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Chuck Walbourn edited this page Feb 28, 2024 · 116 revisions

The DeviceResources class is an abstraction for the device & swapchain, and optionally a depth buffer. It's used in a number of DirectX Visual Studio Templates and samples as it simplifies the code by moving 'boilerplate' to a distinct set of files.

For the DirectX 12 version, see DeviceResources

Related tutorial: Using DeviceResources


#include "DeviceResources.h"


The Win32 and UWP versions both implement an abstract interface to simplify handling of "lost device" scenarios.

interface IDeviceNotify
    virtual void OnDeviceLost() = 0;
    virtual void OnDeviceRestored() = 0;

The Game class derives from this interface, and you should call RegisterDeviceNotify to provide the instance to the DR abstraction.

Xbox titles do not encounter "device removed" or "lost device" scenarios, so that version of DeviceResources does not have this interface. UWP on Xbox still requires supporting this scenario.


Typically the DR is used as follows:

Game::Game() noexcept(false)
    m_deviceResources = std::make_unique<DX::DeviceResources>();

void Game::Initialize(HWND window, int width, int height)
    m_deviceResources->SetWindow(window, width, height);

    // Create device-dependent resources

    // Create windows-size dependent resourcdes

The DeviceResources constructor takes a number of defaulted parameters to control backBufferFormat, depthBufferFormat, backBufferCount, minFeatureLevel, and option flags. You can provide specific values to change them as needed.

If depthBufferFormat is set to DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, then no depth/stencil buffer is created. It usually defaults to DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FORMAT, but for UWP it defaults to D24_UNORM_S8_UINT to support 9.x Direct3D hardware feature levels.

The backBufferCount defaults to 2, but in some cases you may want to override it to use 3. Larger numbers would be quite unusual and are not recommended or supported by this implementation.

The minFeatureLevel defaults to 10 for PC and 9.3 for UWP. You can specify a higher hardware level if you want to take a hard dependency on additional capabilities.

The flags parameter is covered below in Device Options.


  • CreateDeviceResources: Creates the device.

  • CreateWindowSizeDependentResources: Creates the resources that depend on the windows size. This function can be called more than once.

  • SetWindow: Sets the native window handle and initial width/height. Must be called before creating the windows dependent resources.

  • WindowSizeChanged: Sets a new width/height for the window which calls CreateWindowSizeDependentResources again if the size is different.

  • HandleDeviceLost, RegisterDeviceNotify: Device removed (a.k.a. "Lost device") handling.

  • Present: Presents the current backbuffer and swaps buffers.

For Xbox One DirectX 11.X "fast semantics", there is also a Prepare method which must be called at the start of a rendering frame before clearing the render target.


  • GetOutputSize: Returns the output size of the presentation window associated with the device.

  • GetD3DDevice: Returns the Direct3D device.

  • GetD3DDeviceContext: Returns the Direct3D device context.

  • GetSwapChain: Returns the DXGI swap chain interface.

  • GetDXGIFactory: Returns the DXGI factory interface.

  • GetDeviceFeatureLevel: Returns the Direct3D hardware feature level in use.

  • GetRenderTarget, GetDepthStencil: Returns the texture objects for the swap chain & depth/stencil buffer.

  • GetRenderTargetView: Returns the render target view for the swap chain back-buffer.

  • GetDepthStencilView: Returns the depth/stencil buffer created for the back-buffer.

  • GetBackBufferFormat: Returns the format of the render target returned by GetRenderTargetView.

  • GetDepthBufferFormat: Returns the format of the depth/stencil buffer returned by GetDepthStencilView.

  • GetScreenViewport: Returns a viewport for the swap chain back-buffer.

  • GetBackBufferCount: Returns the number of back-buffers in the swap chain.

  • GetColorSpace: Returns the current color space of the window (used with c_EnableHDR).

  • GetDeviceOptions: Returns the device options based on the ctor flags. If the system does not support the option, the flag will be cleared.

Device Options

  • c_FlipPresent: Prefer the use of "flip" style swap per this blog post on Windows 10 systems.
  • c_AllowTearing: Enable variable refresh rate (a.k.a. NVIDIA’s G-SYNC, AMD’s FreeSync, and VESA DisplayPort Adaptive-Sync) if supported.
  • c_EnableHDR: Enable HDR10 output if supported. See below.
  • c_FastSemantics (Xbox One XDK only): Create the 11.x device with "fast semantics" enabled.
  • c_Enable4K_UHD (Xbox One XDK only): Enable 4k swapchain if supported, otherwise use 1080p.

