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bamthomas edited this page Mar 30, 2023 · 124 revisions

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Options /api/key/:userId

Preflight for key management.

  • Return 200 with OPTIONS, GET, PUT and DELETE

Put /api/key/:userId

Creates a new private key and saves its 384 hash into database for current user.

"/api/key" resource is available only in SERVER mode.

Returns JSON like :

  • Parameter userId

  • Return 201 (created) or error

  • Throws Exception

Get /api/key/:userId

Get the private key for an existing user.

"/api/key" resource is available only in SERVER mode.

Returns JSON like :

  • Parameter userId

  • Return 200 or error

  • Throws Exception

Delete /api/key/:userId

Deletes an apikey for current user. Returns 204 (idempotent) or server error.

"/api/key" resource is available only in SERVER mode.

  • Parameter userId
  • Return 204
  • Throws Exception


Get /api/batch/search

Retrieve the batch search list for the user issuing the request.

  • Return 200 and the list of batch searches

Example :

curl localhost:8080/api/batch/search 
[{"uuid":"f74432db-9ae8-401d-977c-5c44a124f2c8","published":true,"projects":[{"name":"apigen-datashare","sourcePath":"file:///vault/apigen-datashare"}],"name":"test1","description":"desc 1","user":{"id":"apigen","name":null,"email":null,"provider":"local","details":{}},"state":"SUCCESS","date":"2019-10-15T15:41:18.634+00:00","nbQueries":2,"nbResults":0,"errorMessage":null,"errorQuery":null},{"uuid":"b7bee2d8-5ede-4c56-8b69-987629742146","published":true,"projects":[{"name":"apigen-datashare","sourcePath":"file:///vault/apigen-datashare"}],"name":"search1","description":"desc 1","user":{"id":"apigen","name":null,"email":null,"provider":"local","details":{}},"state":"SUCCESS","date":"2019-10-15T14:01:21.008+00:00","nbQueries":2,"nbResults":0,"errorMessage":null,"errorQuery":null}]

Post /api/batch/search

Retrieve the batch search list for the user issuing the request filter with the given criteria, and the total of batch searches matching the criteria.

It needs a Query json body with the parameters :

  • from : index offset of the first document to return (mandatory)
  • size : window size of the results (mandatory)
  • sort : field to sort (prj_id name user_id description state batch_date batch_results published) (default "batch_date")
  • order : "asc" or "desc" (default "asc")
  • project : projects to include in the filter (default null / empty list)
  • batchDate : batch search with a creation date included in this range (default null / empty list)
  • state : states to include in the filter (default null / empty list)
  • publishState : publish state to filter (default null)

If from/size are not given their default values are 0, meaning that all the results are returned. BatchDate must be a list of 2 items (the first one for the starting date and the second one for the ending date) If defined publishState is a string equals to "0" or "1"

  • Return 200 and the list of batch searches with the total batch searches for the query. See example for the JSON format.

Example :

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:8080/api/batch/search -d '{"from":0, "size": 2}'

Get /api/batch/search/:batchid

Retrieve the batch search with the given id The query param "withQueries" accepts a boolean value When "withQueries" is set to false, the list of queries is empty and nbQueries contains the number of queries.

  • Parameter batchId
  • Return 200 and the batch search

Example :

curl localhost:8080/api/batch/search/b7bee2d8-5ede-4c56-8b69-987629742146?withQueries=true
{"uuid":"b7bee2d8-5ede-4c56-8b69-987629742146","published":true,"projects":[{"name":"apigen-datashare","sourcePath":"file:///vault/apigen-datashare"}],"name":"search1","description":"desc 1","user":{"id":"apigen","name":null,"email":null,"provider":"local","details":{}},"state":"SUCCESS","date":"2019-10-15T14:01:21.008+00:00","nbQueries":2,"nbResults":0,"errorMessage":null,"errorQuery":null,"queries":{"Skype":0,"Trump":0},"fileTypes":[],"paths":[],"fuzziness":0,"phraseMatches":true}

Get /api/batch/search/:batchid/queries

Retrieve the batch search queries with the given batch id and returns a list of strings UTF-8 encoded

if the request parameter format is set with csv, then it will answer with content-disposition attachment (file downloading)

the optional request parameters are :

  • from : if not provided it starts from 0
  • size : if not provided all queries are returned from the "from" parameter
  • search : if provided it will filter the queries accordingly
  • orderBy : field name to order by asc, "query_number" by default (if it does not exist it will return a 500 error)
  • Parameter batchId
  • Return 200 and the batch search queries map [(query, nbResults), ...]

Example :

curl localhost:8080/api/batch/search/b7bee2d8-5ede-4c56-8b69-987629742146/queries?format=csv&from=0&size=2 

Options /api/batch/search

preflight request

  • Return 200 DELETE

Options /api/batch/search/:batchid

preflight resquest for removal of one batchsearch

  • Parameter batchId
  • Return 200 DELETE

Delete /api/batch/search/:batchid

Delete batch search with the given id and its results. It won't delete running batch searches, because results are added and would be orphans.

