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GoldFrite edited this page Aug 18, 2024 · 5 revisions

You can use Java to manually download Java. However, you can also use Launcher to automatically download Java.

const { Java } = require('eml-lib')


async function java() {
  const java = new Java(null, 'goldfrite', '')

  try {
  } catch (error) {

Java constructor

Parameter Type Description Required?
minecraftVersion string The version of Minecraft you want to install Java for. Set to null to get the version from the EML AdminTool. Set to latest_release to get the latest release version of Minecraft. Set to latest_snapshot to get the latest snapshot version of Minecraft. No (default is null)
serverId string Your Minecraft server ID (eg. 'minecraft'). This will be used to create the server folder (eg. .minecraft). Java will be installed in the runtime/jre-X folder, where X is the major version of Java. If you don't want to install Java in the game folder, you must install Java by yourself. Yes
url string The URL of the EML AdminTool website, to get the version from the EML AdminTool. No

Java.getFiles() method

Get the files of the Java version to download.


You should not use this method directly. Use instead.

Parameter Type Description Required?
manifest string The manifest of the Minecraft version. If not provided, the manifest will be fetched. No

Returns: Promise<File[]> - The Java files to download.

Throws: FETCH_ERROR - If the request to get the files fails. method

Download Java for the Minecraft version.

Throws: FETCH_ERROR - If the request to get the files fails. • DOWNLOAD_ERROR - If an error occurs while downloading Java.

Emits: download_progress - Java is downloading. • download_error - Error while downloading Java. • download_end - Java is downloaded. • java_info - The Java version and architecture.

Java.check() method

Check if Java is correctly installed.

Parameter Type Description Required?
absolutePath string Absolute path to the Java executable. You can use ${X} to replace it with the major version of Java. No (default is GAME FOLDER/runtime/jre-${X})
majorVersion number Major version of Java to check. No (default is 8)

Returns: { version: string; arch: "64-bit" | "32-bit" } - The Java version and architecture.

Throws: JAVA_ERROR - If Java is not correctly installed.

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