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MetaEgg Framework Template

Framework Generator Tool



Install protoc:

mkdir -p /usr/local/protoc
sudo unzip -d /usr/local/protoc
sudo ln -s /usr/local/protoc/bin/protoc /usr/local/bin/protoc


make init

Generate pb/swag/wire/mock

make generate

P.S. Maybe you need to run go mod tidy several times.


make build


make run

P.S. You need to copy and modify configs/<project-name>.yml to configs/<project-name>-local.yml before run.

Project Structure

├── api  --------------------------  API Generated by protoc
├── build
│   └── bin  ----------------------  Binary Generated by go build
├── cmd  --------------------------  Main Entry
├── configs  ----------------------  Configs such as <project-name>.yml
├── docs  -------------------------  Documents such as swagger
├── gen
│   ├── model  --------------------  Model Generated by meta-egg
│   └── repo  ---------------------  Repo Generated by meta-egg
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── internal
│   ├── biz  ----------------------  Business Logic, file name is basically the same as table name
│   ├── common
│   │   ├── cerror  ---------------  Custom Error, feel free to define your own error
│   │   ├── constraint  -----------  Constraint, such as timezone, time format, etc.
│   │   ├── contexts  -------------  Contexts, such as session, trace, etc.
│   │   └── resource  -------------  Resource, such as db, redis, grpc client, etc.
│   ├── config  -------------------  golang struct for config file, function to load config file, etc.
│   ├── handler
│   │   ├── grpc  -----------------  GRPC Handler, file name is basically the same as table name
│   │   └── http  -----------------  HTTP Handler, file name is basically the same as table name
│   ├── repo  ---------------------  Repo Interface, file name is basically the same as table name
│   ├── server
│   │   ├── grpc  -----------------  GRPC Server, with middleware
│   │   └── http  -----------------  HTTP Server, with middleware, router, etc.
│   └── usecase  ------------------  UseCase, something quite like biz, but more complex so that it needs to be separated
├── Makefile
├── _manifest  --------------------  Manifest for meta-egg
├── pkg  --------------------------  Common Packages
├── proto  ------------------------  Protobuf Files, including xx_error.proto for custom error
├── sql  --------------------------  SQL Files, including schema.sql for table schema
└── third_party  ------------------  Third Party, such as proto files, sdk for grpc client, etc.


layers from top to bottom:

  • cmd
  • config
  • server
  • handler
  • usecase
  • biz
  • repo
  • model
  • common

You should not import packages from bottom to top, such as import repo in model, import biz in repo, etc.


Modify DB Schema

  1. Modify manifest file _manifest/<project-name>.xml
  2. Run meta-egg db to generate _manifest/sql/schema.sql and _manifest/sql/inc.sql. If inc.sql is not empty, you need to run it manually in your database. Then you should copy schema.sql to sql/schema.sql to maintain the latest schema.
  3. Run meta-egg update to update gen/model and gen/repo
  4. if new file in repo, biz, usecase, maybe you need to modify ProviderSet in base.go in their folder.
  5. Run make generate to update api, docs, wire_gen.go, repo/mock, etc.

Modify API

  1. Modify proto file proto/<project-name>.proto
  2. Run make pb to update api
  3. Or, for http, you can just modify handler/http/<table-name>.go and server/http/router.go to add new api.
  4. Then Run make swag to update docs

Special thanks to @ZZH @WZQ @GTJ @HQ for their contributions to the framework design.