMIN_URL: This is the URL which your Admin page will be accessible from.
  7. Backend URLs
    • VITE_BACKEND_GQL_URL: The URL for GraphQL within the instance.
    • VITE_BACKEND_WS_URL: The URL for WebSockets within the instance.
    • VITE_BACKEND_API_URL: The URL for REST APIs within the instance.


If you are getting Status Code 500 from the backend, when for example trying to log in, you should run a migration

docker exec -it hoppscotch-aio pnpx prisma migrate deploy

Sensitive values

As to not store any sensitive values in this git repository, some values in the .env and docker-compose.yml files have been replaced with placeholders. You can use the bash script to automatically set up these values from local environment variables.

Before you run you need to have defined the following environment variables:



Make sure not to commit any sensitive information to this repository.