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I should use inotifywait, but this is a lazy way to make backups of my cheatsheets

0 * * * * [ -d ~/.config/cheat/cheatsheets/personal ] && cp -R ~/.config/cheat/cheatsheets/personal ~/dotfiles/config/cheat/cheatsheets

Main Dotfiles

File Purpose
.bash_profile First Load (Startup)
.bashrc Main script to run . ~/.bashrc on, reloads all sub-scripts below
.bash_vendors Any third-party add-ons such as pyenv, nvm, etc.
.bash_vars Exported variables to re-use in bash
.bash_aliases All shortcuts to make things easier!
.dockerrc Provides many commands for Docker, easy loading several docker containers
.exports Basic export options, perhaps colors and re-usable variables.
.exports_private (Optional) Private export file to ignore with git & other when public
.gitconfig Run your commands to customize (Below)
.gitconfig_private (Optional) Include any tokens here, it should be gitignored, loaded from ~/.gitconfig

How To Update: All files are loaded from .bashrc, so if you change and sub-file simply reload it with source ~/.bashrc or . ~/.bashrc.

Git Quick Customize

Run these commands to add your info:

git config --global "Yourname"
git config --global ""

# If your main SSH key is id_rsa set it like below, otherwise replace the name.
git config --global user.IdentityFile "~/.ssh/id_rsa" 

A Few shortcuts (See ~/.gitconfig) for more:

Command Purpose
gl:me/repo GitLab SSH
bb:me/repo BitBucket SSH
gh:me/repo GitHub SSH
git cl gh:me/repo Clone from GitHub: git clone
git cm "msg" git commit -m "message"
git r git reset
git br git branch
git ra git remote add origin
git ups git --set-upstream origin
git co git checkout
git st git status

Note: This adds the shortcut in your ./git/config file project as the short version so be aware of that when creating a new project.

Virtualhost Folder

This is a nice CLI utility a fellow made (See his README) which is very easy to use to instantly create/delete an Nginx or Apache2 VHost on the fly; This includes a record in /etc/hosts. I simply run:

chmod +x virtualhost/*.sh && mkdir ~/apps && cp -r virtualhost ~/apps
sudo ln -s $HOME/virtualhost/ /usr/local/bin/virtualhost

# Important:
# - One line is modified in the file, I place my projects in ~/projects, change this if you need.
# Usage:
# - is for Apache2
# - is for Nginx
# - $ virtualhost create myproject.local subdir/public
# - $ virtualhost delete myproject.local
# (You can use any name you like)
# (The path at the end is optional, otherwise it will go to the root folder in the script)

Aliases List

This is found in the .bash_aliases file.

  • Bash PS1 Display
    • username@host[~/path]:~$
    • username@host[~/path (master)]:~$ (Git Branches)

Navigation Shortcuts

Alias Actual Command Description
.. cd .. Move up one directory
... cd ../.. Move up two directories
.... cd ../../.. Move up three directories
l ls -l --color=auto Long Listing with Color
la ls -la --color=auto Long Listing with Hidden Files and Color
ls ls --color=auto List with Color
p cd ~/projects Go to specific Folder
www cd /var/www Go to specific Folder

APT Shortcuts

Alias Actual Command Description
apt sudo apt-get Prefix sudo
update sudo apt-get update Quick Update
updatey sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y Quick Upgrade w/Auto Yes
upgrade sudo apt-get upgrade Upgrade
autoremove sudo apt autoremove Quick Auto Remove
autoclean sudo apt autoclean Quick Auto Clean
ppa sudo apt-add-repository Quickly add PPA

Sudo Shortcuts

Alias Actual Command Description
root sudo -i Get to root easier
su sudo -i Get to root easier
sudo sudo Allows aliases to use sudo
chgrp chgrp --preserve-root Protect root folder(s)
chmod chmod --preserve-root Protect root folder(s)
chown chown --preserve-root Protect root folder(s)

Service Shortcuts

Alias Actual Command Description
service sudo service Shorthand service
a2ctl sudo apachectl Apache Control Utility
a2graceful sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl -k graceful Graceful Restart
a2modules sudo apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES List Active Modules
a2test sudo apachectl -t Config Test
a2start Start Apache
a2stop Stop Apache
a2graceful sidp /usr/sbin/apachectl -k graceful Restart Gracefully
a2restart Restart Apache
a2reload Reload Apache
a2version sudo apachectl -v Get Version
a2vhosts sudo apachectl -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS List Active VHosts
a2path Go to Apache Config Path
a2enconf sudo a2enconf Enable Configuration
a2disconf sudo a2disconf Disable Configuration
a2ensite sudo a2ensite Enable VHost
a2dissite sudo a2dissite Disable Vhost
a2log tail -n 50 /var/log/apache2/error.log See Recent Error Log
a2access tail -n 50 /var/log/apache2/access.log See Recent Access Log
ngmake Create file in sites-available
ngensite Create symlink to sites-enabled
ngdissite Remove symlink from sites-enabled
ngstart Start Nginx
ngstop Stop Nginx
ngreload Reload Nginx
ngrestart Restart Nginx
ngtest Config Test
ngpath Go to Nginx Config Path

