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JoaoCostaIFG edited this page Jun 20, 2021 · 77 revisions

ER: Requirements Specification Component

Assembling a community-driven database of knowledge by asking and answering questions.

A1: Segmentation Fault

We want users to be able to ask questions from a variety of themes and have the rest of the community answer them. This knowledge exchange would accumulate into a knowledge database available to everyone on the web.

Many times, asking a question is the fastest path to get help with a problem, and teaching is known to be an outstanding way to learn more about a topic. We decided to aggregate these qualities into a web service that grows over time and promotes sharing knowledge.

The site will have a multi-criteria search tool, where users or guests (no account needed) can find questions filtered by topics. Users will also be able to answer, vote for answers/questions, earn or set bounties for a question and create new topics through a moderated process. User participation and good conduct will be rewarded through an “achievement“ system ranking the most active and helpful users on top of the leaderboards.

Users can also become moderators, which grants them permissions to: remove questions (marking them as duplicates or inappropriate), moderate users, and accept/reject edits suggested by users. A user becomes a moderator by acquiring a certain quantity of reputation, thus showing one's value as a community member. Users can also earn achievements for performing various tasks/reaching certain milestones. On top of the moderator's privileges, administrators are also responsible for approving newly submitted topics, banning users, and removing moderator's privileges from misbehaving users.

Users are separated into groups with different permissions. Moderators have the privilege of deleting questions and comments, closing questions (by marking them as duplicates or inappropriate), and accept/reject edits suggested by other users while Administrators have all the privileges of access and modification site-wide. Registered users can ask and answer questions, comment, and vote (up and down) on answers and comments. Guests can search and consult all questions, answers, comments, and topics.

A2: Actors and User stories

This section contextualizes the different actors that will access our system and the functionalities they'll have access to. The business rules, technical requirements, and restrictions of the project are also described in this section.

1. Actors

Actors diagram

Identifier Description Examples
User Generic user that has access to public information, such as questions, answers, comments, and topics n/a
Guest Unauthenticated user that can register itself (sign-up) or authenticate (sign-in) into the system n/a
Authenticated Authenticated user that can ask questions, answer questions, post comments, and suggest edits ifg
Author Authenticated user that posted a question. This user can edit his question and select an answer that has "accepted", closing the question nachos
Moderator Authenticated user that is responsible for various user/post moderation tasks such as accepting edits, closing questions, and deleting comments fogao
Administrator Authenticated user that can perform all website administration activities admin
OAuth API External OAuth API that can be used to register (sign-up)/authenticate (sign-in) into the system Gitlab

2. User Stories

Here are presented detailed descriptions of the planned functionalities for each actor alongside its priority for the end product.


Identifier Name Priority Description
US01 View questions high As a user, I want to be able to see all questions
US02 View other profiles high As a user, I want to be able to see members' profiles
US03 Question search high As a user, I want to be able to search for questions
US04 Filter question high As a user, I want to be able to filter questions so that I can find one that interests me
US05 View topics medium As a user, I want to be able to see all topics
US06 Filter topics medium As a user, I want to be able to filter topics so that I can find one that interests me
US07 View users leaderboard medium As a user, I want to be able to see the site's reputation leaderboard
US08 View own profile high As a user, I want to be able to see my own profile
US09 View questions leaderboard medium As a user, I want to be able to see the site's top questions leaderboard
US010 User search high As a user, I want to be able to search for users
US011 Topic search high As a user, I want to be able to search for topics


Identifier Name Priority Description
US11 Register high As a guest, I want to be able to register a new account so that I can become an authenticated user
US12 Login high As a guest, I want to be able to login to my registered account
US13 Password recovery medium As a guest, I want to be able to recover my password to my registered account
US14 View news low As a guest, I want to be able to see the site's latest news


Identifier Name Priority Description
US21 Edit profile high As an authenticated user, I want to be able to edit my profile
US22 Ask question high As an authenticated user, I want to be able to ask a question so that it can be answered
US23 Post answer high As an authenticated user, I want to be able to answer a question
US24 Vote a question high As an authenticated user, I want to be able to upvote and downvote a question
US25 Vote an answer high As an authenticated user, I want to be able to upvote and downvote an answer
US26 Log out high As an authenticated user, I want to be able to log out from my account
US27 Add comment medium As an authenticated user, I want to be able to add a comment to a question or answer
US28 Vote a comment medium As an authenticated user, I want to be able to upvote and downvote a comment
US29 Edit own comments medium As an authenticated user, I want to edit my own comments
US210 See notification medium As an authenticated user, I want to be able to see my notifications so that I can be informed of relevant events
US211 Submit topic proposal medium As an authenticated user, I want to be able to submit a topic proposal so that a missing topic can be created
US212 Delete account medium As an authenticated user, I want to be able to delete my account
US213 Receive reputation medium As an authenticated user, I want to be able to receive 'reputation' points for participating in question threads and getting my content upvoted
US214 Add bounty medium As an authenticated user, I want to be able to add a bounty to any question using my reputation
US215 Propose answer edit low As an authenticated user, I want to be able to propose an edit to another user's answer
US216 Propose comment edit low As an authenticated user, I want to be able to propose an edit to another user's comment
US217 Report user medium As an authenticated user, I want to be able to report a misbehaving user
US218 Receive achievements medium As an authenticated user, I want to be able to receive achievements when I reach meaningful milestones
US219 Edit profile picture medium As an authenticated user, I want to be able to edit my profile picture when I feel like it


