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Functions to Generate SRS Documents

drasil-bot edited this page Jun 13, 2024 · 25 revisions

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The following is an organized list to say which sections have a function in OrganizationOfSRS.hs that can generate these section given only a few parameters and sentences. Many of these functions can be optimized from needing less parameters or only having one rather than two functions. In the future, we may add a quick description of each function and how to use.

Reference Material: ALREADY GENERATED (via RefProg intro)

Table of Units: ALREADY GENERATED | Table of Symbols: ALREADY GENERATED | Abbreviations and Acronyms: ALREADY GENERATED

Introduction: introductionF (generates subsections); introF (remove?)

Purpose of Document: prpsOfDocF | Scope of Requirements: scpOfReqF | Characteristics of Intended Reader: charIntRdrF | Organization of Document: orgSec & orgSecWTS

Stakeholders: stakehldrGeneral (generates subsections)

The Client: tClientF | The Customer: tCustomerF

General System Description: genSysF (generates subsections)

User Characteristics: NOT YET GENERATED (verbatum via genSysF ) | System Constraints: systCon

Scope of the Project: NOT YET GENERATED

Product Use Case Table: NOT YET GENERATED | Individual Product Use Cases: NOT YET GENERATED

Specific System Description: specSysDesF

Problem Description: probDescF

Terminology and Definitions: termDefnF | Physical System Description: physSystDesc | Goal Statements: goalStmtF

Solution Characteristics Specification: solChSpecF (generates subsections)

Assumptions: assumpF & assumpF' | Theoretical Models: thModF | General Definitions: genDefnF | Data Definitions: dataDefnF | Instance Models: inModelF & inModelF' | Data Constraints: datConF | Properties of a Correct Solution: NOT YET GENERATED (verbatim via solChSpecF)

Requirements: reqF

Functional Requirements: NOT YET GENERATED | Non-functional Requirements: nonFuncReqF


Traceability Matrices and Graphs: traceMGF

Off the Shelf Solutions: NOT YET GENERATED



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