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Doc Outline

smsiebe edited this page Oct 20, 2011 · 3 revisions


This page provides an skeletal outline for the documentation effort.


  • Introduction
    • What is Jackson
    • Who uses Jackson
    • Related Projects
    • External Resources
  • Intro to Docs
    • Common scenario introduction
    • Common scenario javadoc links, src links, binary downloads
  • Quick Start
    • Simple Serialization and Deserialization (Marshal and Unmarshal)
      • Simple intro to methods, perhaps a simple pro/con matrix of each approach
      • Data Binding approach (scenario: simple 3rd party data dump)
      • Tree Model approach (scenario: sanitizing previous 3rd party files created)
      • Streaming API approach (scenario: reading in 3rd party data push...very big file, only need a small part)
    • ....
  • Teaching Jackson Literacy (Customize handling, dealing with inheritance, etc)
    • JsonView
    • Dynamic Filters
    • ...
  • Mastering Jackson
    • BYOC
    • Mr. Bean
    • Mix-in
    • JSON Schema
    • ...
  • Extending Jackson
    • Custom serializers/deserializers
    • Contextual Handlers
    • Modules
    • ...
  • Subprojects
    • SMILE
    • JAX-RS
    • ...
  • FAQ
    • faq questions...