Identifier Name Priority Description
US31 Close question high As an author, I want to be able to mark an answer to my question as accepted, closing the question thread
US32 Tag questions high As an author, I want to be able to tag my questions with topics
US33 Edit questions medium As an author, I want to be able to edit my questions
US34 Edit tags medium As an author, I want to be able to edit my question's tags


Identifier Name Priority Description
US41 Edit answers medium As a moderator, I want to be able to edit a user's answer
US42 Edit questions medium As a moderator, I want to be able to edit a user's question
US43 Edit comments medium As a moderator, I want to be able to edit a user's comment
US44 Edit question tags medium As a moderator, I want to be able to edit a question's tags (topics)
US45 Accept/Reject edit medium As a moderator, I want to be able to accept or reject a user's edit proposal
US46 Close question medium As a moderator, I want to close a user's question, marking it as duplicate or deleting it if inappropriate


Identifier Name Priority Description
US51 View reported users high As an administrator, I want to be able to see a list of reported users
US52 Ban User high As an administrator, I want to be able to ban a reported user
US53 View topic proposals medium As an administrator, I want to be able to view all topic proposals
US54 Accept/decline topic proposals medium As an administrator, I want to be able to accept/decline topic proposals
US55 Remove moderator status low As an administrator, I want to be able to remove moderator status from an authenticated user if needed
US56 Add News low As an administrator, I want to be able to add news posts to the web site's news section

3. Supplementary Requirements

3.1. Business rules

A business rule defines or constrains one aspect of the business, to assert business structure or influence business behavior.

Identifier Name Description
BR01 Question Ownership Only the user who posted a question can mark an answer as accepted
BR02 Closing question A question is only closed in three cases: it has an answer marked as correct, it was marked as duplicate or it was marked as inappropriate
BR03 Single accepted answer A question can only have one accepted answer
BR04 Account deletion When a user deletes its account, its questions, answers, and comments are still kept in the system and publicly available. Only his profile and personal information are deleted
BR05 Self voting A authenticated user cannot vote on its own questions, answers, or comments
BR06 Self-moderation A moderator cannot perform moderation activities on its own questions.
BR07 Single bounty A question can only have 1 bounty.
BR08 No reopening questions Closed questions can't be re-opened.

3.2. Technical requirements

Technical requirements are concerned with the technical aspects that the system must meet, such as performance-related issues, reliability issues, and availability issues.

Identifier Name Description
TR01 Availability The system must be available 99 percent of the time in each 24-hour period
TR02 Accessibility The system must ensure that everyone can access the pages, regardless of whether they have any handicap or not, or the Web browser they use
TR03 Usability The system should be simple and easy to use
TR04 Performance The system should have response times shorter than 2s to ensure the user's attention
TR05 Web application The system should be implemented as a Web application with dynamic pages (HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, and PHP)
TR06 Portability The server-side system should work across multiple platforms (Linux, Mac OS, etc.)
TR07 Database The PostgreSQL database management system must be used
TR08 Security The system shall protect information from unauthorized access through the use of an authentication and verification system
TR09 Robustness The system must be prepared to handle and continue operating when runtime errors occur
TR10 Scalability The system must be prepared to deal with the growth in the number of users and their actions
TR11 Ethics The system must respect the ethical principles in software development (for example, the password must be stored encrypted to ensure that only the owner knows it)
TR12 Delivery The product shall be delivered in a pre-configured Docker image

Of these, the most important are: Accessibility (TR02), Usability (TR03), and Scalability (TR10). We should focus on these because the web app should be accessible to everyone despite any disabilities they might have. The web app will grow faster the more users we have, so we need to be able to keep up with the growth.

3.3. Restrictions

A restriction on the design limits the degree of freedom in the search for a solution.

Identifier Name Description
C01 Deadline The system should be ready to be used at the end of the second semester

A3: User Interface Prototype

Segmentation fault is a community for sharing knowledge online. People are encouraged to ask and answer questions, thus sharing what they know and leaving behind information to help others in the future.

This artefact aims to prototype the user interfaces and show how they interact with each other. It provides an overview of the interface elements and features, the sitemap, and wireflows of our project.

1. Interface and common features

Segmentation fault is a web application based on HTML5, JavaScript and CSS. The user interface was implemented using the Bootstrap framework.

Interface Guidelines

  1. Header Area
  2. Main Navigation Area
  3. Navigation Elements - Sidebar, Navbar
  4. Search Elements - search box
  5. Main Content Area
  6. Footer Area

Figure 1: Interface's guidelines.

