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Efficiently calculate the longest total stopping times of Collatz sequences.


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Collatz Conjecture Simulator

A C program to efficiently determine the total stopping time of the Collatz sequence of any 128-bit integer starting value, and output all starting values $n$ whose total stopping time is the greatest of all integers in the interval $[1, n]$.

The Collatz Conjecture

The Collatz Conjecture is a famous unsolved mathematical problem. It regards the Collatz function, a mathematical function which takes a positive integer input $n$ and gives a positive integer output $f(n)$. If the input is even, the function returns half the input. If the input is odd, the function returns triple the input, plus one.

$$f(n) = \begin{cases} n/2 & \text{if } n \equiv 0 \pmod 2\\\ 3n+1 & \text{if } n \equiv 1 \pmod 2 \end{cases}$$

The Collatz function can be applied recursively, meaning given an initial input $n$ and resultant output $f(n)$, this first output can be used as an input, resulting in a second output $f(f(n))$. This second output can again be used as an input, resulting in a third output $f^3(n)$. And so on.

By applying the Collatz function recursively, the sequence of successive inputs and outputs will form a Collatz sequence. If a Collatz sequence includes the value $1$, then the number of elements in the sequence from the starting value to the first instance of the value $1$ is the total stopping time. That is, given a starting value $n$ and total stopping time $k$, $f^k(n) = 1$.

The Collatz Conjecture states that for all positive integer starting values $n$, finite recursive application of the Collatz function will eventually result in the value $1$. Using mathematical logic:

$$\forall n \in \mathbb{Z}_{> 0}, \exists k \in \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0} : f^k(n) = 1$$

The Simulation

This program aims to find the Collatz sequences with the greatest total stopping times. That is, positive integer values $n$ such that of the set of integers in the interval $[1, n]$, the starting value with the greatest total stopping time is $n$. Total stopping times are calculated by iterating through Collatz sequences and counting each step (application of the Collatz function) until a value of $1$ is found.

Due to every iteration through a Collatz sequence being computationally independent of any other, it is possible to calculate the total stopping times of multiple starting values simultaneously. As such, the program uses the GPU to iterate through multiple Collatz sequences in parallel. The GPU is accessed via the Vulkan API, and uses compute shaders to perform the iterations. The program is primarily written in C, and the shaders are written in GLSL.

Program Requirements

  • C11
    • _Atomic
    • __int128
    • Little endian
  • CMake 3.21
  • pthreads
  • glslc
  • Vulkan 1.1
    • storageBuffer16BitAccess
    • synchronization2
    • timelineSemaphore

Building and Running

The program is built via CMake. To generate the build system, navigate the terminal to the project directory and execute the following command. To specify a debug or release build system, add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug or -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release, respectively.

cmake -S . -B build

A build directory will be created containing the build system. To build the program, execute the following command. To specify a debug or release build, add --config Debug or --config Release, respectively.

cmake --build build

A bin directory will be created containing the compiled compute shaders and program executable. To run the program, execute CollatzConjectureSimulator.exe from within the bin directory. If not executed inside the bin directory, the program will be unable to locate the compiled shaders.

If in debug, a debug_log.txt file will be created during execution containing all debug callbacks from the Vulkan API via a VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT object, if VK_EXT_debug_utils is present. If logging Vulkan allocations, an alloc_log.txt file will be created during execution containing all allocation callbacks from the Vulkan API via a VkAllocationCallbacks object. During execution, a pipeline_cache.bin file will be created containing the data from a VkPipelineCache object. This file will be read by the program if run again.


To facilitate this use of the GPU, inout-buffers are used. Inout-buffers are ranges of GPU memory within VkBuffer objects and consist of an in-buffer and out-buffer. In-buffers are shader storage buffer objects (SSBOs) and contain an array of 128-bit unsigned integer starting values. Out-buffers are also SSBOs and contain an array of 16-bit unsigned integer total stopping times (step counts).