Returns 204 (No Content) : idempotent

  • Return 204

Example :

curl -i -XDELETE localhost:8080/api/batch/search/unknown_id
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:18 GMT; max-age=2147483647

Patch /api/batch/search/:batchid

Update batch search with the given id.

Returns 200 and 404 if there is no batch id If the user issuing the request is not the same as the batch owner in database, it will do nothing (thus returning 404)

  • Return 200 or 404

Example :

curl -i -XPATCH localhost:8080/api/batch/search/f74432db-9ae8-401d-977c-5c44a124f2c8 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"data": {"published": true}}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:18 GMT; max-age=2147483647

Post /api/batch/search/:coma

Creates a new batch search. This is a multipart form with 8 fields : name, description, csvFile, published, fileTypes, paths, fuzziness, phrase_matches

No matter the order. The name and csv file are mandatory else it will return 400 (bad request) Csv file must have under 60 000 lines else it will return 413 (payload too large) Queries with less than two characters are filtered

To do so with bash you can create a text file like :

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"

my batch search
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="description"

search description
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="csvFile"; filename="search.csv"
Content-Type: text/csv

query three
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="published"


Then replace \n with \r\n with a sed like this:

sed -i 's/$/^M/g' ~/multipart.txt

Then make a curl request with this file :

curl -i -XPOST localhost:8080/api/batch/search/prj1,prj2 -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=BOUNDARY' --data-binary @/home/dev/multipart.txt
  • Parameter comaSeparatedProjects
  • Parameter context : the request body
  • Return 200 or 400 or 413

Options /api/batch/search/copy/:sourcebatchid

preflight request

  • Return 200 POST

Post /api/batch/search/copy/:sourcebatchid

Create a new batch search based on a previous one given its id, and enqueue it for running

it returns 404 if the source BatchSearch object is not found in the repository.

  • Parameter sourceBatchId: the id of BatchSearch to copy
  • Parameter context : the context of request (containing body)
  • Return 200 or 404


curl localhost:8080/api/batch/search/copy/b7bee2d8-5ede-4c56-8b69-987629742146 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "{\"name\": \"my new batch\", \"description\":\"desc\"}"

Post /api/batch/search/result/:batchid

Retrieve the results of a batch search as JSON.

It needs a Query json body with the parameters :

  • from : index offset of the first document to return (mandatory)
  • size : window size of the results (mandatory)
  • queries: list of queries to be downloaded (default null)
  • sort: field to sort ("doc_nb", "doc_id", "root_id", "doc_path", "creation_date", "content_type", "content_length", "creation_date") (default "doc_nb")
  • order: "asc" or "desc" (default "asc")

If from/size are not given their default values are 0, meaning that all the results are returned.

  • Parameter batchId
  • Parameter webQuery
  • Return 200

Example :

curl -XPOST localhost:8080/api/batch/search/result/b7bee2d8-5ede-4c56-8b69-987629742146 -d "{\"from\":0, \"size\": 2}"

Get /api/batch/search/result/csv/:batchid

Retrieve the results of a batch search as a CSV file.

The search request is by default all results of the batch search.

  • Parameter batchId
  • Return 200 and the CSV file as attached file

Example :

curl -i localhost:8080/api/batch/search/result/csv/f74432db-9ae8-401d-977c-5c44a124f2c8
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="f74432db-9ae8-401d-977c-5c44a124f2c8.csv"
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: text/csv
ETag: af6a4e9eda7d0238b038668b4c9bd004
Content-Length: 1081
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:18 GMT; max-age=2147483647

"query", "documentUrl", "documentId","rootId","contentType","contentLength","documentPath","creationDate","documentNumber"

Delete /api/batch/search

Delete batch searches and results for the current user.

Returns 204 (No Content): idempotent

  • Return 204

Example :

curl -XDELETE localhost:8080/api/batch/search


Get /api/:project/documents/src/:id?routing=:routing

Returns the file from the index with the index id and the root document (if embedded document).

The routing can be omitted if it is a top level document, or it can be the same as the id.

Returns 404 if it doesn't exist

Returns 403 if the user has no access to the requested index.

  • Parameter project
  • Parameter id
  • Parameter routing
  • Return 200 or 404 or 403 (Forbidden)

Example :

curl -i http://localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/documents/src/bd2ef02d39043cc5cd8c5050e81f6e73c608cafde339c9b7ed68b2919482e8dc7da92e33aea9cafec2419c97375f684f
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="doc1.txt"
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: text/plain
ETag: 8f1cdb75be4a54bfc6bcfe8be5a2c6f4
Content-Length: 854
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:19 GMT; max-age=2147483647

This is an embedded doc test on behalf of our client 'Skype Ltd.'.

