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Javier Colombera edited this page Dec 24, 2023 · 4 revisions


This node allows you to edit deferred interactions, respond autocomplete commands, edit ephemeral responses and so on. The result depends on what type of interaction you are modifying.


These are all the inputs this node takes. Below are specifc examples for use cases which also shows what variables are required for that action.

Input Type Options Description
msg.action String edit, respondAutocomplete The action you wish to perform. When not set edit is default.
msg.interactionid Number Interaction identificator number.
msg.payload String The string you wish to send or the new content of a message when editing.
msg.embeds Object or Array An embed object or an array of embed objects.
msg.attachments String, Object or Array A location to an attachment. Can be online by URL, an object with a buffer payload or a file in the local filesystem.
msg.autoCompleteChoices Array Optional. In autocomplete interactions, the filtered or non-filtered options to respond.
msg.components Array An array of component objects.

Editing deferred reply

Commands and select menus are replied by default. DiscordInteraction node defers the reply and this node can edit it. Component interactions that have been replied in discordInteraction node,they can be edited it also.

Editing deferred update

For component interactions that have been updated in the Discord Interaction node, they can be edited by this node.