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This is a competition hosted by which ends on 31st Dec 2019. This competition requires competitors to build to a machine learning model to predict level of damage cause to the building given their socio-economic-demographic information

The model is graded on an unseen test dataset using micro-averaged F-1 Score.
Reference: Click to open

There are 39 variables in the training dataset. The dataset is semi-anonymized by the competition host. building_id is the unique identifier of each record.

Data Exploration

  1. There are no missing values
  2. The data is imbalanced, meaning there are not equal no. of records for each target variable.
  3. Around 10% of total data has buildings with age 0.Age is binned in the intervals of 5. So 0 age denotes building with age upto 4 years and so forth.
  4. There are few data points with age more that 100 years as well.
  5. area_percentage and height_percentage filed is normalized.
  6. 'r' type of foundation is the leading type of foundation found in most of the damaged buildings.

Data Modelling
Below are few things that I tried to get maximum F-1 Score on test data.

  1. Parameter tuning for Random Forest and XGBoost
  2. Upsampling and downsampling the training data to deal with class imbalance.