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Skype is heavily used by a lot of people around the world. For example Trump is using frequently skype app to discuss all political issues with his advisors.

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Get /api/:project/documents/content/:id?routing=:routing

Fetch extracted text by slice (pagination)

  • Parameter project Project id
  • Parameter id Document id
  • Parameter offset Starting byte (starts at 0)
  • Parameter limit Size of the extracted text slice in bytes
  • Parameter targetLanguage Target language (like "ENGLISH") to get slice from translated content
  • Return 200 and a JSON containing the extracted text content ("content":text), the max offset as last rank index ("maxOffset":number), start ("start":number) and size ("size":number) parameters.
  • Throws IOException

Example :

curl -XGET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/documents/content/bd2ef02d39043cc5cd8c5050e81f6e73c608cafde339c9b7ed68b2919482e8dc7da92e33aea9cafec2419c97375f684f?offset=1&limit=300

Get /api/:project/documents/searchContent/:id?routing=:routing

Search query occurrences in content or translated content (pagination)

  • Parameter project Project id
  • Parameter id Document id
  • Parameter query Query string to search occurrences (starts at 0)
  • Parameter targetLanguage Target language (like "ENGLISH") to search in translated content
  • Return 200 and a JSON containing the occurrences offsets in the text, and the count of occurrences.
  • Throws IOException

Example :

curl -XGET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/documents/searchContent/bd2ef02d39043cc5cd8c5050e81f6e73c608cafde339c9b7ed68b2919482e8dc7da92e33aea9cafec2419c97375f684f?query=test&targetLanguage=ENGLISH

Post /api/:project/documents/batchUpdate/star

Group star the documents. The id list is passed in the request body as a json list.

It answers 200 if the change has been done and the number of documents updated in the response body.

  • Parameter projectId
  • Parameter docIds as json
  • Return 200 and the number of documents updated

Example :

curl -i -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/documents/batchUpdate/star -d '["bd2ef02d39043cc5cd8c5050e81f6e73c608cafde339c9b7ed68b2919482e8dc7da92e33aea9cafec2419c97375f684f"]'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: f3e08ec610a65d7274b42ef66cfb631f
Content-Length: 12
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:19 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Post /api/:project/documents/batchUpdate/unstar

Group unstar the documents. The id list is passed in the request body as a json list.

It answers 200 if the change has been done and the number of documents updated in the response body.

  • Parameter projectId
  • Parameter docIds as json in body
  • Return 200 and the number of documents unstarred

Example :

curl -i -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/documents/batchUpdate/unstar -d '["bd2ef02d39043cc5cd8c5050e81f6e73c608cafde339c9b7ed68b2919482e8dc7da92e33aea9cafec2419c97375f684f", "unknownId"]'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: cb9cba297da561bff19badc2a44c6b93
Content-Length: 12
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:19 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Get /api/:project/documents/starred

Retrieves the list of starred document for a given project.

  • Parameter projectId
  • Return 200

Example :

curl -i localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/documents/starred
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce
Content-Length: 2
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:19 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Get /api/:projects/documents/tagged/:coma

Retrieves the list of tagged document with tag "tag" for the given project id.

This service doesn't need to have the document stored in the database (no join is made)

  • Parameter projectId
  • Parameter comaSeparatedTags
  • Return 200

Example :

curl -i localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/documents/tagged/tag_01,tag_02
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce
Content-Length: 2
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:19 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Options /api/:project/documents/tags/:docId

preflight request

  • Parameter projectId
  • Parameter docId
  • Return 200 PUT

Put /api/:project/documents/tags/:docId?routing=:routing

  • Parameter projectId
  • Parameter docId
  • Parameter routing
  • Parameter tags
  • Return 201 if created else 200

Example :

curl -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/documents/tags/bd2ef02d39043cc5cd8c5050e81f6e73c608cafde339c9b7ed68b2919482e8dc7da92e33aea9cafec2419c97375f684f -d '["tag1","tag2"]'

Get /api/:project/documents/tags/:docId

Gets all the tags from a document with the user and timestamp.

  • Parameter projectId
  • Parameter docId
  • Return 200 and the list of tags

Example :

curl  http://localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/documents/tags/bd2ef02d39043cc5cd8c5050e81f6e73c608cafde339c9b7ed68b2919482e8dc7da92e33aea9cafec2419c97375f684f

Post /api/:project/documents/batchUpdate/tag

Group tag the documents. The document id list and the tag list are passed in the request body.

It answers 200 if the change has been done.

