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RFC: Introduce TypedCallable as a modern Function wrapper
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TypedCallable provides a wrapper for callable objects, with the following benefits:
    1. Enforced type-stability (for concrete AT/RT types)
    2. Fast calling convention (frequently < 10 ns / call)
    3. Normal Julia dispatch semantics (sees new Methods, etc.) + invoke_latest
    4. Pre-compilation support (including `--trim` compatibility)

It can be used like this:
callbacks = @TypedCallable{(::Int,::Int)->Bool}[]

register_callback!(callbacks, f::F) where {F<:Function} =
    push!(callbacks, @TypedCallable f(::Int,::Int)::Bool)

register_callback!(callbacks, (x,y)->(x == y))
register_callback!(callbacks, (x,y)->(x != y))

@Btime callbacks[rand(1:2)](1,1)

This is very similar to the existing `FunctionWrappers.jl`, but there
are a few key differences:
  - Better type support: TypedCallable supports the full range of Julia
    types (incl. Varargs), and it has access to all of Julia's "internal"
    calling conventions so calls are fast (and allocation-free) for a
    wider range of input types
  - Improved dispatch handling: The `@cfunction` functionality used by
    FunctionWrappers has several dispatch bugs, which cause wrappers to
    occasionally not see new Methods. These bugs are fixed (or soon to
    be fixed) for TypedCallable.
  - Pre-compilation support including for `juliac` / `--trim` (#55047)

Many of the improvements here are actually thanks to the `OpaqueClosure`
introduced by @Keno - This type just builds on top of OpaqueClosure to
provide an interface with Julia's usual dispatch semantics.
  • Loading branch information
topolarity committed Jul 13, 2024
1 parent 2b140ba commit feee5d5
Showing 1 changed file with 193 additions and 0 deletions.
193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions base/opaque_closure.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,3 +110,196 @@ function generate_opaque_closure(@nospecialize(sig), @nospecialize(rt_lb), @nosp
return ccall(:jl_new_opaque_closure_from_code_info, Any, (Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Cint, Any, Cint, Cint, Any, Cint, Cint),
sig, rt_lb, rt_ub, mod, src, lineno, file, nargs, isva, env, do_compile, isinferred)

struct Slot{T} end
struct Splat{T}

# Args is a Tuple{Vararg{Union{Slot{T},Some{T}}}} where Slot{T} represents
# an uncurried argument slot, and Some{T} represents an argument to curry.
@noinline @generated function Core.OpaqueClosure(Args::Tuple, ::Slot{RT}) where RT
AT = Any[]
call = Expr(:call)
extracted = Expr[]
closure_args = Expr(:tuple)
for (i, T) in enumerate(Args.parameters)
v = Symbol("arg", i)
is_splat = T <: Splat
if is_splat # TODO: check position
push!(call.args, :($v...))
T = T.parameters[1]
push!(call.args, v)
if T <: Some
push!(extracted, :($v = something(Args[$i])))
elseif T <: Slot
SlotT = T.parameters[1]
push!(AT, is_splat ? Vararg{SlotT} : SlotT)
push!(closure_args.args, call.args[end])
else @assert false end
AT = Tuple{AT...}
return Base.remove_linenums!(quote
@opaque allow_partial=false $AT->$RT $(closure_args)->@inline $(call)

TypedCallable provides a wrapper for callable objects, with the following benefits:
1. Enforced type-stability (for concrete AT/RT types)
2. Fast calling convention (frequently < 10 ns / call)
3. Normal Julia dispatch semantics (sees new Methods, etc.) + invoke_latest
This was specifically introduced to provide a form of Function-like that will be
compatible with the newly-introduced `--trim` without requiring fully specializing
on (singleton) `Function` types.
This is similar to the existing FunctionWrappers.jl, with the advantages that
TypedCallable supports the full range of Julia types/arguments, has a faster calling
convention for a wider range of types, and has better pre-compilation support
(including support for `--trim`).
If `invoke_latest` is `false`, the provide TypedCallable has normal Julia semantics.
Otherwise it always attempts to make the call in the current world.
# Extended help
### As an invalidation barrier
TypedCallable can also be used as an "invalidation barrier", since the caller of a
TypedCallable is not affected by any invalidations of its callee(s). This doesn't
completely cure the original invalidation, but it stops it from propagating all the
way through your code.
This can be especially helpful, e.g., when calling back to user-provided functions
whose invalidations you may have no control over.
mutable struct TypedCallable{AT,RT}
@atomic oc::Base.RefValue{Core.OpaqueClosure{AT,RT}}
const task::Union{Task,Nothing}
const build_oc::Function

