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Really basic Webpack 3 with React config to be used as an alternative to things like create-react-app which become over engineered when ejected

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This is a basic starter for building out webpack 3 + react applications.

It makes a few assumptions:

  • You may be wanting to render the application out to more than one location on a page.
  • You plan to release a copy of your application into production usage so the config is split out to allow for this.
  • You are working in a team that may have or does have both Windows and MAC dev machines.
  • You are planning to use the BEM naming convention for all classNames prefixing them with your project
  • You prefer using MobX over Redux for state management

Stylelint Configuration

  • Works best with Visual Studio Code and the following extensions: [ESLint, postcss-sugarss-language, stylefmt, stylelint]

  • Designed to be used in conjunction with the following User Settings inside VS Code:

    "workbench.colorTheme": "Visual Studio Light",
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "window.zoomLevel": 0,
    "editor.minimap.enabled": false,
    "editor.autoIndent": true,
    "files.associations": {
        "*.css": "postcss"
    "stylelint.enable": true,
    "css.validate": false,
    "scss.validate": false,
    "postcss.validate": false,
    "eslint.autoFixOnSave": true,
    "files.eol": "\n",
    "files.insertFinalNewline": true,
    "files.trimFinalNewlines": true


Before continuing, if you do not plan to use client-side routing, open up package.json and delete the react-router entry from the Dependencies list.

To install, just run npm i in a terminal / cmd prompt at the project root directory


Change the class name in build/index.html so it matches up with the one being passed as the value in the src/index.js file where findAndRenderToTarget is being called.

Search and Replace the project BEM prefix bemprefix with the BEM prefix you want to use for your project.

Application State Lifecycles

Below are textual diagrams to communicate the flow of application data within the context of a MobX application such as this project:

Synchronous Actions (standard updates to the store)
=> inside inject('store')(connect(component an action.function is called
=> all action functions should have the shape: export const someAction = (store, newValue) => { store.someState = newValue; }
=> Value is updated on the referenced store observable object
=> Connected component listens for changes to any state being consumed within itself (i.e references to this.props.someStore or nested props)
=> render() is called on that component if anything has changed summary: action() -> update store property's value -> triggers re-render to display the change.

Async Actions (generators calling some API or performing unknown duration to return functions)
=> inside inject('store')(connect(component a generator function is called Generator functions should be kept on a per-component basis under ComponentName-generators.js and imported into the logic file via import * as generators from 'ComponentName-generators';
=> When the .then of a generator resolves, the value returned by that generator (if updating state) should now call an action function
=> If using several generators, a HOG (higher order generator) can be used to cleanly chain them before finally updating state (if that was the goal.. and it usually will be).
=> At this point, when the action is called, it will follow the same steps outlined for a Synchronous Action.
summary: generator() -> action() -> update store property's value -> triggers re-render to display the change.

Notes for writing JEST unit tests

The golden rule to writing unit tests is that they are all about testing INPUT => OUTPUT and not about testing HOW something goes from input to output.

With the above rule in mind, testing for things like throw new Error('some error text'); are unlikely to be valid tests except in the case where this IS the only output that comes from one or more specific input(s).

Testing throw new Error

// Inside the logic file
export const errorMsgs = {
    genericErrorText: 'bad stuff happened',

export const functionBeingTested = (age) => {
    if (typeof age !== 'number') {
        throw new Error(errorMsgs.genericErrorText);

// Inside the unit test
const callTestFunctionWithBadParameters = () => {
    logic.functionBeingTested('input that will throw an error');



Really basic Webpack 3 with React config to be used as an alternative to things like create-react-app which become over engineered when ejected






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