  • Parameter projectId
  • Parameter query
  • Return 200

Example :

curl -i -XPOST  -H "Content-Type: application/json"  localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/documents/batchUpdate/tag -d '{"docIds": ["bd2ef02d39043cc5cd8c5050e81f6e73c608cafde339c9b7ed68b2919482e8dc7da92e33aea9cafec2419c97375f684f", "7473df320bee9919abe3dc179d7d2861e1ba83ee7fe42c9acee588d886fe9aef0627df6ae26b72f075120c2c9d1c9b61"], "tags": ["foo", "bar"]}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:19 GMT; max-age=2147483647

Post /api/:project/documents/batchUpdate/untag

Group untag the documents. The document id list and the tag list are passed in the request body.

It answers 200 if the change has been done.

  • Parameter projectId
  • Parameter query
  • Return 200

Example :

curl -i -XPOST  -H "Content-Type: application/json"  localhost:8080/api/documents/apigen-datashare/batchUpdate/untag -d '{"docIds": ["bd2ef02d39043cc5cd8c5050e81f6e73c608cafde339c9b7ed68b2919482e8dc7da92e33aea9cafec2419c97375f684f", "7473df320bee9919abe3dc179d7d2861e1ba83ee7fe42c9acee588d886fe9aef0627df6ae26b72f075120c2c9d1c9b61"], "tags": ["foo", "bar"]}'
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: b71633c3c6c82e3d187d0ef9cde9ad65
Content-Length: 12
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:19 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Options /api/:project/documents/untag/:docId

preflight request

  • Parameter projectId
  • Parameter docId
  • Return 200 PUT

Put /api/:project/documents/untag/:docId?routing=:routing

Untag one document

  • Parameter projectId
  • Parameter docId
  • Parameter routing
  • Parameter tags
  • Return 201 if untagged else 200
curl -i -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/documents/untag/bd2ef02d39043cc5cd8c5050e81f6e73c608cafde339c9b7ed68b2919482e8dc7da92e33aea9cafec2419c97375f684f -d '["tag1"]'
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:19 GMT; max-age=2147483647

Get /api/documents/starred

Retrieves the list of starred document for all projects.

This service needs to have the document stored in the database.

  • Return 200 and the list of Documents
curl localhost:8080/api/documents/starred

Get /api/users/recommendations?project=:project

Retrieves the list of users who recommended a document with the total count of recommended documents for the given project id

  • Parameter projectId
  • Return 200

Example :

curl -i localhost:8080/api/users/recommendations?project=apigen-datashare
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: 5b75634430b29618a96b03dc7f4b657e
Content-Length: 123
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:19 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Get /api/users/recommendationsby?project=:project

Get all users who recommended a document with the count of all recommended documents for project and documents ids.

  • Parameter projectId
  • Parameter comaSeparatedDocIds
  • Return 200 and the list of tags

Example :

curl  http://localhost:8080/api/users/recommendations?project=apigen-datashare&docIds=bd2ef02d39043cc5cd8c5050e81f6e73c608cafde339c9b7ed68b2919482e8dc7da92e33aea9cafec2419c97375f684f

Get /api/:project/documents/recommendations?userids=:coma

Retrieves the set of marked read documents for the given project id and a list of users provided in the url.

This service doesn't need to have the document stored in the database (no join is made)

  • Parameter projectId
  • Parameter comaSeparatedUsers
  • Return 200

Example :

curl -i localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/documents/recommendations?userids=apigen
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: 522f24330c4e01bd4bfa8f275726b982
Content-Length: 100
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:19 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Post /api/:project/documents/batchUpdate/recommend

Group mark the documents "read". The id list is passed in the request body as a json list.

It answers 200 if the change has been done and the number of documents updated in the response body.

  • Parameter projectId
  • Parameter docIds as json
  • Return 200 and the number of documents marked

Example :

curl -i -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/documents/batchUpdate/recommend -d '["7473df320bee9919abe3dc179d7d2861e1ba83ee7fe42c9acee588d886fe9aef0627df6ae26b72f075120c2c9d1c9b61"]'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: cb9cba297da561bff19badc2a44c6b93
Content-Length: 12
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:19 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Post /api/:project/documents/batchUpdate/unrecommend

Group unmark the documents. The id list is passed in the request body as a json list.

It answers 200 if the change has been done and the number of documents updated in the response body.

  • Parameter projectId
  • Parameter docIds as json
  • Return 200 and the number of documents unmarked

Example :

curl -i -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/documents/batchUpdate/unrecommend -d '["bd2ef02d39043cc5cd8c5050e81f6e73c608cafde339c9b7ed68b2919482e8dc7da92e33aea9cafec2419c97375f684f"]'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: cb9cba297da561bff19badc2a44c6b93
Content-Length: 12
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:19 GMT; max-age=2147483647



Get /api/extensions

Gets the extension set in JSON

If a request parameter "filter" is provided, the regular expression will be applied to the list.

see for pattern syntax.


curl localhost:8080/api/extensions?filter=.*paginator
  • Return

Options /api/extensions/install

Preflight request

  • Return OPTIONS,PUT

Put /api/extensions/install

Download (if necessary) and install extension specified by its id or url

request parameter id or url must be present.