In this picture, we highlighted the common characteristics of all pages:

  • We implemented a responsive design.
  • The sidebar is collapsible so the user can focus on the page's content without the sidebar taking much of the space of the screen.
  • The page title is displayed on both the navigation bar and on the sidebar so the user can easily identify it.
  • The search bar is kept on the navigation bar for both the desktop and mobile screens. This makes it consistent and easier for the user to search on our website from any page.
  • The user can easily log in and sign up from the sidebar without the need to leave the current page.
  • The current page is highlighted on the sidebar to make it stand out.

2. Sitemap

This is a visual representation of the relationship between the different pages of a website.


Figure 2: Sitemap.

3. Wireflows

The wireflows were designed in InVision.

Admin area Wireflow

Figure 3: Wireflow for navigation within the website.

Authentication Wireflow

Figure 4: Wireflow for authentication.

Admin area Wireflow

Figure 5: Wireflow centered on the admin area.

User area Wireflow

Figure 6: Wireflow centered on the user area.

4. Interfaces

Screenshots, structured in subsections, including a reference, a description, and a URL to the working version.

Page inventary:

  • UI01: Home
  • UI02: About
  • UI03: News
  • UI04: Profile
  • UI05: Leaderboard
  • UI06: Question
  • UI07: Add Question
  • UI09: Administration

UI01: Home

Guest Vision:

Home Page

Figure 7: Home Page - Desktop Guest Vision

Home Page Mobile

Figure 8: Home Page - Mobile Guest Vision

Administrator Vision:

Home Page

Figure 9: Home Page - Desktop Administrator Vision

Home Page Mobile

Figure 10: Home Page - Mobile Administrator Vision

Description: The home page is responsible for presenting the website. It highlights the main features and invites the user to register an account. When the user is logged in, the login and sign-up buttons disappear. An authenticated user can see that he is authenticated and check his notifications. An administrator is able to see a link to the administration page.

UI02: About

About Page

Figure 11: About Page - Desktop

About Page Mobile

Figure 12: About Page - Mobile

Description: The about page contains more detailed information about the website and its developer team.

UI03: News

News Page

Figure 13: News Page

News Page Mobile

Figure 14: News Page - Mobile

Description: The news page is a way for users to keep up with the latest news related to the website.

UI04: Profile

Profile - About Tab

Profile Page - About Tab

Figure 15: Profile Page - Desktop About Tab

Profile Page - About Tab Mobile

Figure 16: Profile Page - Mobile About Tab

Profile - Activity Tab

Profile Page - Activity Tab

Figure 17: Profile Page - Desktop Activity Tab

Profile Page - Activity Tab Mobile

Figure 18: Profile Page - Mobile Activity Tab

Profile - Achievements Tab

Profile Page - Achievements Tab

Figure 19: Profile Page - Desktop Achievements Tab

Profile Page - Achievements Tab Mobile

Figure 20: Profile Page - Desktop Achievements Tab

Description: The profile page presents the public information (about, activity, achievements) about a user in an organized way.

UI05: Leaderboard

Leaderboard Page

Figure 21: Leaderboard Page

Leaderboard Page Mobile

Figure 22: Leaderboard Page Mobile

Description: The leaderboard shows the current top users and questions on the website.

UI06: Question

Authenticated Vision:

Question Page

Figure 23: Question Page - Desktop Authenticated Vision

Question Page Mobile

Figure 24: Question Page - Mobile Authenticated Vision

Administrator Vision:

Question Page

Figure 25: Question Page - Desktop Administrator Vision

Question Page Mobile

Figure 26: Question Page - Mobile Administrator Vision

Description: A question's page shows the information about a question:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Topics
  • Bounty
  • Author
  • Replies
  • Comments

UI07: Add/Edit Question

Add/Edit Question Page

Figure 27: Add/Edit Question Page - Desktop

Add/Edit Question Page Mobile

Figure 28: Add/Edit Question Page - Mobile

Description: The add questions page is the page where the user inputs the question information (title, description, bounty, and topics) in other for other users to reply.

UI08: Search Results

Search Results Page - Questions Tab

Figure 29: Search Results Page - Desktop Questions Tab

Search Results Page - Questions Tab Mobile

Figure 30: Search Results Page - Mobile Questions Tab

Search Results Page - Users Tab

Figure 31: Search Results Page - Desktop Questions Tab

Search Results Page - Users Tab Mobile

Figure 32: Search Results Page - Mobile Questions Tab

Description: The search results page presents the users and questions that match a user's input on the website search bar.

UI09: Administration

Administration Page

Figure 33: Administration Page - Desktop.

Administration Page Mobile

Figure 34: Administration Page - Mobile.

Description: The administration page represents an area where an admin user can apply consult topic proposals, user reports, and moderator reports.

Revision history

Changes made to the first submission:

  • Divided US02-View profile into two user stories: US02-View other's profiles and US08-View own profile

  • Added US219-Edit profile picture

  • Added US13-Password recovery

  • Added US14-View news

  • Divided US07-View leaderboard into two user stories: US07-View users leaderboard and US09-View questions leaderboard

  • Divided US03-Search into two three stories: US03-Question search, US010-User search and US011-Topic search

  • Updated US priority from low to medium: US214, US217, US218

GROUP2113, 14/03/2021