Utility Shortcuts

Alias Actual Command Description
df improvement (apt insttall pydf)
du improvement (apt install ncdu)
gza GZip an current folder
extract extract nearly any file extension

Search Shortcuts

Alias Actual Command Description
egrep egrep --color=auto Color to egrep
ffile find . -name find file by name
fgrep fgrep --color=auto Color to fgrep
grep grep --color=auto Color to grep

Misc Shortcuts

Alias Actual Command Description
h history View Bash History
c clear Clear Terminal
gitall Get all current repo branches
gitallbranches Fetches all git branches in a repository
ip get current ip
j jobs -l Show running jobs
mkdir mkdir -pv Make directories multi-levels deep
now Current Date Time
os lsb_release -a OS Info
ports netstat -tulanp Open Ports
py python Shorthand Python
vi vim Always use VIM
wget wget -c Continue if failed download
xclip xclip -sel clip Copy content

##Handy Commands

Loop Dir & Run Any Command

  • loopdircmd
    • Description: Run any command on every directory one level up.
    • Example:
      • loopdircmd git checkout development
      • loopdircmd git add . && git commit -m "Update" && git push

Find Text in File Easily

  • findinfile <text|text2> <path|default: $PWD>
    • Description: Find contents in a file recursively.
    • Example:
      • findinfile helloworld
      • findinfile help|assist ~/projects/game/*.txt

Important: Update Git Settings

You should update the git config with:

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""

If you are using another default identity key other than id_rsa/ make sure to update it:

git config --global user.IdentityFile "~/.ssh/your_private_key"

Vim Plugins

To install vim plugins the following will suffice to clone Vundle:

git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

Once cloned to your user folder, install the plugins all at once:

vim +PluginInstall +qall

You will see an error with the color scheme, but when you reload VIM it will fix itself.

(Depricated) Dev Environment Setup

No longer using direnv, Mainly NVM

I have used the following:

  • Node: 8.1.0
  • NPM: 5.0.3
  • OS:
    • Windows 10 x64,
    • Ubuntu 16.04 x64,
    • Ubuntu 16.10 x64,
    • Sorry I don't use Apple

I like to use use NVM, it's up to you.

Linux: Install Environment Essentials

DirEnv uses .envrc files

sudo apt install direnv

Add DirEnv to detect .envrc in .bashrc:

# This should be near the end, or the end of your .bashrc file
if type direnv 2>/dev/null; then
  eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
  echo "[!] You need 'direnv', apt install direnv"

Get Node/NVM/Update NPM

Download NVM

curl -o- | bash

Install Node and Update NPM

nvm install 8.1.0
nvm use 8.1.0
npm install -g npm

If you need to force a version, make an .nvmrc alongside an .envrc below with:


Force Enviroment Versions

The .envrc contains:

if [ -e $nvmrc ]; then
  source $nvmrc
  nvm use

# Path to node modules
PATH_add node_modules/.bin

Ubuntu XML Linter

For XML Linting, add the following:

sudo apt install libxml2-utils


composer global require friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer \
  squizlabs/php_codesniffer \
  phpmd/phpmd behat/behat \

Always make sure composer path is included, preferably in .profile or .bashrc:

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"

Global Windows NPM Location: C:\Users\inno\AppData\Roaming\npm

Global Windows Composer Location: C:\Users\inno\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor

Python Linters

pip install pep8 pylint flake8 pydocstyle prospector pylint_django ansible-lint

If you have Py3.X installed also add:

pip3 install mypy-lang

Node JS Linters & Tools

Important When using NVM, you may have different packages installed globally, so run: npm list to see.

Dependencies First

Add many items to be the most compatible, you can also use yarn if you have it installed.

This is only tested on Node 6+

npm install -g --save \
  cross-env \
  babel-cli \
  babel-core \
  babel-eslint \
  babel-helpers \
  babel-messages \
  babel-preset-es2015 \
  babel-preset-es2016 \
  babel-preset-stage-1 \
  babel-preset-stage-2 \
  babel-preset-stage-3 \
  babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs \
  babel-polyfill \
  babel-register \
  babel-types \
  babel-template \
  csslint \
  eslint \
  eslint-config-eslint \
  eslint-plugin-flowtype \
  htmlhint \
  htmllint-cli \
  less \
  jscs \
  jshint \
  jsxhint \
  phplint \
  sass-lint \
  sass-lint \
  tslint \

Setup Eslint Config

Create .eslintrc, place it someplace common to share, the easiest place is your home folder to keep all projects consistent.