  • Return 200 if the extension is installed

  • Return 404 if the extension is not found by the provided id or url

  • Return 400 if neither id nor url is provided

  • Throws IOException


curl -i -XPUT localhost:8080/api/extensions/install?id=
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: b71633c3c6c82e3d187d0ef9cde9ad65
Content-Length: 12
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:20 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Options /api/extensions/uninstall

Preflight request


Delete /api/extensions/uninstall?id=:extensionId

Uninstall extension specified by its id

  • Parameter extensionId

  • Return 204 if the extension is uninstalled (idempotent)

  • Throws IOException if there is a filesystem error


curl -i -XDELETE localhost:8080/api/extensions/uninstall?id=
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:20 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Put /api/index/:index

Create the index for the current user if it doesn't exist.

  • Return 201 (Created) or 200 if it already exists

Example :

curl -i -XPUT localhost:8080/api/index/apigen-datashare
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:20 GMT; max-age=2147483647

Options /api/index/:index

Preflight for index creation.

  • Parameter index
  • Return 200 with PUT

Head /api/index/search/:path:

Head request useful for JS api (for example to test if an index exists)

  • Parameter path
  • Return 200

Post /api/index/search/:path:

The search endpoint is just a proxy in front of Elasticsearch, everything sent is forwarded to Elasticsearch. DELETE method is not allowed.

Path can be of the form :

  • _search/scroll

  • index_name/_search

  • index_name1,index_name2/_search

  • index_name/_count

  • index_name1,index_name2/_count

  • index_name/doc/_search

  • index_name1,index_name2/doc/_search

  • Parameter path

  • Return 200 or http error from Elasticsearch

Example :

curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://dsenv:8080/api/index/search/apigen-datashare/_search -d '{}'

Get /api/index/search/:path:

Search GET request to Elasticsearch

As it is a GET method, all paths are accepted.

if a body is provided, the body will be sent to ES as source=urlencoded(body)&source_content_type=application%2Fjson in that case, request parameters are not taken into account.

  • Parameter path
  • Return 200 or http error from Elasticsearch

Example :

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://dsenv:8080/api/index/search/apigen-datashare/_search?q=type:NamedEntity&size=1'

Options /api/index/search/:path:

Prefligth option request

  • Parameter path
  • Return 200


Get /api/:project/namedEntities/:id?routing=:documentId

Returns the named entity with given id and document id.

  • Parameter id
  • Parameter documentId the root document
  • Return 200

Example :

 curl "localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/namedEntities/4c262715b69f33e9ba69c794cc37ce6a90081fa124ca2ef67ab4f0654c72cb250e08f1f8455fbf8e4331f8955300c83a?routing=bd2ef02d39043cc5cd8c5050e81f6e73c608cafde339c9b7ed68b2919482e8dc7da92e33aea9cafec2419c97375f684f"

Options /api/:project/namedEntities/hide/:mentionNorm

preflight request for hide

  • Parameter mentionNorm
  • Return 200 PUT

Put /api/:project/namedEntities/hide/:mentionNorm

hide all named entities with the given normalized mention

  • Parameter mentionNorm
  • Parameter project
  • Return 200

Example :

curl -i -XPUT localhost:8080/api/namedEntities/hide/xlsx
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: b71633c3c6c82e3d187d0ef9cde9ad65
Content-Length: 12
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:20 GMT; max-age=2147483647



Get /api/ner/pipelines

Get the list of registered pipelines.

  • Return pipeline set Example:
curl http://dsenv:8080/api/ner/pipelines

Post /api/ner/findNames/:pipeline

When datashare is launched in NER mode (without index) it exposes a name finding HTTP API. The text is sent with the HTTP body.

  • Parameter pipeline to use
  • Parameter text to analyse in the request body
  • Return list of NamedEntities annotations

Example :

curl -XPOST http://dsenv:8080/api/ner/findNames/CORENLP -d "Please find attached a PDF copy of the advance tax clearance obtained for our client John Doe."


Get /api/:project/notes/:path:

Gets the list of notes for a project and a document path.

if we have on disk:


And in database

projectId path note variant
p1 a note A info
p1 a/b note B danger

then :

  • GET /api/p1/notes/a/b/doc1 will return note A and B
  • GET /api/p1/notes/a/c/doc2 will return note A
  • GET /api/p1/notes/d/doc3 will return an empty list

If the user doesn't have access to the project she gets a 403 Forbidden

  • Parameter project the project the note belongs to
  • Parameter documentPath the document path
  • Parameter context HTTP context containing the user
  • Return list of Note that match the document path


curl localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/notes/path/to/note/for/doc.txt
[{"project":{"name":"apigen-datashare","sourcePath":"file:///vault/apigen-datashare"},"path":"path/to/note","note":"this is a note","variant":"info"}]

Get /api/:project/notes

Gets the list of notes for a project.

