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Albert Domenech edited this page Aug 4, 2024 · 4 revisions

MultiLeaderStyle Class

Represents a object.


Object name
Dxf class name


Namespace: ACadSharp.Objects


public class MultiLeaderStyle


Returns Name Summary
Double AlignSpace Align Space
BlockRecord Arrowhead Gets or sets a representing the arrowhead
to be displayed with every leader line.
Double ArrowheadSize Gests or sets the arrowhead size.
BlockRecord BlockContent Gets a containing elements
to be drawn as content for the multileader.
Color BlockContentColor Gets or sets the block-content color.
BlockContentConnectionType BlockContentConnection Gets or sets a value indicating whether the multileader connects to the content-block extents
or to the content-block base point.
Double BlockContentRotation Gets or sets the block content rotation.
XYZ BlockContentScale Gets or sets the scale factor for block content.
Double BreakGapSize Break Gap Size
LeaderContentType ContentType Gets or sets a value indicating the content type for the multileader.
String DefaultTextContents Gests or sets a default text that is to be set when a mutileader is being created
with this .
String Description Gets or sets a text containing the description of this .
Boolean EnableBlockContentRotation Gets or sets a value indicating whether rotation of the block content is enabled.
Boolean EnableBlockContentScale Gets or sets a value indicating whether scaling of the block content is enabled.
Boolean EnableDogleg Gets or sets a value indicating that leader lines are to be drawn with a dogleg.
Boolean EnableLanding Gets or sets a value indicating whether landing is enabled.
Double FirstSegmentAngleConstraint Gets or sets a snap angle value for the first leader segment when a leader line
is being created for the mutileader.
Boolean IsAnnotative Is Annotative
Double LandingDistance Gets or sets the landing distance, i.e. the length of the dogleg.
Double LandingGap Gets or sets the landing gap. This is the distance between the leader end point or, if present,
the end of the dogleg and the text label or the content block.
LeaderDrawOrderType LeaderDrawOrder DrawLeaderOrder Type
LineType LeaderLineType Gets or sets a object specifying line-type properties for the
musltileader. This setting applies for all leader lines of the multileader.
LineweightType LeaderLineWeight Gets or sets a value specifying the lineweight to be applied to all leader lines of the multileader.
Color LineColor Gets or sets color to be applied all leader lines of the multileader.
Int32 MaxLeaderSegmentsPoints Gets or sets the max number of segments when a new leader is being created for a multileader.
MultiLeaderDrawOrderType MultiLeaderDrawOrder DrawMLeaderOrder Type
String ObjectName
ObjectType ObjectType
Boolean OverwritePropertyValue Overwrite Property Value
MultiLeaderPathType PathType Gets or sets a value indicating whether leaders are to be displayed as polyline,
a spline curve or invisible. This setting applies for all leader lines of the
Double ScaleFactor Gets or sets the scale factor for the , ,
, , and the elements of .
Double SecondSegmentAngleConstraint Gets or sets a snap angle value for the second leader segment when a leader line
is being created for the mutileader.
String SubclassMarker
Boolean TextAlignAlwaysLeft Text Align Always Left
TextAlignmentType TextAlignment Gets or sets the text alignment, i.e. the alignment of text lines if the a multiline
text label, relative to the .
TextAngleType TextAngle Gets or sets a value indicating the text angle.
TextAttachmentDirectionType TextAttachmentDirection Gets or sets the Text attachment direction for text or block contents, rename?
This property defines whether the leaders attach to the left/right of the content block/text,
or attach to the top/bottom.
TextAttachmentType TextBottomAttachment Gets or sets the text bottom attachment type.
This value controls the position of the connection point of the leader
attached to the bottom of the text label.
Color TextColor Gest or sets the color for the text label of the multileader.
Boolean TextFrame Gets or sets a value indicating that the text label is to be drawn with a frame.
Double TextHeight Gest or sets the text height for the text label of the multileader.
TextAttachmentType TextLeftAttachment Gets or sets the Text Left Attachment Type.
This value controls the position of the connection point of the leader
attached to the left side of the text label.
TextAttachmentType TextRightAttachment Gets or sets the Text Right Attachment Type.
This value controls the position of the connection point of the leader
attached to the right side of the text label.
TextStyle TextStyle Gets or sets the to be used to display the text label of the
TextAttachmentType TextTopAttachment Gets or sets the text top attachment type.
This value controls the position of the connection point of the leader
attached to the top of the text label.


Returns Name Summary
CadObject Clone
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