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joaomcteixeira edited this page Dec 23, 2018 · 12 revisions

Blog and Annoucements


Thank you for this first year

Dear colleagues,

Approximately one year ago we were submitting the first version of our original article to the Journal of Biomolecular NMR; later, on 11 May 2018 Farseer-NMR saw (officially) the light of day for the first time.

Since that moment, The Farseer-NMR publication has amassed more than 1.1k downloads! This is an amazing achievement for our project, which fills me with joy and gratitude.

During this year, 5 workshops were held Europe wide, always featuring large audiences being the one in the Nova University of Lisbon the largest!

The interaction with all the users during workshops is having an incredible POSITIVE impact on the development of the project. Many features have been suggested, bugs identified and even issues that were not thought in the beginning are now already solved (the new installation routine is the most important example of this so far).

I wish to personally and deeply THANK all of you for your interest, dedication, testing and, above all, patience ;-) The Farseer-NMR project is evolving and changing fast and I know that may cause you some troubles sometimes (reinstallations :-P) but, I am positive you understand this situation and you will stay with us in this quest of improving Farseer-NMR ;-)

I wish very nice vacations to ALL of you, whether they are Christmas and new year's eve or the celebration of your choice :-)

Hope to see you for the next year of developments, Stay tuned,

João M.C. Teixeira

Patch v1.3.2

The installation libraries incorpored in version 1.3.0 are now officially part of the Tree-of-Life project, the Farseer-NMR project has been upgraded accordingly.

For those users that had installed version 1.3.0, it is now necessary to reinstall from scratch version 1.3.2 because the 1.3.0 updater is not compatible with the new version. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Download here the latest version of Farseer-NMR.

Read more on the new installation routines on the release note of version 1.3.0.

Patch v1.3.1 released

A user has addressed us with a bug in the Extended Bar plots templates where the xticks and xticks_labels were not displaying properly for large proteins.

The current patch corrects that behaviour.

Now, for both horizontal and vertical Extended bar plots, xticks are set to a maximum to avoid tick crowing and label overlap, ticks are then displayed evenly spaced. Therefore, for datasets where a FASTA file was used to identify unassigned residues, tick separation will have a direct relation with the protein length, while if no FASTA is used, tick separation will relate to the number of residues in the reference peaklist.

For Compacted bar plots, ticks are displayed for residues multiples of 10, regardless of how many bars separate the ticks. That is, if no FASTA is used, xticks won't be evenly spaced, while if a FASTA file is used, xticks will nicely display evenly. If the number of xticks is higher than 10, multiples of 100 are used, or 1000, and so forth...

This is an open question for users: How would you like to see ticks represented for very large proteins? Which way fits your work best? Send us your answer to

Download here the latest version of Farseer-NMR.

v1.3.0 released!

Dear All,

We are happy to announce the release of version 1.3.0!

The major upgrade in this version is the introduction of a multiplatform and straightforward installer. To install Farseer-NMR simply run:


the installer is UNIX (GNU/Linux and MAC) and Windows compatible and runs on both Python 2.7 and 3.x series.

The creation of this installer was driven by all the feedback obtained during the workshops performed along this first year of 2018. Thank you all for your help and guidance!

Download here the latest version of Farseer-NMR.

Yes, Farseer-NMR can now execute also on Windows machines! It was tested on Windows 10 Pro (thank you Héctor Fuentes); it might have some sporadic bugs here and there though - let's call it a beta version for now - but, hopefully, you will give it a try and help us out spotting those bugs ;-) as our support for Windows machines is still reduced. For GNU/Linux and MAC we give full support!

This new version provides also an updater; now, you can keep Farseer-NMR up to the latest version in one go and independently of any GitHub installation on your computer, simply run the farseer_updater exec file that is created after the installation.

In our Wiki page you will find detailed information on how to download, install, run and update Farseer-NMR! If you are using Farseer-NMR in a Windows machine we advise you to read the how to for Windows, though it is very easy, the execution command is not obvious!

The Farseer-NMR Project

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