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Maria edited this page Nov 18, 2022 · 1 revision


  • Open a treatment plan and place it in a new course. It is a good idea to have unique names for each phase image, however not necessary.
  • Run the script ...\Evaluering4D_v3.esapi.dll.
  • Choose the treatment plan in the dropdown menu and press Select plan.
  • Define CTV1, CTV2 and Spinal cord and define the prescribed dose to the CTVs and the evaluation dose to the OAR. This part can also be completely skipped.
  • Chose which 3D images that is to be used for each phase in the dropdown-menus under 4D image.
  • Press Evaluate: Select images if there already exists plans on the phases and you only wish to evaluate. ** Select the plans for each phase and press Evaluate: Evaluate plans.
  • Press Create and evaluate: Select images if the plan has to be copied to each phase and calculated. ** Use Create and evaluate: Prepare images to select the same calibration curve and structure overwrites as the main CT. The couch structures must be copied to every phase beforehand, the script will only perform the overwrite if the structures exist. This step can be skipped. ** Press Create and evaluate: Create plans. All plans are now calculated. This can take a while, and the interface will freeze. Have patience. It seems VMAT plans are extremely slow. Go get some coffee.
  • Use Export DVHs to export DVHs. They will be exported for all structures and for the robust scenarios of the main plan.
  • The section Errors and messages will write out messages and/or errors.
  • Close the window manually. If there are new plans calculated they have to be saved by the user in the main Eclipse window.


Tips, tricks and known issues

  • VMAT plans are very slow.
  • Only the two buttons Create and evaluate: Prepare images and Create and evaluate: Create plans' will write to the database.
  • If AcurosPT is used, the plans will only be copied and not calculated if there is no materials table selected.
  • When 4D phases are automatically found the DCPT specific strings are used. These are defined in the method: SelectPlan_Click.
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