Threading model

The DeviceResources class methods are intended to be called from the main presenting thread, and not from other threads. The device context associated with DeviceResources is the immediate context, and is intended for use by this 'main' thread. Per the DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI): Best Practices, this presenting thread should also be the same thread as the main window message processing.

Platform notes

Windows desktop apps

The DeviceResources implementation is designed to support Direct3D 11.1 on Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 8.x, or later which provides significant improvements such as simplified interop with Direct2D/DirectWrite.

Older versions of this DeviceResources supported Windows Vista Service Pack 2 and Windows 7 RTM with DirectX 11.0. The implementation has since been changed to require DirectX 11.1 to simplify the code. If you need details on the differences, see this blog post

Universal Windows Platform apps

The UWP version of DeviceResources always uses DirectX 11.3 interfaces.

It includes GetRotation and GetOrientationTransform3D to simplify handling of display orientation.

m_spritesBatch->SetRotation( m_deviceResources->GetRotation() );

Matrix perspectiveMatrix = Matrix::CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(
    fovAngleY, aspectRatio, nearDist, farDist );
m_projection = perspectiveMatrix * m_deviceResources->GetOrientationTransform3D();


XMMATRIX projection = XMMatrixPerspectiveFovLH(
    fovAngleY, aspectRatio, nearDist, farDist );
XMMATRIX orient = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m_deviceResources->GetOrientationTransform3D() );
projection *= orient;

This platform also uses two additional methods:

  • ValidateDevice is called from the DisplayInformation::DisplayContentsInvalidated handler, which can trigger a 'device removed' event.
  • Trim is called from the CoreApplication::Suspending handler, generally after calling ClearState on the device context.

The version of DeviceResources in the Visual Studio Universal Windows platform "Direct3D 11 App" template is a little different than the one linked above, although the basic design is the same. The primary difference is that the "Direct3D 11 App" template includes Direct2D and explicit WIC factory handling. It also returns the render target view with GetBackBufferRenderTargetView instead of GetRenderTargetView.

Xbox One

The Xbox One XDK version of DeviceResources does not include the 'device lost' handling, and always uses a fixed back-buffer size. There is also a Prepare method for optional support of Direct3D 11.X "fast semantics".



Since the DeviceResources class is now in it's own file and no longer directly impacts the readability of the rest of the template, it has a few enhancements compared to the handling in non-DR templates.

  • If the SDK Debug Layer is not present on the target system when running Debug configurations, it will automatically fallback to creating the device without debugging.
  • The DR version always uses D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_BGRA_SUPPORT which is required for Direct2D/DirectWrite interop if that's desired.
  • If no hardware device is available, the DR version will fall back to using WARP in non-production builds as this is useful for debugging and validation.
  • In Debug configurations, additional diagnostic messages are output to the debug window.
  • Rather than always using the default Direct3D device, the DR version will filter out the Microsoft Basic Render Driver adapter as this fallback software device is seldom acceptable performance for games.


Wide-gamut HDR rendering

If the ctor is created with the c_EnableHDR option flag, then the GetColorSpace property (on PC/UWP) needs to be used to determine if the swapchain is currently using sRGB (DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709), Linear (DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G10_NONE_P709), or HDR10 (DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G2084_NONE_P2020) values. This can change whenever the window is moved or the HDR mode of the TV is modified, so should be checked each frame.

The HDR display support requires the Windows 10 Creators Update (15063) and must be built with the Windows 10 Creators Update SDK (15063).

The backBufferFormat for PC/UWP should be DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM for rendering in HDR10 or DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT for rendering linear float values. The ToneMapPostProcess class supports the required color transformations for preparing an HDR10 signal, or tone-mapping for non-HDR displays.

For Xbox One, the backBufferFormat is actually the GameDVR SDR swapchain format which can be any 8:8:8:8 or 10:10:10:2 UNORM format. The HDR swapchain in this case is always DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM using HDR10. You would typically use ToneMapPostProcess with the MRT mode enabled to generate both HDR10 and SDR signals at the same time.

See the tutorial Using HDR rendering for example usage.

Further reading

The Care and Feeding of Modern Swap Chains
Anatomy of Direct3D 11 Create Device

Direct3D Win32 Game Visual Studio template (Redux)

Linear-Space Lighting (i.e. Gamma)
Chapter 24. The Importance of Being Linear, GPU Gems 3
Gamma-correct rendering

For Use

  • Universal Windows Platform apps
  • Windows desktop apps
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 7 Service Pack 1
  • Xbox One

For Development

  • Visual Studio 2022
  • Visual Studio 2019 (16.11)
  • clang/LLVM v12 - v18
  • MinGW 12.2, 13.2
  • CMake 3.20

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