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A tiny library to compare objects as values in ECMAScript


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A tiny library to compare objects as values in ECMAScript

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Use the npm package manager to install Evaluable.

npm i evaluable


Evaluable provides a function compare equality of anything in ECMAScript as a value. It is similar to the “same-value-zero” algorithm, which is used in collections such as Set and Map, but it considers the methods equals or overwritten valueOf. See the API bellow to check every rule.

import { is } from 'evaluable';

is(null, null); // returns true

is(null, undefined); // returns false

is(null, ''); // returns false

is(+0, -0); // returns true

is(0.1 + 0.2, 0.3); // returns true

is(NaN, NaN); // returns true

is('abc', 'abc'); // returns true

is('\u00F1', '\u006E\u0303'); // returns true

is(new Date(0), new Date(0)); // returns true

is(new Number(2), new Number(2)); // returns true

You can also create custom classes with the equals method, and the is function will call it.

import { is } from 'evaluable';

class Box {
  constructor(value) {
    this.value = value;

  equals(other) {
    return (
      this === other || (other instanceof Box && this.value === other.value)

is(new Box(0), new Box(0)); // returns true

is(new Box(0), new Box(1)); // returns false

For TypeScript users, you can import the Evaluable<T> interface to guide the creation of objects that compared as values.

import { type Evaluable, is } from 'evaluable';
import { hash } from 'cruxhash';

class Point2D implements Evaluable {
  x: number;
  y: number;

  constructor(x: number, y: number) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

  equals(other: unknown): boolean {
    return (
      this === other ||
      (other !== null &&
        other instanceof Point2D &&
        this.x === other.x &&
        this.y === other.y)

  hashCode(): number {
    return hash(this);

const a = new Point2D(3, 4);
const b = new Point2D(5, 12);
const c = new Point2D(3, 4);

is(a, b); // returns false
is(a, c); // returns true
is(b, c); // returns false

To ensure compatibility with Immutable.js, the Evaluable<T> interface will enforce the implementation of the hashCode method. You can use the CRUXHash library to easily create hashes from objects.



is(a, b, delta?): boolean

Returns true if the inputs have the same value, false otherwise.

Two inputs, a and b, have the same value if:

  • Both are undefined;
  • Both are null;
  • Both are true or both false;
  • Both are the same symbol;
  • Both are the same bigint;
  • Both are strings with same length and with the same sequence of code points in the Unicode Normalized NFC form;
  • Both are numbers and:
    • both are NaN;
    • both are Infinite or both are -Infinite;
    • both are equals by some delta tolerance. Default: Number.EPSILON.
  • Both are objects and:
    • have the equals method and a.equals(b) returns true, or;
    • have the valueOf method overwritten and is(a.valueOf(), b.valueOf()) returns true, or;
    • are the same object, i.e., both references the same memory address.

The is function differs from:

  • the == operator, because it does not perform a type conversion when comparing the inputs;
  • the === operator, because it returns true when comparing NaN with NaN;
  • the method, because it returns true when comparing +0 and -0;
  • the “same-value-zero” algorithm, which is used in collections such as Set and Map, because it considers the results of equals and overwritten valueOf methods.
  • the method because it only considers the results of equals methods and does not check the delta tolerance when comparing numbers.


Name Type Default value Description
a unknown - an input
b unknown - another input
delta number Number.EPSILON the minimum difference between two numbers



true if the inputs have the same value, false otherwise.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
