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Utility libraries for DotNetCore WebAPI projects

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To configure swagger with default Lykke options, add next invocation to your Startup.ConfigureServices method:

services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
    options.DefaultLykkeConfiguration("v1", "Your API name");

What this invocation actualy do:

  • Setups API version and description, using arguments passed by you
  • Enables enum serialization as string values, not numbers
  • Enables xms-enum extension, which allows Autorest to generate enums on client side
  • Includes xml-documentation, if xml-file generation enabled in your project. (xml file name should equals assembly file name)
  • Makes response value types to be not nullable, when client code is generated by autorest

If you need individual swagger configuration, you can use next extensions:


// Enables "x-ms-enum" swagger extension, which allows Autorest tool generates enum or set of string constants for each server-side enum.
// Optionaly you can specify XmsEnumExtensionsOptions to configure extension


// Includes source code's XML documentation into swagger document.
// Documentation will be included to swagger document only if assembly's 
// XML documentation file generation enabled and it's name corresponds to the assembly name.


/// Makes response value types to be not nullable, when client code is generated by autorest


To configure default Lykke middleware, add next invocation to your Startup.Configure method:

app.UseLykkeMiddleware("Your main component name", ex => ErrorResponse.Create("Technical problem"), logClientErrors: true);

What this invocation actualy do:

  • Registers global error handling middleware, which logs uncaught errors and sends json error response, which in turn specified by delegate.
  • Registers client error handling middleware, which logs HTTP 4xx errors. It is optional, you can omit logClientErrors argument, if it's not necessary.

If you need individual middleware configuration, you can use next extensions:


// Adds global error handler, which logs uncaught errors and sends json error response, which in turn specified by delegate
app.UseMiddleware<GlobalErrorHandlerMiddleware>("Your main component name", ex => ErrorResponse.Create("Technical problem"));


// Adds client error handler, which logs HTTP 4xx errors
app.UseMiddleware<ClientErrorHandlerMiddleware>("Your main component name");