function, tc::Base.Experimental.TypedCallable)
A, R = typeof(tc).parameters
Base.print(io, "@TypedCallable{")
Base.show_tuple_as_call(io, Symbol(""), A; hasfirst=false)
Base.print(io, "->◌::", R, "}()")

function rebuild_in_world!(@nospecialize(self::TypedCallable), world::UInt)
oc = Base.invoke_in_world(world, self.build_oc)
@atomic :release self.oc = Base.Ref(oc)
return oc

@inline function (self::TypedCallable{AT,RT})(args...) where {AT,RT}
invoke_world = if self.task === nothing
Base.get_world_counter() # Base.unsafe_load(cglobal(:jl_world_counter, UInt), :acquire) ?
elseif self.task === Base.current_task()
error("TypedCallable{...} was called from a different task than it was created in.")
oc = (@atomic :acquire self.oc)[]
if != invoke_world
oc = @noinline rebuild_in_world!(self, invoke_world)::Core.OpaqueClosure{AT,RT}
return oc(args...)

function _TypedCallable_type(ex)
type_err = "Invalid @TypedCallable expression: $(ex)\nExpected \"@TypedCallable{(::T,::U,...)->RT}\""

# Unwrap {...}
(length(ex.args) != 1) && error(type_err)
ex = ex.args[1]

# Unwrap (...)->RT
!(Base.isexpr(ex, :->) && length(ex.args) == 2) && error(type_err)
tuple_, rt = ex.args
if !(Base.isexpr(tuple_, :tuple) && all((x)->Base.isexpr(x, :(::)), tuple_.args))
# note: (arg::T, ...) is specifically allowed (the "arg" part is unused)
!Base.isexpr(rt, :block) && error(type_err)

# Remove any LineNumberNodes inserted by lowering
filter!((x)->!isa(x,Core.LineNumberNode), rt.args)
(length(rt.args) != 1) && error(type_err)

# Build args
AT = Expr[esc(last(x.args)) for x in tuple_.args]
RT = rt.args[1]

# Unwrap ◌::T to T
if Base.isexpr(RT, :(::)) && length(RT.args) == 2 && RT.args[1] == :◌
RT = RT.args[2]

return :($TypedCallable{Tuple{$(AT...)}, $(esc(RT))})

function _TypedCallable_closure(ex)
if Base.isexpr(ex, :call)
Invalid @TypedCallable expression: $(ex)
An explicit return type assert is required (e.g. "@TypedCallable f(...)::RT")

call_, RT = ex.args
if !Base.isexpr(call_, :call)
error("""Invalid @TypedCallable expression: $(ex)
The supported syntax is:
@TypedCallable{(::T,::U,...)->RT} (to construct the type)
@TypedCallable f(x,::T,...)::RT (to construct the TypedCallable)
oc_args = map(call_.args) do arg
is_splat = Base.isexpr(arg, :(...))
arg = is_splat ? arg.args[1] : arg
transformed = if Base.isexpr(arg, :(::))
if length(arg.args) == 1 # it's a "slot"
slot_ty = esc(only(arg.args))
elseif length(arg.args) == 2
(arg, ty) = arg.args
else @assert false end
return is_splat ? Expr(:call, Splat, transformed) : transformed
# TODO: kwargs support
RT = :(Slot{$(esc(RT))}())
invoke_latest = true # expose as flag?
task = invoke_latest ? nothing : :(Base.current_task())
return quote
build_oc = ()->Core.OpaqueClosure(($(oc_args...),), $(RT))
$(TypedCallable)(Ref(build_oc()), $task, build_oc)

macro TypedCallable(ex)
if Base.isexpr(ex, :braces)
return _TypedCallable_type(ex)
elseif Base.isexpr(ex, :call) || (Base.isexpr(ex, :(::)) && length(ex.args) == 2)
return _TypedCallable_closure(ex)
error("""Invalid @TypedCallable expression: $(ex)
The supported syntax is:
@TypedCallable{(::T,::U,...)->RT} (to construct the type)
@TypedCallable f(x,::T,...)::RT (to construct the TypedCallable)

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