If the user doesn't have access to the project she gets a 403 Forbidden

  • Parameter project the project the note belongs to
  • Parameter context HTTP context containing the user
  • Return list of Note related to the project


curl localhost:8080/api/apigen-datashare/notes
[{"project":{"name":"apigen-datashare","sourcePath":"file:///vault/apigen-datashare"},"path":"path/to/note","note":"this is a note","variant":"info"}]


Get /api/plugins

Gets the plugins set in JSON

If a request parameter "filter" is provided, the regular expression will be applied to the list.

see for pattern syntax.


curl localhost:8080/api/plugins?filter=.*paginator
[{"deliverableFromRegistry":{"id":"datashare-plugin-text-paginator","name":"Text Paginator","version":"0.0.14","description":"A Datashare plugin to detect pages in text to display them nicely.","url":"","homepage":"","type":"PLUGIN"},"installed":false,"version":"0.0.14","description":"A Datashare plugin to detect pages in text to display them nicely.","name":"Text Paginator","id":"datashare-plugin-text-paginator","type":"PLUGIN"}]

Options /api/plugins/install

Preflight request

  • Return OPTIONS,PUT

Put /api/plugins/install

Download (if necessary) and install plugin specified by its id or url

request parameter id or url must be present.

  • Return 200 if the plugin is installed

  • Return 404 if the plugin is not found by the provided id or url

  • Return 400 if neither id nor url is provided

  • Throws IOException

  • Throws ArchiveException


curl -i -XPUT localhost:8080/api/plugins/install?id=datashare-plugin-site-alert
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:20 GMT; max-age=2147483647

Options /api/plugins/uninstall

Preflight request


Delete /api/plugins/uninstall?id=:pluginId

Uninstall plugin specified by its id Always returns 204 or error 500.

  • Parameter pluginId

  • Return 204

  • Throws IOException if there is a filesystem error


curl -i -XDELETE localhost:8080/api/plugins/uninstall?id=datashare-plugin-site-alert
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:20 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Get /api/project/:id

Gets the project information for the given project id.

  • Parameter id
  • Return 200 and the project from database if it exists else a transient one

Example :

curl -H 'Content-Type:application/json' localhost:8080/api/project/apigen-datashare


Get /api/project/isDownloadAllowed/:id

Returns if the project is allowed with this network route : in datashare database there is the project table that can specify an IP mask that is allowed per project. If the client IP is not in the range, then the file download will be forbidden.

in that project table there is a field called allow_from_mask that can have a mask with IP and star wildcard.

Ex : 192.168.*.* will match all subnetwork IP's and only users with an IP in this range will be granted for downloading documents.

  • Parameter id
  • Return 200 or 403 (Forbidden)

Example :

curl -i -H 'Content-Type:application/json' localhost:8080/api/project/isDownloadAllowed/apigen-datashare
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:20 GMT; max-age=2147483647

Example :

curl -i -H 'Content-Type:application/json' localhost:8080/api/project/isDownloadAllowed/disallowed-project
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: b71633c3c6c82e3d187d0ef9cde9ad65
Content-Length: 12
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:20 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Options /api/project/:id

Preflight option request

  • Parameter id
  • Return 200 DELETE

Delete /api/project/:id

Delete the project from database and elasticsearch indices.

It always returns 204 (no content) or 500 if an error occurs.

If the project id is not the current user project (local-datashare in local mode), then it will return 401 (unauthorized)

  • Parameter id
  • Return 204

Example :

curl -I -XDELETE -H 'Content-Type:application/json' localhost:8080/api/project/unknown-project
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: b71633c3c6c82e3d187d0ef9cde9ad65
Content-Length: 12
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:20 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Get /

gets the root of the front-end app ie: ./app/index.html

if pluginsDir is set, it will add in the index the tag <script src="plugins/my_plugin/index.js"></script> else it will return the index.html content as is

  • Return the content of index.html file

Get /settings

Gets the public (i.e. without user's information) datashare settings parameters. These parameters are used for the client app for the init process.

The endpoint is removing all fields that contain Address or Secret or Url or Key

  • Return 200

Example :

curl -i localhost:8080/settings
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: b949dbc38558db908d6335537ea0caaf
Content-Length: 840
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:20 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Get /version

Gets the versions (front/back/docker) of datashare.

