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Object Writer

Plugin for that adds a ribbon button to create a quick note for object writing, providing a random word.

Object writing is a writing exercise that focuses on describing an object and any related experiences, using all of your senses. I originally learned about object writing from brilliant lyric guru Pat Pattison.

I just started using Obsidian and thought I'd take the opportunity to come back to object writing, so with a little googling I figured out how to make a plugin.

I had made a console app that used notepad for this purpose originally. Here's the repo.

How it works

  • When you press the new pen ribbon icon, a new note will be created and opened (like the daily note), this new note will have a random word. Just write away, that easy.
  • The new file name will be formatted according to the 'Note name' setting, you can use the following keywords:
    • {{date}}: Current date, formatted according to 'Date format'.
    • {{time}}: Current time, formatted according to 'Time format'.
    • {{object}}: Random word, make sure to include this, otherwise you won't know your word.
    • Example: '{{date}} ({{object}})' -> '2023-12-09 (Word)'
  • The path for the new file can also be changed via settings.
  • By default, the new note will have a '#ObjectWriter' tag, you can disable this via settings.

Unfortunately, unlike the console version, this plugin does not have a built-in timer, since I just learned how to create plugins and made this in a few hours. At some point, I might try to implement it.

Some things I'd like to add:

  • Timer.
  • Option to use a template for the notes.
  • Custom word list (for different languages, for example).
  • Option to integrate into the daily note instead of creating new notes.

I made this for myself but I guess there's no reason not to share. The file with all the words to pick from (words.js) is not the best, but it gets the job done.