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Is a Google App Script gs file containing a class that can make interactions with SWGoH Comlink easier.


Google App Script has limitations that the current /localization and /data endpoints exceed. URL Fetch response size has a limit of 50mb which most data segments exceed and localization has to be unzipped and converted into text with .getDataAsString() which has a limit of 100mb which it greatly exceeds. Due to these limitations a few versions of this wrapper have been created.


  • ComlinkAPI - This is a library file accepts a hosted Comlink url, Comlink for Github or the api url and will utilize swgoh-utils/damedata repo to provide the data files. You can use the following Script ID to use it in your sheets:


If wanting it directly in your project to utilize the jsdoc you should create a new script file in your Google App Script project and then copy and paste this file into it. This file uses the ES6 so you must set your Google App Script project to utilize the V8 runtime, for instructions on how to do that check

Otherwise you can add it as a library by clicking on Libraries and pasting the above Script ID into it and selecting the newest version.



host String
The full url path that the api data resides on. This can be your Heroku App web address or your forked Github repository.

accessKey String | Optional
The public key required if HMAC has been enabled for Comlink connections.

secretKey String | Optional
The private key required if HMAC has been enabled for Comlink connections.

language String | Optional
The language to localize the responses in. Default is "ENG_US".

// Copied file
const api = new Comlink(host, accessKey, secretKey, language);

// Library
const api = new libraryName.Comlink(host, accessKey, secretKey, language);

Usage Examples

//Instantiate Class
const api = new Comlink(host, accessKey, secretKey, language);
//Get player raw profile
const player = api.fetchPlayers([allyCode])[0];
//Get player profile, no enums, and adds additional unit details
const player = api.fetchPlayers[[allyCode],false,true)[0];
//Get a list of guild profiles
const guilds = api.fetchGuilds([guildID,guildID]);
//Get a guild profile, add player profiles to it, and adds additional unit details
const guildRoster = api.fetchGuildRosters([guildID], false, true)[0];
//Get several guild profiles, add player profiles to it, and adds additional unit details
const guildData = api.fetchGuildRosters([guildID], false, true);


.fetchPlayers(id, enums, preBuild)

Returns the specified player profile from the api. Includes options for return the data with additional details.


id Array
List of player's ally codes or player ids to retrieve data for.

enums Bool | Optional
Flag to return enum values in the response. Currently not enabled for Github. If you want the Github data to use enums you must select it in the Command Line Tool when generating the player.json file. Default is false.

preBuild Bool | Optional
Flag to return response with additional data that is all localized. Default is false.

limit Integer | Optional
Indicates how many profiles to fetch at once from the api. Default is 10, limit is 100.

.fetchGuilds(id, enums)

Returns a list of specified guild profiles from the api.


id Array
List of player ally codes, player ids, or guild ids to retrieve data for. Player Ids require the isPlayerID flag to be true.

enums Bool | Optional
Flag to return enum values in the response. Currently not enabled for Github. If you want the Github data to use enums you must select it in the Command Line Tool when generating the player.json file. Default is false.

isPlayerID Bool | Optional
Flag to indicate that all of the ids being used are player ids. Default is false.

.fetchGuildRosters(id, enums, preBuild)

Returns a list of specified guild profiles from the api and adds player profiles for each member in the guild.


id Array
List of player ally codes, player ids, or guild ids.

enums Bool | Optional
Flag to return enum values in the response. Currently not enabled for Github. If you want the Github data to use enums you must select it in the Command Line Tool when generating the player.json file. Default is false.

preBuild Bool | Optional
Flag to return response with additional data that is all localized. Default is false.

isPlayerID Bool | Optional
Flag to indicate that all of the ids being used are player ids. Default is false.

.fetchData(collections, enums)

Returns the specified game data collections.


collections Array
An array of specified collection names, see SWGOH Comlink Wiki for full list.
Also accepts the following named groups:

  • "for_gameData" = collections required for building gameData.json
  • "for_conquest" - all collections related to Conquest
  • "for_abilities" - all collections related to unit abilities
  • "for_territoryBattles" - all collectons related to Territory Battles
  • "for_playerProfile" - all collections used to expand player data
  • "for_datacrons" - all collections related to Datacrons
  • "for_grandArena" - all collections related to Grand Arena

enums Bool | Optional
Flag to return enum values in the response. Currently not enabled for Github. If you want the Github data to use enums you must select it in the Command Line Tool when generating the player.json file. Default is false.


Returns the current and upcoming events for the game. Does not include guild events or surprise events.

.fetchGuildByName(name, count, enums)

Returns a list of guild profiles that contain the specified name in them.


name String
The name of the guild.

count Integer | Optional
The number of results to return.

enums Bool | Optional
Flag to return enum values in the response. Currently not enabled for Github. If you want the Github data to use enums you must select it in the Command Line Tool when generating the player.json file. Default is false.


Returns a list of guild profiles that match the criteria.


options Object
Contains the keys and values to search for.

minMemberCount: 1-50 Default is 1
maxMemberCount: 1-50 Default is 50
minGUildGalacticPower: 1+ Default is 1
maxGuildGalacticPower: 1+ Default is 999999999
count: 1-10000 Default is 10000

enums Bool | Optional
Flag to return enum values in the response. Currently not enabled for Github. If you want the Github data to use enums you must select it in the Command Line Tool when generating the player.json file. Default is false.

.fetchGrandArenaBracket(eventID, groupID)

Returns the specified GAC bracket leaderboard. Can only be retrieved during the event and on returns data for that specific GAC.


eventID String
The event id and instance id from the .fetchEvents method.

groupID String
The event id, instance id, league name, and bracket number 0+ separated by :

.fetchGrandArenaLeaderboards(league, division, enums)

Returns the specified Top 50 Grand Arena League and Division Leaderboard.


league Integer
The numeric value for the league.

20 = Carbonite
40 = Bronzium
60 = Chromium
80 = Aurodium
100 = Kyber

division Integer
The numeric value for the division.

5 = 5
10 = 4
15 = 3
20 = 4
25 = 1

.fetchGuildLeaderboards(type, month, count, event, enums)

Returns the specified guild leaderboard

type Integer
The type of leaderboard to get.

0 = Total Raid Points
2 = Specified Raid Points
3 = Galactic Power
4 = Territory Battle
5 = Territory Wars

month Integer | Optional
Indicates returning this month or previous

0 = Current month
1 = Previous month

count Integer | Optional
The number of results tp return. Default and max is 200.

event String | **Required for types 2, 4, and 5
The id of the event to get.

sith_raid = Sith Triumverate
rancor = The Pit
aat = Tank Takedown
rancor_challenge = The Pit: Challenge Tier
t01D = Rebel Assault
t02D = Imperial Retaliation
t03D = Separatist Might
t04D = Republic Offensive
t05D = Rise of the Empire

enums Bool | Optional
Flag to return enum values in the response. Currently not enabled for Github. If you want the Github data to use enums you must select it in the Command Line Tool when generating the player.json file. Default is false.


Returns the game data in the specified language for some values.


language String The ISO 639 language code and ISO 3166 country code for the language. Default is "ENG_US". The default is to use the language setting setup during initializing the class.


Returns the enum values in the data which are named values versus integer values.
Currently not available for SWGoH Comlink for GitHub users. You would enable the enums in the parameters for it so it saves them to your forked repo.


Returns an object with deatils on mod sets. Set names can be localized.


Returns an object with details on stats.Stat names can be localized.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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