  • Return 200

Example :

curl -i localhost:8080/version
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: 442f5f8bb7ba78503d5c157643bfbca6
Content-Length: 824
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:20 GMT; max-age=2147483647

{"git.tags":"","":"11.1.2","git.closest.tag.commit.count":"","":"Caroline Desprat","":"6aa257a","git.branch":"refactor/docBuilder","":"3434dc413c8b","":"6aa257a","":"6aa257a","":"","":"6aa257a2f29858401484f8fbb00522584b464f40","git.commit.message.short":"refactor: reduce code complexity by returning extracted text","":"","":"","":"2023-03-30T17:18:43+0000","git.commit.time":"2023-03-30T17:14:37+0000","":"","git.dirty":"false","git.commit.message.full":"refactor: reduce code complexity by returning extracted text","git.remote.origin.url":""}


Options /api/settings

Preflight for settings.

  • Parameter context
  • Return 200 with PATCH

Patch /api/settings

update the datashare settings with provided body. It will save the settings on disk.

Returns 404 if settings is not found. It means that the settings file has not been set (or is not readable) Returns 403 if we are in SERVER mode

The settings priority is basically DS_DOCKER_* variables > -s file > > command line. I.e. :

  • DS_DOCKER_* variables will be taken and override all keys (if any similar keys exist)
  • if a file is given (w/ -c path/to/file) to the command line it will be read and used (it can be empty or not present)
  • if no file is given, we are looking for in the classpath (for example in /dist)
  • if none of the two above cases is fulfilled we are taking the default CLI parameters (and those given by the user)
  • parameters are common between CLI and settings file, the settings file "wins"
  • if a settings file is not writable then 404 will be returned (and a WARN will be logged at start)
  • Return 200 or 404 or 403

Example :

curl -i -XPATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:8080/api/settings -d '{"data":{"foo":"bar"}}'
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: b71633c3c6c82e3d187d0ef9cde9ad65
Content-Length: 12
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:20 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Get /api/settings/ocr/languages

List all available language in Tesseract

Returns 503 if Tesseract is not installed

  • Return 200 or 503

Get /api/settings/text/languages

List all available language in the text extractor

  • Return 200


Get /api/status

Retrieve the status of databus connection, database connection, shared queues and index. Adding "format=openmetrics" parameter to the url will return the status witn openmetrics format.

  • Return the status of datashare elements


curl localhost:8080/api/status
curl localhost:8080/api/status?format=openmetrics
# HELP datashare The datashare resources status
# TYPE datashare gauge
datashare{status="OK",resource="database"} 1 1680197113803
datashare{status="OK",resource="index"} 1 1680197113803
datashare{status="OK",resource="databus"} 1 1680197113803
datashare{status="OK",resource="document_queue_status"} 1 1680197113803
datashare{resource="document_queue_size"} 0 1680197113803


Get /api/task/all

gets all the user tasks a filter can be added with a pattern contained in the task name.

  • Return 200 and the list of tasks

Example :

curl localhost:8080/api/task/all?filter=BatchDownloadRunner

Get /api/task/:id

gets one task with its id

  • Parameter id
  • Return 200

Example :

curl localhost:8080/api/task/21148262

Get /api/task/:id/result

gets task result with its id

  • Parameter id
  • Return 200 and the result, 204 if there is no result 404 if the tasks doesn't exist 403 if the task is not belonging to current user

Example :

curl localhost:8080/api/task/21148262/result

Options /api/task/batchDownload

Post /api/task/batchDownload

download files from a search query. Expected parameters are :

  • project: string
  • query: string or elasticsearch JSON query

if the query is a string it is taken as an ES query string, else it is a raw JSON query (without the query part) @see org.elasticsearch.index.query.WrapperQueryBuilder that is used to wrap the query

  • Parameter optionsWrapper wrapper for options json

  • Return 200 and json task

Example :

curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:8080/api/task/batchDownload -d '{"options": {"projectIds": ["genapi-datashare"], "query": "*", "uri": "/?q=&from=0&size=25&indices=genapi-datashare" }}'

Post /api/task/batchUpdate/index

index files from the queue

  • Parameter optionsWrapper wrapper for options json
  • Return 200 and json task

Example :

curl -XPOST localhost:8080/api/task/batchUpdate/index -d '{}'

Post /api/task/batchUpdate/index/file

Indexes files in a directory (with docker, it is the mounted directory that is scanned)

  • Parameter optionsWrapper
  • Return 200 and the list of tasks created

Example :

curl -XPOST localhost:8080/api/task/batchUpdate/index/file -d '{}'

Post /api/task/batchUpdate/index/:filePath:

Indexes all files of a directory with the given path.

  • Parameter filePath
  • Parameter optionsWrapper
  • Return 200 and the list of created tasks

Example $(curl -XPOST localhost:8080/api/task/batchUpdate/index/home/dev/myfile.txt)

Post /api/task/batchUpdate/scan/:filePath:

Scans recursively a directory with the given path

  • Parameter filePath
  • Parameter optionsWrapper
  • Return 200 and the task created

Example :

mkdir -p /tmp/apigen

curl -XPOST localhost:8080/api/task/batchUpdate/index/tmp/apigen -d '{}'

Post /api/task/clean

Cleans all DONE tasks.

