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Spring Framework Developer

Although Spring Framework had been introduced in 2002 it is continue to be the most popular for software development in Java World. The main goal of this course is covering a modern development with Java 8, Spring Core 5.x, Spring Boot 2.x and Spring Cloud.


  • Java SE Development Kit 10
  • Gradle 4.x (or you could use Gradle wrapper)
  • Git 1.7.x (or newer)

Homework 1: Quiz for students

Configuration. Use class ClassPathXmlApplicationContext and xml file for configuration

Homework 2: Quiz for students

Configuration. Use class AnnotationConfigApplicationContext and annotations @Configuration, @ComponentScan, @Service for configuration

Homework 3: Quiz for students

Spring Boot. Use class SpringApplication and annotation @SpringBootApplication for configuration

Homework 4: Quiz for students

Spring Shell. Use annotation @ShellComponent like a new @Component stereotype to enable terminal client

Homework 5: Books library

Spring JDBC. Use DAO, JdbcTemplate and TransactionTemplate to simplify using of JDBC and programmatic transactions

Homework 6: Books library

Spring ORM JPA. Use EntityManagerFactory and PlatformTransactionManager that covers persistence technologies

Homework 7: Books library

Spring Data JPA. Use Repository interface and @Repository annotation to implement patterns DAO and use RDBMS

Homework 8: Books library

Spring Data MongoDB. Use Repository interface and @Repository annotation to implement patterns DAO and use NoSQL document-oriented database

Homework 9: Books library

Spring Web MVC. Use Servlet API, embedded Apache Tomcat, @Controller annotation, and HTTP to make requests and receives responses from the servlet container

Homework 10: Books library

Spring Web MVC with REST. Use Servlet API, embedded Apache Tomcat, @RestController annotation, and HTTP to simplify the creation of RESTful web services