The main loop consists of the CPU writing starting values to in-buffers; the GPU reading starting values from in-buffers, iterating through Collatz sequences, and writing step counts to out-buffers; and the CPU reading steps counts from out-buffers. The number of inout-buffers is dependent on the system's specifications. There are one or more inout-buffers per VkBuffer object, one VkBuffer object per VkDeviceMemory object, and two or more VkDeviceMemory objects.

The program attempts to minimise the time spent idle by the CPU and GPU due to one waiting for the other to complete execution. Such as the GPU waiting for starting values, or the CPU waiting for step counts. This is done by having an even number of VkDeviceMemory objects, where half contain memory close to the GPU (device local memory), and half contain memory visible to both the CPU and GPU (host visible memory). There are therefore four types of memory ranges: host visible in-buffers (HV-in), host visible out-buffers (HV-out), device local in-buffers (DL-in), and device local out-buffers (DL-out).

Rather than the CPU and GPU taking turns executing, both processors spend time running in parallel. The CPU reads and writes host visible inout-buffers, and the GPU reads and writes device local inout-buffers, simultaneously. Starting values are written to HV-in, copied from HV-in to DL-in, and read from DL-in. Step counts are written to DL-out, copied from DL-out to HV-out, and read from HV-out.

CPU -> HV-in -> DL-in -> GPU -> DL-out -> HV-out -> CPU

Preprocessor configurations

The program defines various preprocessor macros in defs.h whose definitions can be changed to configure the behaviour of the program.

MIN_TEST_VALUE_TOP and MIN_TEST_VALUE_BOTTOM are the upper and lower 64 bits, respectively, of the 128-bit starting value the program will test first. Subsequent tested starting values will linearly increase from there onwards.

MAX_STEP_VALUE_TOP and MAX_STEP_VALUE_BOTTOM are the upper and lower 64 bits, respectively, of the 128-bit starting value with the current highest step count. That is, in the set of integers from 1 to MIN_TEST_VALUE, the starting value with the highest step count is MAX_STEP_VALUE.

MAX_STEP_COUNT is the step count of the starting value MAX_STEP_VALUE. By configuring MIN_TEST_VALUE, MAX_STEP_VALUE, and MAX_STEP_COUNT, the program can resume testing starting values from exactly where it last ended.

MAX_HEAP_MEMORY is a floating-point value within the interval $(0, 1)$, describing the maximum proportion of available memory in a VkMemoryHeap the program can allocate via vkAllocateMemory. For example, a value of 0.8f means at most 80% of available memory in any GPU memory heap will be allocated for inout-buffers. If VK_EXT_memory_budget is present, available memory refers to the VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXT::heapBudget of a memory heap. Elsewise, it refers to the corresponding VkMemoryHeap::size.

QUERY_BENCHMARKING is a boolean value describing whether or not the program will benchmark Vulkan commands via queries. If 1, the vkCmdCopyBuffer and vkCmdDispatchBase commands will be benchmarked.

LOG_VULKAN_ALLOCATIONS is a boolean value describing whether or not the program will log memory allocations performed by the Vulkan API via a VkAllocationCallbacks object.

EXTENSION_LAYERS is a boolean value describing whether or not the Khronos extension layers will be enabled, if present. This includes VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_synchronization2 and VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_timeline_semaphore. This value should be 1 if either VK_KHR_synchronization2 or VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore are not present.

PROFILE_LAYERS is a boolean value describing whether or not the Khronos profiles layer will be enabled, namely VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_profiles.

VALIDATION_LAYERS is a boolean value describing whether or not the Khronos validation layer will be enabled, namely VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation.

END_ON is an integer value describing when the program will terminate. If 1, the program will end on user input, namely when either of the enter or return keys are pressed. If 2, the program will end when the main loop has performed a particular number of loops, such as 20 or 10 000. If 3, the program will end when a new starting value is found to have the highest step count so far.