  • Return 200 and the list of removed tasks

Example :

curl -XPOST -d '{}' http://dsenv:8080/api/task/clean/

Delete /api/task/clean/:taskName:

Cleans a specific task.

  • Parameter taskName
  • Return

Example :

curl -XDELETE -d '{}' http://dsenv:8080/api/task/clean/TASK_NAME

Options /api/task/clean/:taskName:

Put /api/task/stop/:taskId:

Cancels the task with the given name. It answers 200 with the cancellation status true|false

  • Parameter taskId
  • Return

Options /api/task/stop/:taskName:

Put /api/task/stopAll

Cancels the running tasks. It returns a map with task name/stop statuses. If the status is false, it means that the thread has not been stopped.

  • Return 200 and the tasks stop result map

Example : curl -XPUT localhost:8080/api/task/stopAll

Options /api/task/stopAll

Post /api/task/findNames/:pipeline

Find names using the given pipeline :


This endpoint is going to find all Documents that are not taggued with the given pipeline, and extract named entities for all these documents.

  • Parameter pipelineName
  • Parameter optionsWrapper
  • Return 200 and the list of created tasks

Example :

curl -XPOST http://dsenv:8080/api/task/findNames/CORENLP -d {}


Get /api/tree:dirPath:

List all files and directory for the given path. This endpoint returns a JSON using the same specification than the tree command on UNIX. It is roughly the equivalent of:

tree -L 1 -spJ --noreport /home/datashare/data
  • Parameter dirPath
  • Return 200 and the list of files and directory

Example $(curl -XGET localhost:8080/api/tree/home/datashare/data)


Get /api/users/me

Gets the user's session information

  • Return 200 and the user map

Example :

curl -i localhost:8080/api/users/me
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ETag: 94bb68ed0007ef584b80333e5a38916d
Content-Length: 76
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:24 GMT; max-age=2147483647


Options /api/users/me/history

Preflight for history.

  • Return 200 with OPTIONS, GET, PUT and DELETE

Get /api/users/me/history?type=:type

Gets the user's history by type

  • Parameter type String included in 'document' or 'search'
  • Parameter from the offset of the list, starting from 0
  • Parameter size the number of element retrieved
  • Parameter sort the name of the parameter to sort on (default: modificationDate)
  • Parameter desc the list is sorted in descending order (default: true)
  • Parameter projects projectIds separated by comma to filter by projects (default: none)
  • Return 200, the user's list of events and the total number of events

Example : ``` curl -i localhost:8080/api/users/me/history?type=document&from=0&size=10&sort=modificationDate&desc=true&projects=project1,project2 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 ETag: 9a3f093e2dc5d929bb25879501d527c7 Content-Length: 22 Connection: keep-alive Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:24 GMT; max-age=2147483647


## <a name="put__api_users_me_history"></a> Put /api/users/me/history
Add event to history. The event's type, the project ids and the uri are passed in the request body.
The project list related to the event is stored in database but is never queried (no filters on project)

It answers 200 when event is added or updated.

* **Parameter** query
* **Return** 200

Example :

curl -i -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8080/api/users/me/history -d '{"type": "SEARCH", "projectIds": ["apigen-datashare","local-datashare"], "name": "foo AND bar", "uri": "?q=foo%20AND%20bar&from=0&size=100&sort=relevance&index=luxleaks&field=all&stamp=cotgpe"}' HTTP/1.1 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Length: 0 Connection: keep-alive Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:24 GMT; max-age=2147483647

## <a name="delete__api_users_me_history?type=_type"></a> Delete /api/users/me/history?type=:type
Delete user history by type.

Returns 204 (No Content) : idempotent

* **Parameter** type
* **Return** 204

Example :

curl -i -XDELETE localhost:8080/api/users/me/history?type=search HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Length: 0 Connection: keep-alive Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:24 GMT; max-age=2147483647

## <a name="options__api_users_me_history_event"></a> Options /api/users/me/history/event
Preflight for history.

* **Return** 200 with OPTIONS, DELETE
## <a name="delete__api_users_me_history_event?id=_eventid"></a> Delete /api/users/me/history/event?id=:eventId
Delete user event by id.

Returns 204 (No Content) : idempotent

* **Parameter** eventId
* **Return** 204

Example :

curl -i -XDELETE localhost:8080/api/users/me/history/event?id=1 HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Length: 0 Connection: keep-alive Set-Cookie: _ds_session_id={"login":null,"roles":null,"sessionId":null,"redirectAfterLogin":"/"}; version=1; path=/; expires=Tue, 17-Apr-2091 20:39:24 GMT; max-age=2147483647


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This project is currently available in English, French, Spanish and Japanese. You can help us to improve and complete translations on Crowdin.

About ICIJ

Datashare is a project by ICIJ, a collective of investigative journalists.


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