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Cookiecutter template for a FastUI project with a custom React component

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Cookiecutter FastUI Starter Template

Powered by Cookiecutter, this project shows how to use FastUI with a custom component.



# Create a new project from the template
cookiecutter gh:JulianSobott/cookiecutter-fastui-starter
# Change into the new directory (adjust the name if you changed it)
cd fastui_starter
# Install python dependencies
poetry install

cd fastui_starter_app
# Install node dependencies
npm install

Hot Fix for fastui-bootstrap (temporary fix until the package is updated)

Since something is wrong with the fastui-bootstrap package, you need to adjust it manually.
In fastui_starter_app/node_modules/@pydantic/fastui-bootstrap.package.json change the following lines:

  "name": "@pydantic/fastui-bootstrap",
  "version": "0.0.22",
  "description": "Boostrap renderer for FastUI",
- "main": "dist/index.js",
+ "main": "dist/npm-fastui-bootstrap/src/index.js",
- "types": "dist/index.d.ts",
+ "types": "dist/npm-fastui-bootstrap/src/index.d.ts",

Final file should start like this:

  "name": "@pydantic/fastui-bootstrap",
  "version": "0.0.22",
  "description": "Boostrap renderer for FastUI",
  "main": "dist/npm-fastui-bootstrap/src/index.js",
  "types": "dist/npm-fastui-bootstrap/src/index.d.ts",
  "author": "Samuel Colvin",

Usage in Development

Start backend and frontend with hot-reload.

# start the backend with reload (adjust fastui_starter to your project name)
poetry run uvicorn fastui_starter_app.main:app --reload
cd fastui_starter_app

# run the frontend in development mode
npm run dev

Usage in Production

# build frontend
cd fastui_starter_app
npm run build
cd ..
# start backend
poetry run uvicorn fastui_starter_app.main:app

Adding a new component


  1. Create a new React function component. For example in src/App.tsx
const MyComponent: FC<{ text: string }> = ({ text }) => {
  return <div>Message from my own component: {text}</div>;
  1. return it in the customRender function in src/App.tsx
const customRender: CustomRender = (props) => {
  const { type } = props
  // You can name your library whatever you want (e.g. yourLib)
  if (type === 'Custom' && props.library === "yourLib") {
    switch (props.subType) {
      // Add your components here
      case 'MyComponent':
        return () => <MyComponent text={ as string} />
        return bootstrap.customRender(props)
  } else {
    return bootstrap.customRender(props)


  1. Use it with the Custom class:
    return [
        c.Page(  # Page provides a basic container for components
                c.Custom(data='This is a custom component', sub_type="myComponent", library="yourLib"),
  1. Optionally, you can create a function to generate the Custom component:
def my_component(text: str) -> c.Custom:
    return c.Custom(data=text, sub_type="myComponent", library="yourLib")
# ...
    return [
        c.Page(  # Page provides a basic container for components
                my_component('This is a custom component'),


Cookiecutter template for a FastUI project with a custom React component