// ~/home/user/.eslintrc
// Many items are optional, please see eslint config
  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaVersion": 6,
    "sourceType": "module",
    "ecmaFeatures": {
      "jsx": true
  "env": {
    "browser": true,
    "jquery": true,
    "node": true,
    "phantomjs": true
  "extends": "eslint"


For rainbow, nokogiri, sass you may have to use Ruby 2.1.X since there is a bug at the moment for 2.4.

The item mdl is Markdown Lint, compass is no longer supported.

sudo gem install markdown mdl bundler rake rainbow nokogiri

Configure PHP Settings for IDE

Path to phpcs for editors: /home/jesse/.composer/vendor/bin/phpcs Path to phpmd (mess detector): /home/jesse/.composer/vendor/bin/phpmd

This is optional, but set PHP version may help:

php -a
php> echo PHP_VERSION_ID;
  • For example, I receive:
    • Ubuntu: 70018
    • Windows Laragon: 70105

We would then run the following for any platform:

phpcs --config-set php_version <version_id>

# Example:
phpcs --config-set php_version 70018

Other cross platform PHPCS commands to set are:

phpcs --config-set default_standard Squiz
phpcs --config-set report_format summary
phpcs --config-set colors 1
phpcs --config-set report_width 120
phpcs --config-set encoding utf-8
phpcs --config-set tab_width 4

Linter Settings: Ubuntu

You can Copy/Paste all this into your terminal.

phpcs --config-set php_path /usr/bin/php

## Set a reusable var, save time
phpcs --config-set csslint_path $BASE_PATH/csslint/dist/csslint.js    # CSS Lint
phpcs --config-set jslint_path $BASE_PATH/jslint/lib/jslint.js        # JS LINT [Letter L]

phpcs --config-set jshint_path $BASE_PATH/jshint/dist/jshint.js       # JS Hint [Letter H]
phpcs --config-set rhino_path $BASE_PATH/jshint/dist/jshint.js        # JS Hint [Letter H]
phpcs --config-set rhino_path $BASE_PATH/jshint/dist/jshint-rhino.js  # JS Hint [Letter H]

Linter Settings: Windows

First set your PHP CS SETTINGS, on windows we have to know where PHP is installed.

Find your PHP path, assuming it's set in Windows Environment Variables.

which php

Using MingGW64 (Git Bash from GitSCM) I get:


So, My setting is:

phpcs --config-set php_path /c/laragon/bin/php/php-7.1.5-Win32-VC14-x64/php

All Linter Settings

You can Copy/Paste all this into your terminal. Reminder: I am using MinGW on Windows here.

BASE_PATH=/c/Users/$(whoamai)/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/             # Usually the default -g/--global install path in Windows
phpcs --config-set csslint_path $BASE_PATH/csslint/dist/csslint.js    # CSS Lint
phpcs --config-set jslint_path $BASE_PATH/jslint/lib/jslint.js        # JS LINT [Letter L]

phpcs --config-set jshint_path $BASE_PATH/jshint/dist/jshint.js       # JS Hint [Letter H]
phpcs --config-set rhino_path $BASE_PATH/jshint/dist/jshint.js        # JS Hint [Letter H]
phpcs --config-set rhino_path $BASE_PATH/jshint/dist/jshint-rhino.js  # JS Hint [Letter H]

Jetbrains and Laravel

composer require --dev barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper

Then go to app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php:

# In the register() method add:
public function register()
    if ($this->app->environment() !== 'production') {
    // ...

Generate Docs:

php artisan ide-helper:generate
php artisan ide-helper:meta

Sublime Outline Scope (Disregard)

I like this feature to outline a scope, it requires BracketHighlighter.

Go to Preferences > Browse Packages and head into the User folder.

Now edit your currently active theme, it ends with .tmTheme. Add the following around line 64-ish after you see:

    ... Here ...

You will add this, and you can adjust the #525252 to any color you want, don't worry about the foreground word:


Next go to Preferences > Package Settings > Bracket Highlighter, and we will add the following:

I dont know its hard to get right, pain in the butt... gotta add xml
to the CURRENT theme

The above creates a file in Users/bh_core.sublime-settings.

Disclaimer: Not all Features are flawless, many things are experimental and change often.

License: Open Source MIT

(C) 2017 Jesse Boyer <JREAM LLC>


Linux dotfiles for anyone that wants to clone or do their own thing.








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